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Gold bullion bars and coins

Тема: Gold bullion bars and coins


Цель урока:

учебная – совершенствование лексических навыков по теме «Gold markets»; формирование лексических навыков по текущей теме;

            познавательная – понятия «проба золота», «унция».


Тип урока: комбинированный



  1. Вопросы по теме "Gold markets
  1. Why are people always interested in gold?
  2. When did people make the first discoveries of gold? When was gold first found? In what way did people get it?
  3. How do people extract gold today?
  4. What are the most important gold-producing countries?
  5. What is a primary market of gold?
  6. What is a secondary market of gold?
  7. What main primary gold markets do you know? Where are they?
  8. What secondary gold markets do you know?
  9. Do these markets trade 24 hours a day?


  1. Устный опрос слов


  1. Письменно написать пересказ текста (учебник закрыт)


  1. Прослушать сообщение «Идиомы»

Don’t bear around the bush – stop wasting my time

You are stringing me along – you are taking me for a ride. = You are lying to me.


  1. Новая тема "Gold bullion bars and coins”.  Презентация слов


1. Size


Gold bullion bars are produced in different sized, from 1 kg bars to wafers of 1 gr. Bars of 12,5 kg (or standard bars) are currency reserves.

2. Wafer


3. Fineness, purity, title

Проба, чистота

A fineness is the proportion of pure gold in the alloy of 1000 parts. It should be at least 995, that is the proportion of pure gold in the alloy of 1000 parts is 995 parts.

4. Genuine, genuineness

Подлинный, подлинность

The genuineness of bars is guaranteed by certificates issued by internationally recognized assay office.

5. Assay (office)



Анализ чистоты металла (проба)


6. Gross weight

Net weight

Вес брутто

Вес нетто


7. Troy ounce

Тройская унцияназвание от города Труа в Шампани, Франция. Там была очень большая ярмарка. Каждый город во Франции имел свою систему мер.

The weight of gold is usually in troy ounces, not in grams. One troy ounce is 31,1 gr.


  1. Отгадайте кроссворд



  1. Прочитать текст «Gold bullion bars and coins»


Gold bullion bars are produce in many different sizes, mostly from 1 kg bars to wafers ['weIfq] of 1 gram (gr).


Bullion bars weighing about 12,5 kolograms (лпы) are known as standard bars and they are used mainly as currency reserves.


The notion of fineness is very important for gold. A fineness is the proportion of pure gold in the alloy of 1000 parts. Sometimes the terms putiry and title are used instead of the term fineness.


A fineness of bullion standard bars should be at least 995. It means that the proportion of pure gold in the alloy of 1000parts is 995 parts.


The maximum fineness of gold can be 999,9. The genuiness ['dZenjVInnIs] of bars is guaranteed by certificates issued by an internationally recognized assay [q'seI] office.



Serial number

Gross weight

Troy ounces


Net weight of fine gold

Troy ounces

R 849 126




Certified Assayer


The weight of gold is usually shown in ounces (troy ounces) but not in grams. One ounce is equal to 31,10348079 grams. Sometimes ounces are shown as oz.


The price of gold bullion bars is usually given for an ounce of gold with fineness of 995.


The prices are usually quoted in US dollars and English pounds sterling. They are fixed at 10.30 in the morning and 15.00 in the afternoon by the leading London gold dealing houses.


20 December, 201x

London bullion market

Gold (fine oz)

$ price

& price


349 ¼ - 350



352 ¼ - 352 ¼


Morning fix



Afternoon fix



Day’s high



Day’s low





  1. Найдите в тексте Passive Voice


  1. Заполните пропуски

assay, bars, wafers, currency, reserves, genuineness, fineness, ounces, gold

  1. Gold bullion ______________ are produced in many different sizes mostly from 1 kg ______________ to _____________of 1 gr.
  2. Bullion ________________weighing about 12,5 kgs are known as standard _______________ and they are used mainly as ___________________
  3. A ____________________is the proportion of pure gold in the alloy of 1000 parts.
  4. The weight of ________________is usually shown in ________________
  5. Sometimes the terms "purity” or "title” are used instead of the term ______________
  6. The __________________of bars is guaranteed by certificates issued by an internationally recognized _______________ office.


  1. Переведите устно
  1. Золото – ценный металл.
  2. Слитки чистого золота могут быть разных размеров, от слитков в 1 кг до пластин в 1 г.
  3. Вес стандартных слитков – 12,5 кг. Правительство использует их как валютный резерв страны.
  4. Понятие пробы очень важно для золота.
  5. Максимальная проба золота может быть 999,9.
  6. Это практически чистое золота.
  7. Вес золота показан в унциях.
  8. Она унция равна 31,1 г.
  9. Цены на золото обычно показаны в долларах США и английских фунтах стерлингов.
  10. Цены фиксируются утром и днем ведущими лондонскими дилинговыми домами.


  1. Грамматика (Пассив)


  1. Домашнее задание
  1. Выучить слова по теме урока.
  2. Рассказывать текст по ключевым словам.
  3. Составить 5 вопросов к тексту.

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