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Organized markets

Тема: Organized markets


Цель урока:

учебная – совершенствование лексических навыков по теме «Securities and Stock Exchange»; формирование лексических навыков по текущей теме;

            познавательная – понятие о фьючерсах, форвардах, рынке спор, опционах (call, put).


Тип урока: комбинированный



  1. Вопросы по теме «Securities and Stock Exchange»
  2. What is the difference between securities and bonds?
  3. What is a gilt or a gilt-edged security? How else can you call a gilt?
  4. Where are securities traded?
  5. Who is admitted to transact business at the Stock Exchange in London?
  6. Can an investor approach a jobber directly?
  7. Does each jobber specialize in one definite type of securities?
  8. What prices does the broker quote? What are the official names for each type of the price?
  9. Why does the broker usually quote both the selling and the buying price for the securities?
  10. What is the profit of the jobber?
  11. Where are the biggest stock exchanges in the world?



2. Диктант

1. Shares, stocks and bonds are securities. Bonds are loans which you give to the company.

2. Securities without financial risk are gilts or blue chips.

3. Securities are traded at the Stock Exchange.

4. Only brokers and jobbers are admitted to transact business at the Stock Exchange.

5. An investor who wants to buy or sell securities must approach a broker who approaches a jobber in its turn.

6. The broker quotes two prices, the bid and the ask.

7. The speculator who expects a rise in the price of securities is a bull.

8. The speculator who anticipates a fall in the price is a bear.

9. The biggest stock exchanges are in London and New York.



3. Прослушать аудиосюжет и заполнить пропуски


Our first word is (1) ______________ (securities). Securities are any investment that is traded publicly like (2)_____________, (3)______________ (stocks, bonds) mutual funds, hedge funds (страхование от изменения цен активов), exchange traded funds (торгуемый индексный фонд), treasury securities (казначейские ценные бумагигосударственные облигации) etc.


An example of a security is (4)___________ (stocks). You can buy a Microsoft stock, an IBM stock, a Coca-Cola stock. When you buy a stock, you (5)________ (own) part of the company and you are able to (6)___________ (profit) from the growth and to lose from the decline. So it can go up or down. These days it usually goes (7)_______ (down), because we have a down (8)__________ (trend) in the economy. So that’s one good way to lose money.


The second good way to (9)________ (lose) money is with bonds. Bonds are not ownership of the company but lending the company (10)____________ (money). So we can buy a bond in Microsoft or a bond in Coca-Cola which is we are lending Coca-cola money they will give us the money (11)__________ (back) if they can. But before they can give us money back which could not be for 5, 10, 15, 20 years they have to pay us interests every year. So if we (12)__________ (lend) them a 100 dollars, we buy a 100 dollars of bonds, they have to pay us 5 dollars a year, if the interest rate is 5 % on those bonds.


The third type of security that we will talk about today is mutual funds. (13)___________ (Mutual) means like more than one person together. Funds are a collection. So when a bunch of (14)___________ (people) put their money together, and that fund buys stocks and bonds - different securities. So, the fund will own securities like stocks and bonds.


This is just an introduction to the different types of securities, and the next few videos will provide some additional (15)____________ (securities).



4. Презентация слов к теме: «Organized markets»

1. Premise ['premIs]

Помещение, здание

Organised markets are held in premises in accordance with a prescribed set of rules.

2. In accordance with

According to

В соответствии с чем-либо

2. To prescribe rules

Предписывать правила

3. Produce exchange

Товарно-сырьевая биржа

Organized markets are established for various commodities: cotton, wool, wheat, rubber, timber, tin, copper.

4. Commodities

Cotton, wool, wheat [i:], rubber, timber, tin, copper




Хлопок, шерсть, пшеница, каучук, лес, олово, медь


Наличные товары

5. Spot market

Рынок спор

Spot market deals in actuals. You buy and sell on the spot.

6. Forward or futures market

Рынок форвардов или фьючерсов

In forward or future markets you sell or buy at some time in the future.

7. Hedge

Хеджировать (страховать цену путем начисления премии)

Hedging is for options. You pay a premium to the seller to insure his risks and to protect him against loss. The process is called hedging.

