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Sources of finance

Тема: Sources of finance


Цель урока:

учебная – совершенствование лексических навыков по теме «Sources of finance»; формирование лексических навыков по текущей теме;

            познавательная – понятие об источниках финансирования.


Тип урока: комбинированный


  1. Вопросы по теме «Marine Insurance» (Lloyd’s of London)
  1. What is marine insurance?
  2. What company undertakes this type of business in the UK?
  3. What can you say about Lloyd’s? Is it a company or an association? When was it incorporated? Who is it called from?
  4. What can you say about Edward Lloyd?
  5. What laws regulate Lloyd’s?
  6. In how many countries does Lloyd’s work? How many syndicates does it include?
  7. How do Lloyd’s brokers work?
  8. What is one of the main principles of insurance with Lloyd’s?
  9. What does Lloyd’s insure? What other business do they do?
  10. What does the company prosper?
  11. What is Lloyd’s motto?
  12. What is the term average mean? What two types of average do you know?
  13. What can happen in case of mishap at sea?
  14. What does the average adjuster do in case of mishap at sea?


  1. Составьте предложения со следующими выражениями

1. Marine insurance

2. Lloyd’s underwriters

3. To obtain the cover

4. Act on behalf of the customers

5. Brokers bear no risks

6. General or Particular Average

7. In case of mishap

8. the ship can be damaged

9. the cargo can be jettisoned

10. average adjuster

11. assess the losses

12. split the losses between


  1. Написать как можно больше слов, относящихся к страхованию


  1. Презентация лексики по теме «Sources of finance”

Sources of finance

Источники финансирования

To provide money (service)

Предоставить деньги, услугу


1. Well-established firm

Солидная фирма

Retain own profits

Удерживать собственные прибыли

Shareholders = stockholders




2. To obtain short-term and long-term loans

Получать краткосрочные и долгосрочные кредиты


3. Overdraft

Превышение остатка по счету

To charge interests on the amount overdrawn

Взимать проценты на сумму, превышающую остаток

To overdraw the account

Превысить остаток по счету


4. Bill of exchange



5. Hire purchase

Покупка в рассрочку

Acquire equipment

Приобрести оборудование

To pay by installments

Платить по частям


6. Leasing ['li:sIN]


To own, ownership

Владеть, собственность



1. Do companies pay all their profits to shareholders?

(don’t pay, retain profits)

2. Would you pay all profits to your shareholders?

3. What types of loans do you know?

4. Are short-term loans more expensive than long-term loans?

5. Can companies overdraw their accounts?

6. How do we call the process when the company overdraws the account?

7. Can a company acquire any equipment on hire-purchase terms?

8. Does the company pay the outstanding amount by installments in this case?

9. Does ownership pass to the buyer when the final installment is paid?

10 Does ownership pass to the buyer in case of leasing?



  1. Прочитать текст «Sources of finance»

For the well-established firm, the most obvious source of finance is its own profits Instead of paying out all its profits to its shareholders, the firm can retain some within the business. Using retained profits in the business is described as "ploughing back the profits”. It is an important source of finance for the larger firm.


In the case oа a very small firm, the necessary money will be provided by the proprietor and his family and friends with, perhaps, a loan from the local bank.


Loans can be short-term and long-term ones. Short-term loans are usually repayable within three years. Many such loans are for periods of one year or less. The sources of loans are as follows:


  • overdrafts
  • bills of exchange
  • trade credits
  • hire purchases
  • leasing.


A bank overdraft is the most widely used type of short-term finance. The bank allows the company to overdraw its account by some agreed amount. Interest is charged by the bank only on the amount overdrawn. It is one of the cheapest forms of borrowing.


Bills of exchange enable the company to obtain short-term finance from a bank or discount house where thy wend bills of exchange for discounting.


Trade credits are quite normal in business. They are often granted by the sellers allowing the buyers to pay in some time, say in three months.


A firm may acquire some equipment such as cars, lorries, office equipment and some type of machinery on hire-purchase terms. It makes a deposit and pays the outstanding amount by installments over two or three years. Ownership passes to the buyer when the final installment is paid.


In case of leasing the firm will also pay the outstanding amount by installments over two or three years. When the final installments is paid ownership does not pass to the buyer.


Sometimes companies prefer or have to obtain loans and buy the equipment. In these cases they try to obtain long-term credits thought they are rather expensive, which means a high interest to be paid.



  1. Игра «мигающие слова»


Показать классу 10 слов. Победитель тот, кто сумел вспомнить больше слов.





Own profits

Own profits


Retain profits

Retain profits

Long-term loan



Trade credit

Short-term loan

To overdraw the account



Amount overdrawn

To pay by installments


Hire purchase

Bill of exchange

To charge interests

To acquire equipment

Ownership passes

On hire-purchase terms

To pay by installments

Final installment


To provide money


Bill of Exchange

Sources of Finance

To charge interests



  1. Игра «консультации по источникам финансирования».

Разбить студентов на группы. Каждая группа – консультанты (например, по займам, кредитам, овердрафту). Группа дает информацию по вопросу, остальные студенты задают вопросы.


1. Tell about loans, trade credits.


Short-term and long-term, short-terms are for 3 years, they are not expensive,

Long-term loans are expensive, banks charge high interests.


Trade credits

Are often. You can pay in three months after your purchase.



2. Tell about a bank overdraft, bill of exchange.

It happens often. You overdraw the account and the bank charges interests on the amount overdrawn. This form of finance is cheap, interests are not high.


Bill of exchange

You can go to a bank or a discount house, they will discount you bill of exchange and you will get money. It is a source of short-term finance.



3. Tell about hire-purchase terms, leasing

You can acquire lorries, cars, office equipments, machinery. You make a deposit and pay by installments for 2-3 years. Ownership passes to you.



Pay by installments for 2-3 years. Ownership does not pass to the buyer.


  1. Грамматика


  1. Домашнее задание
  1. Выучить слова
  2. Рассказывать об источниках финансирования с использованием ключевых слов.


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