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Basic terms in foreign trade

Тема: Basic terms in foreign trade


Цель урока:

учебная – совершенствование лексических навыков по теме «Inflation and Deflation»; формирование лексических навыков по текущей теме;

            познавательная – понятия «видимый/невидимый экспорт», «видимый/невидимый импорт», «ВНП», «торговый баланс», «дефицит/профицит бюджета», «платежный баланс».


Тип урока: комбинированный


  1. Вопросы по теме "Инфляция и дефляция”
  1. What is an inflationary development?
  2. What types of inflation do you know?
  3. What is agflation? stagnation? deflation? stagflation?
  4. What is an inflation rate?
  5. What are the consequences of hyperinflation?
  6. Are the rising prices a consequence of an uneven development in the quantity of goods on offer and the quantity of money available?
  7. What can you say about causes of inflation?
  8. Why is inflation damaging for the economy?
  9. What measures should the government take to combat inflation? (to stop issuing money to cover the budget deficit, to cut expenditures…)
  10.  What is inflation rate is in London?
  11. What are the fares on the underground?
  12. What can you say about accommodation, utilities, charges for gas, electricity, water?
  13. Do Londoners pay for heating?
  14. What about garbage? How many plastic bags are allowed?
  15. Do Londoners pay a real-estate tax?
  16. What tax do they pay? For what purposes do they pay Council Tax?
  17. How much money do Londoners pay as Council Tax?
  18. What about clothes? Can you find an average price for clothes?


  1. Рассказать о ценах в Лондоне


  1. Прослушать сюжет об инфляции, вставить пропущенные слова.

Скачать видеосюжет можно здесь (дан отрывок из сюжета, отвечающий целям урока).


Можно разделить группу на 2 команды – у какой команды окажется больше правильно вставленных слов.


The inflation rate is how much more (1)_____________are things this year as compared to last year. For example, the price of gasoline is (2)_______ cents a liter, last year was (3)____ cents a liter or something. So, the inflation was (4)_________ approximately in gasoline. So, that is the (5)_____________________. The inflation rate is like total (6)____________. So the government says the inflation rate is (7) _______-, even if in reality it is more like (8)______.  So, the government is importing 3 % inflation or 2 % inflation, this is the (9)_______________. Core means they do not include (10) _________or food. They are basically saying that, you know, this is the costs of everything except cost of energy and (11)________. For some reason, the government doesn’t think that food and energy is something that you need. So, they just ignore it. That is called (12) _________. What they do to get the (13) __________number lower, because when you have lower inflation, you can say that GDP is higher. So, it makes the economy look (14) ________.


(1) expensive, (2) 99,  (3) 83, (4) 16, (5) inflation rate, (6) inflation, (7) 3%, (8) 7%, (9) core inflation, (10) energy, (11) food, (12) core inflation, (13) inflation, (14) better.



  1. Опрос по словам тема "Inflation and Deflation”



  1. Новая тема «Basic terms in foreign trade». Презентация слов


Прокомментируйте выражение (или несколько выражений), затем задайте к ним вопросы. Вопросы можно повторять, возвращаясь к предыдущим предложениям.



Are goods we buy from abroad visible exports? Are they visible imports?

What do we call visible exports? visible imports?

What services do you know? Are services we buy from abroad visible exports?...


1. Various goods from abroad

Различные товары из-за границы

Goods we buy from abroad are visible imports. Goods we sell abroad are visible exports.


2. Visible (invisible) exports (imports)

Видимый (невидимый) экспорт (импорт)

3. Services: insurance, freight

Услуги: страхование, фрахт (плата судовладельцу за морскую перевозку грузов и пассажиров или использование судов)

Services (insurance, freight, tourism, technical expertise) are invisible exports/imports.

4. Gross National Product (GNP)

ВНПто, что заработано русскими в России и за ее пределами.

A total amount of money earned by Russian people in Russia and abroad is GNP.

GNP is a country’s total earnings.

5. Total earnings

Общие доходы

6. Balance of payments

Платежный баланс

The difference between GNP and total expenditure is balance of payments.

