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Услуги переводчика. 1 страница (1800 знаков с пробелами) - 200 руб.
Дистанционные уроки английского языка, современные методики.
Курсовые, контрольные работы, тесты - на заказ. Проверка на антиплагиат.
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«  Январь 2025  »
Архив записей

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Гостей: 2
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Present Continuous

Present Continuous

1. Make up sentences.

1. He – to have talks – He is having talks.

2. We – to discuss –

3. The secretary – to work -

4. The businessman – to meet customers -

6. The businessmen – to speak English -

7. I – to play football -

8. Mr Bell – to read a message –

9. Mr Bell’s children – to have a lesson –

10. You – to go to the office –

11. She – to clean the flat –

12. Mr Stanly and Mr Bell – to drive home –

13. They – to visit friends -

14. I – to watch a film -


2. Make up sentences.

1. The businessmen/ to discuss problems – The businessmen are discussing problems.

2. Mr Green/ to play tennis –

3. Betsy/ to learn French –

4. The British sportsmen/ to stay in Moscow –

5. Our secretary/ to have dinner –

6. My friend/ to read an interesting book -

7. Paul/ to drive a car -

8. The manager/ to have talks –

9. I/ to study a new English tense -


3. Make the following sentences negative.

1. She is meeting customers – She isn’t meeting customers.

2. They are speaking with the President. –

3. You are playing tennis. –

4. Bess is preparing her sales report. –

5. Managers are sending an enquiry. –

6. I am staying at home. –

7. He is going shopping. –


4. Make the following sentences interrogative.

1. Bella is working. – Is Bella working?

2. Bella and Bess are talking. – Are…

3. He is looking through a sports journal.

4. You are studying new catalogues.

5. Businessmen are drinking coffee.

6. Tom is making appointments.

7. Julia is checking orders.

8. Tom and Bess are eating fruits.


5. Make up questions to the following sentences.

1. She is working. – Where is she working?

2. She is reading a book – What….

3. They are checking e-mail. - What ….

4. They are discussing business matters – What….

5. They are working hard. - How….

6. He is answering urgent messages. - What…

7. We are looking through newspapers. – What…

8. They are discussing business events. What events….

9. They are speaking to the suppliers. Who ______________________________ to?

10. They are speaking in the office. Where….


6. Write what the following people are doing now to your mind:

Alice –

Bob –

Mr Bell –

Julia –

Nancy –



 (A) Few, (A) Little

1. Fill in the gaps with few or little (the 1st and the 2nd columns);

a few and a little (the 3rd and the 4th columns).

_few____ books

________ lessons

________ gold

________ air

________ coffee

________ work

________ apples

________ equipment

________ words

________ luck

________ questions



__few____ languages

________ orders

________ cash

________ enquiries

________ tea

________ journals

________ sugar

________ potatoes

________ tomatoes

________ films

________ information

________ customers

__a few____ contracts


________ magazines

________ milk

________ equipment

________ messages

________ girls

________ traffic

________ bread

________ oil

________ pictures

________ friends

_a little_____ luggage

________ companies

________ silver

________ beauty

________ newspapers

________ furniture

________ health

________ catalogues



________ clubs

________ branches



2. Use few/a few; little/ a little.

1. It’s 8.50. The work begins at 9. We’ve got ________ time.

It’s 8/30. The work begins at 9. We’ve got ________ time.


2. I don’t like coffee. I drink _____ coffee.

Every morning I drink _______ coffee.


3. The man is lazy. He does _____ work.

My grandma is old, but every morning she does __________ work in the garden.


3. Ann knows_____ English words. Her English is very bad.

Our President speaks ______ foreign languages.


4. The business is bad at the moment. We’ve got _____ orders.

The business is not bad. We’ve got ____ new partners.



Personal Pronouns in the Objective Case.

1. Give the possessive and the objective cases of the following pronouns.









































2. Give a correct case of the pronoun.

1. Он приходит в свой (т.е. его) (_____) офис.