8. To protect (protection)

Защищать, защита


5. Прочитать текст «Organized markets» (Официальные рынки)


Organized markets are usually held in premises where business is transacted according to a prescribed set of rules. Sometimes only members are admitted to the market.


Organized markets or produce exchanges have been established for cotton, wool, tea, coffee, wheat, rubber, timber, tin, copper and some other commodities. Thus there are such commodity exchanges as Sugar Exchange (сахарная биржа), Metal Exchange (биржа металлов), Wheat Exchange (зерновая биржа) and others.


There are two types of organized markets:


  • spot market (рынок с немедленной поставкой и оплатой; рынок реального товара)
  • forward or futures market


Spot market deals in actuals, the actual physical product, for immediate delivery.


In forward or futures markets the commodity can be bought or sold for delivery at some time in the future. Forward prices can be higher or lower than the spot prices. In a forward or futures market traders take an option to buy or to sell the product in the future.


Traders know that prices can change, so they hedge (хеджируют сделку) by balancing their buying and selling of actuals and futures (устанавливая баланс между ценами на покупку и продажу наличных товаров и фьючерсов) to protect themselves against loss.


Organised markets include financial markets, which in their turn include the stock exchange and foreign exchange market, or Forex.



Чем отличаются спотовая сделка, форвард, фьючерс, опцион


6. Найдите соответствия

Organized market

Валютный рынок


Официальные рынки

Produce exchange

Установленные правила



To transact business

Наличные товары

Prescribed set of rules




Spot market

Заключать сделку

Forward market

Товарно-сырьевая биржа

Futures market



Рынок по ценам спот

To hedge





Фьючерсный рынок

Foreign exchange market



Форвардный рынок



6. Дополните предложения

1. Organized markets function according to _______________

2. Sometimes only members are admitted to the ____________________

3. ________________deals in actuals.

4. In a ________________ or ___________________ ___________ traders take an option to buy or to sell the product in the future.

5. __________know that prices can change.

6. So traders _______________ by balancing their buying and selling of actuals and futures.

7. Organized markets include ___________________



7. Грамматика


8. Домашнее задание

Выучить слова.

Уметь рассказывать про рынки спот, форвардные, фьючерсные, опционы.

Прочитать текст


Financial futures exchanges (Биржи финансовых фьючерсов)


Financial futures exchanges came into life only about 20 years ago. They are highly sophisticated financial markets. They deal in financial futures and options*.


The financial futures exchange in London is LIFFE or the London International Financial Futures Exchange. It was created in 1982. Trading is conducted in a wide range (в широких пределах от) of fixed income (бумаги, обеспечивающие фиксированный доход), treasury (казначейские ценные бумаги) and equity-index (фондовый индекс*) financial products in most of the major currencies.



Here is a short newspaper item about activities of financial futures exchanges:


Italian Government Bonds up


The LIFFE and the MATIF, the Paris futures exchange, both launched (выставили на продажу) futures contracts on Italian government bonds (облигации) during the month.


Since the LIFFEE contract was launched on September 19, daily volume has averaged 11,000 contracts. The contracts generated publicity (привлекли внимание) for Italian bonds and increased trading activity in the cash market (рынок реальных финансовых инструментовакций, облигаций и т.д.).


These activities will help to attract overseas cash (зарубежные инвестиции).


The bond prices are surprisingly high at the moment.


But there is a belief (мнение) that inflation, interest rates (процентные ставки) and bond yields (доходы по облигациям) in the UK and France will gradually converge (сравняются с показателями) with those of other countries in Europe.


On this basis net yields could fall to 9 % by the end of the year. A view among analysts is that the present bond yields at such high level make the domestic political and economic situation less significant (менее острой).



*Финансовые фьючерсы и опционы - дают право купить или продать ценные бумаги по установленному курсу.


*Фондовый индекс - средняя цена акций определенных компаний; смотрят динамику за определенный период. По индексам оценивают доходность рынка. Если ваш портфель акций вырос за год на 25 %, то это хорошо, если индекс увеличился лишь на 15 %, и плохо, если индекс увеличился на 35 %. Можно взять индекс за основу формирования собственного портфеля бумаг, купив ценные бумаги компаний, на основе которых рассчитывается индекс.  


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