7. Balance of Trade

Торговый баланс

The difference between exports and imports is balance of trade.

8. Surplus/ deficit


If you sell more goods than you buy you have a surplus, if you buy more than sell – you have a deficit.


  1. Прочитать текст "Foreign Trade”


Countries buy and sell various goods as well as various services. goods bought from abroad, such as food, cars, machines, medicines, books and many others, are called visible imports. Goods sold abroad are called visible exports.


Services, such as insurance, freight, tourism, technical expertise and others, are called invisible imports and invisible exports.


The total amount of money a country makes including money from visible and invisible exports, for a certain period of time, usually for a year, is Gross National Product, or GNP.


the difference between a country’s total earnings or GNP, and its total expenditure is called its balance of payments.


The difference between what a country receives for its visible exports and what it pays for its visible imports is its balance of trade. If a country sells more goods than it buys, it will have a surplus, if a country buys more than it sells, it will have a deficit.



  1. Подчеркните правильный вариант ответа


  1. Goods sold to other countries, such as food, cars, machines, medicines, books, musical instruments, cassettes, discs and many others, are (visible, invisible) exports.
  2. Services, such as insurance, freight, tourism, technical expertise, medical operations and others sold to other countries are invisible (imports, exports).
  3. The difference between total earnings of a country and its total expenditure is called its balance of (payments, trade).
  4. The difference between a country’s earnings for its visible exports and expenditure for its visible imports is called its balance of (payments, trade).
  5. The difference between a country’s GNP and its total expenditure is called its balance of (payments, trade).
  6. The total amount of money a country earns including exports, for a certain period of time, is called (GDP, GNP).
  7. The amount of money a country earns for goods and services inside the country is called (GDP, GNP).
  8. If a country sells more goods than it buy it will have a (deficit, surplus).



  1. Закончите предложения
  1. Gross National Product is the total amount ____________________
  2. Gross Domestic Product is _________________________________
  3. Invisible exports and imports are ____________________________
  4. Visible exports and imports are _____________________________
  5. A country’s balance of payments is __________________________
  6. A country’s trade balance is ________________________________
  7. If a country sells more goods than it buys, it will have a ___________
  8. If a country buys more than it sells, it will have a ________________


  1. Грамматика


  1. Домашнее задание


Выучить слова урока.

Знать определения следующих терминов: visible imports, invisible imports, GNP, balance of trade, balance of payments, visible exports, invisible exports, a surplus, a deficit, GDP.

Прочитать текст, выучить подчеркнутые слова

In the 19th century Britain dominated international trade, accounting for about one-third of the world’s exports. Early in the 20th century its position changed. The volume of world’s exports increased but the percentage of British exports in world trade declined significantly.


But still foreign trade is vital to Britain’s livelihood ['laIvlIhVd]. With a large population, small land area, and few natural resources, the country must depend on foreign trade to supply the raw materials for English factories and to provide a market for the sale of the thousands of types of manufactured goods produced by English industries.


The United Kingdom’s principal exports are vehicles, machinery, manufactured goods and textiles. Her main imports are foodstaffs and most of the raw materials for industry.


There is usually an unfavourable balance of trade, that is, imports exceed exports, but this is compensated for in part by the so-called invisible trade.


The earnings from invisible trade come in the way of shipping charges, interest payments from foreign investments, interest payments from British enterprises abroad, and tourist expenditure. The earnings from foreign tourist trade make this one of British important industries.


Britain has got very sound economic ties with various countries of the world, especially the commonwealth countries. The Commonwealth, officially called the Commonwealth of Nations, has grown out of the old British Empire which came to an end with the Second World War. The Commonwealth countries are Canada, Australia, New Zealand and a few other countries and territories. The UK enjoys special rights to import various agricultural products such as fruits and vegetables from the Commonwealth at very good prices all year round.


The United Kingdom has been a member of the European Free Trade Association (EFTA) since 1959, and a member of the European Economic Community (EEC) since 1973.

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