2. Где твоя (______) ручка?- Моя (______) ручка на твоем (_____) столе.


3. Посмотрите на него (______). Его (_____) ботинки грязные; его (_____) брюки в дырках.


4. Пойдемте с ними (______). Их (_____) дом очень уютный. Их (_____) родители приветливые. Их (______) сад большой. Их (______) дети послушные.


5. Наши (_____) бизнесмены изучают маркетинг. Это их (______) хобби.


6. Мы обсуждаем новые заказы с ними (_____), а не с вами (_______). С вами (_____) мы ничего не обсуждаем. Вам (_____) мы сообщим о результатах.


7. Моя (______) семья. Твоя (______) семья. Наша (________) семья. Их (______) семья.


8. Почитайте нам (_____). Ваша (______) книга интересная. Ваш (_____) голос приятный.


9. Я хочу встретиться с ним (_____), но он не хочет встречаться со мной (_____).


10. Я работаю с ними (______). С ними (______) работать - одно удовольствие.


11. Я знаю его (______), ее (______), их (______), вас (______), нас (_______), себя (_____).


12. Поговорите со мной (______), а то все только говорят обо мне (______).


13. Что с вами (______)? Вам (_____) плохо? Вам (______) принести воды? – Со мной (_____) все хорошо. Просто принесите мне (_____) воды.


14. Ваша (______) шляпа промокла, а моя (_____) шляпа сухая. И их (______) шляпа тоже сухая. И их (______) куртки тоже сухие. С ними (______) ехала моя (_____) семья. Одежда моих (_____) детей тоже сухая.


15. Мы (______) пойдем с вами (_____), а с ними (______) мы (______) не пойдем.


16. Поговорим о ней (____). С ней (_____) интересно. Ее (______) дом большой.  Ее (______) машина дорогая.


18. Его (_______) холодильник хороший, а их (______) холодильники плохие. А ваши (_____) холодильники хорошие? – Нет. Наши (_______) холодильники плохие.


19. С ним (_____) все в порядке. Он (_____) едет домой с нами (_____).


20. Речь шла о нем (______). Он (_____) работаем с ними (______).


21. Я люблю читать книги. Я читаю их (______) вечером.


22. Он разговариваем с ней (_____) о контракте. С ней (_______) все обсуждают проблемы бизнеса. Ее (_____) зарплата большая. Давай пригласим ее (______) в ресторан.


23. Я встретил ее (______)  в офисе. Она (_____) говорила с ним (_____) о нас (_____).


24. Ее (_____) офис большой. А ваш (______) офис большой? – Да. Мой (____) офис большой. Мой (_____) офис в Лондоне. Все мои (______) коллеги тоже в Лондоне.


25. Наши (________) дети непослушные. А ваши (_______) дети?


26. Помогите нам (______). Нам (_____) трудно разбираться с вашими (_____) вопросами.


27. С нами (______) никто не хочет иметь никаких дел. А с вами (_______)?


28. Где ваши (_______) друзья? – Они в нашем (_______) доме, в нашей (______) комнате.

А где ваши (_______) дети? – Они у наших (_______) родителей.


3. Choose the correct pronouns.

1. He comes to (his, him) office at 9 in the morning.

2. Where is (your, you) pen? – It is on (my, me) table.

3. (Our, us) businessmen learn English. They want to speak (its, it) well.

4. (Our, us) office manager often meets foreign businessmen and discusses prices for different goods with (their, them).

