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The European Economic Community and the European Union

Тема: The European Economic Community and the European Union


Цель урока:

учебная – совершенствование лексических навыков по теме «Foreign trade»; формирование лексических навыков по текущей теме;

            познавательная – понятия об основных международных организациях.


Тип урока: комбинированный


  1. Вопросы по теме "Basic terms in foreign trade”
  1. What do we call visible imports? visible exports? invisible imports? invisible exports?
  2. Give examples of services.
  3. What is GNP? GDP?
  4. What is balance of payments?
  5. What is balance of trade?
  6. What is a surplus? deficit?


  1. Проработка «домашнего» текста «Foreign trade in the UK»

Какие слова в тексте доказывают, что:

  1. Britain was one of the main exporters in the world last century.
  2. At the beginning of this century Britain lost its dominating position.
  3. There are a few factors why foreign trade is very important for Britain.
  4. Britain needs raw materials for its industries.
  5. Britain is interested in exporting its manufactured goods.
  6. Britain importa a lot of foodstaffs.
  7. Britain’s invisible exports exceed invisible imports.


  1. Вопросы к «домашнему» тексту «Foreign trade in the UK»


  1. What country dominated in the 19th century in international trade? When did its position change? How did it change?
  2. Is foreign trade still vital to Britain’s livelihood?
  3. Why does the UK depend on foreign trade? What raw material does the UK buy? Does the UK need markets for thousands of manufactured goods of English industries?
  4. What are the UK’s principal exports? main imports?
  5. What can you say about balance of trade? Is it favourable? Why is it unfovourable?
  6. What is invisible trade?
  7. What kind of types does Britain have with various countries of the world, especially the Commonwealth countries?
  8. How did the Commonwealth appear? What countries are members of the Commonwealth?
  9. What rights does the UK enjoy in the Commonwealth?
  10. Is the UK a member of any international establishments? Of what establishments?


  1. Вставьте слова:

manufactured goods, shipping charges, volume, enterprises, unfavourable, dominated, supply, foodstaffs, accounted for, significantly, vital, vehicles, sound, exceed.


  1. In the 19th century Britain ________________international trade.
  2. Britain _______________ about 1/3 of the world’s exports.
  3. The ___________of world’s exports increased but the percentage of British exports in world trade declined _______________.
  4. But still foreign trade is ____________to Britain’s livelihood.
  5. Britain ____________raw materials for its factories.
  6. English factories produce a lot of ______________________.
  7. The United Kingdom’s principal exports are _________________.
  8. The United Kingdom’s main imports are ______________.
  9. There is usually an _______________balance of trade, that is, imports ___________ exports.
  10. The earnings from invisible trade come in the way of _______________________, interest payments from British ________________abroad.
  11. Britain has got very __________economic ties with various countries of the world


  1. Понятия об основных международных организациях

Основные международные организации

Услуги переводчика. 1 страница (1800 знаков с пробелами) - 200 руб.
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