5. Come and meet (my, me) family.

6. We’are going to the sports centre. Would you like to go with (our, us)?

7. I want to meet (his, him), but he doesn’t want to meet (my, me).

8. Do you know this man? – Yes, I work with (his, him).


4. Use the correct pronouns.

1. I read a lot of books. I read __________ in the evening.

2. He is speaking to Mr Bell. He is speaking to __________ about a contract.

3. Kate is my friend. I meet _____________ in the office every day.

4. My daughter is reading a book about London now. She is reading _____ with pleasure.

5. I often meet my friends. I usually meet ________ at weekends.

6. We learn English. Our work helps _____ to speak English well.

7. Where are the new catalogues? I want to look through ________.

8. I’d like to meet Mr Tompson. I am going to make an appointment with _____ today.


I am (not) going to do

1. Make up sentences.

1. I/to visit friends – I am going to visit my friends.

2. We/ to watch TV –

3. You/ to have talks –

4. Mr Bell/ to meet customers –

5. Mrs Bell/ to speak on the phone –

6. Mr Tompson/ to prepare sales reports –

8. They/ to check e-mail –

9. I/to work –

10. You/to offer a book –

11. She/to translate a book –

12. He/to do his homework –

13. They/to check e-mail –


2. Make up questions to the following sentences.

1. They are going to offer a new model to their partners. – Are they going to offer a new model to their partners?

2. They are going to check e-mail. – Are.

3. We are going to speak to the suppliers. – Are..

4. We are going to discuss terms of payment. – Are

5. You are going to discuss terms of delivery. –

6. She is going to discuss terms of shipment. –

7. He is going to visit a production plant. –


3. Make up questions to the following sentences.

1. He is going to read a book. – What is he going to read?

2. He is going to check e-mail. What

3. She is going to visit the production plant. What

4. They are going to read an enquiry. What

6. We are going to write a business letter. What letter

7. You are going to send an enquiry to your suppliers. Who_____________________ to?

8. You are going to visit your friends. Whom

9. You are going to spend weekends in London. Where


4. Make up questions.

1. When / to arrive in Moscow? – When are you going to arrive in Moscow?

2. Where/to stay?

3. Whom/to meet?

4. What goods/to offer to the English company?

5. What problems/to discuss?

6. What places / to visit?

7. What/to do in the evenings?

8. When/to leave London?


5. Write about your plans.

I am going to…


Would like to


1. Make up sentences.  

Example. I would like to visit my friends.


1. I/to speak French_______________________________________

2. He/to buy a flat_______________________________________

3. She/to discuss terms of shipment. _______________________________________

4. He/to write an enquiry. _______________________________________

5. They/to look through catalogues. _______________________________________

6. We/to leave the office. _______________________________________

7. Mr Bell/to leave the production plant. _______________________________________

8. Mrs Bell/to talk with her friends. _______________________________________


2. Complete the situation.

1. I am not busy in the evening. I’d like to _________________

2. I have a new magazine about gardening. I’d like to ________________

3. I’m very tired. I’d like to ________________

4. Our business partners are in Moscow now. We’d like to ________________

5. Tom’s computer is very old. He’d like to ________________

6. Betsy’s flat is very small. She’d like to ________________

7. England is a very interesting country. I’d like to ________________

8. Mr Blake has got an enquiry from a Russian company. He’d like to ________________


3. Make up sentences.


  • to read newspapers
  • to have business talks
  • to go to a production plant
  • to go to a cafe






4. Make up questions.

1. They would like to have a cup of coffee. Would they like to have a cup of coffee?

2. She would like to reed a newspaper. Would_______________________________________

3. He would like to go to London. _______________________________________

4. We would like to eat. _______________________________________

5. Mr Bell would like to go to his office. _______________________________________


5. Make up questions.

1. How many days/to stay in London. – How many days would you like to stay in London?

2. Where/to stay? _______________________________________

3. What/to see? _______________________________________

4. What places/to visit outside the city? _______________________________________

5. Where/to have dinner? _______________________________________

6. Where/to go shopping? _______________________________________

7. Whom/to meet? _______________________________________


6. Write what you would like to do.

1. I would like to

2. _______________________________________

3. _______________________________________

4. _______________________________________

5. _______________________________________

Услуги переводчика. 1 страница (1800 знаков с пробелами) - 200 руб.
Дистанционные уроки английского языка, современные методики.
Курсовые, контрольные работы, тесты - на заказ. Проверка на антиплагиат.
Создание сайтов на заказ.