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Тема: Contracts


Цель урока:

учебная – совершенствование лексических навыков по теме «Terms of Payment»; формирование лексических навыков по текущей теме;

            познавательная – понятия о контракте, правилах его составления.


Тип урока: комбинированный



  1. Вопросы по теме "Terms of Payment”
  1. What do terms of payment usually mean?
  2. What are the most popular modes of payment?
  3. Using the scheme, tell us about payment by a letter of credit.
  4. Using the scheme, tell us about payment for collection.
  5. What is the difference between payment for collection and payment by a letter of credit?


  1. Переведите (устно) – упражнение «снежный ком»
  1. Условия платежа.
  2. Мы предлагаем следующие условия платежа.
  3. 10 процентов общей суммы.
  4. 10 процентов общей суммы должны быть оплачены авансом.
  5. 10 процентов общей суммы должны быть оплачены авансом банковским переводом.
  6. 10 процентов общей суммы должны быть оплачены банковским переводом в течение 30 дней.
  7. Отгрузочные документы.
  8. Получить отгрузочные документы.
  9. 10 процентов общей суммы должны быть оплачены банковским переводом в течение 30 дней после того, как ваш банк получит отгрузочные документы.
  10. 10 процентов общей суммы должны быть оплачены траттой, срочной через 30 дней после предъявления.
  11. Смешанные условия.
  12. Иногда бизнесмены практикуют смешанные условия.
  13. Ценность и объем товаров
  14. Ценность и объем товаров, время поставки.
  15. Смешанные условия зависят от ценности товаров, объема поставки, времени поставки и многих других факторов.


  1. Устный опрос по словам


  1. Новая тема "Contracts”. Презентация новых слов

1. sign a contract


Подписать контракт


After two parties come to an agreement about terms and conditions of the transaction they sign (conclude) a contract.

2. To conclude a contract

Заключить контракт

2. reference number

Номер для ссылок

Contracts usually contain the following information: date, place, reference number, description of goods, terms of delivery, terms of payment, names of the buyer and the seller, price

3. hereinafter referred to as the Buyers

В дальнейшем именуемые продавцы

Foreign trade company Chemico, Moscow, hereinafter referred to as the Sellers, on the one part, and Messrs. Petro Co. Liverpool, England, hereinafter referred to as the Buyers, on the other part, have concluded the present Contract to the following effect:

4. to the following effect

Со следующей целью

5. allow a partial shipment

Разрешить частичную отгрузку

Partial shipments are allowed.

6. to confirm the quality of goods

Подтвердить качество товаров

Competent laboratory must confirm the quality of goods.

7. bill of lading











Clean bill of lading





Dirty bill of lading




Коносамент – документ, который выдает владелец судна владельцу груза; документ свидетельствует, что груз принят на борт. В коносаменте указаны название судна, порт погрузки и выгрузки, товар, вес, количество мест и т.д.


Чистый коносамент – без пометок капитана о повреждениях груза или упаковки


Коносамент с оговорками – с пометками капитана о повреждениях груза или упаковки


The date of the bill of lading is to be considered the date of delivery.

8. Quality Certificate

Weight Certificate

Certificate of Origin


Insurance Policy

Сертификат качества

Весовой сертификат

Удостоверение о происхождении груза

Страховой полис

To get payment, you must present a bill of lading, a quality certificate…



Who usually signs a contract?

What are the names of the parties which sign a contact?

Why do the Seller and the Buyer sign a contract?

Why do the Seller and the Buyer conclude a contract?


What is a reference number?

Why do businessmen use reference numbers?

Is it easy to find a document if the letter contains no reference number?


What is a partial shipment?

Who can allow a partial shipment?

Why can a party insist on a partial shipment?


What organizations can confirm the quality of goods?

Is it necessary to confirm the quality of goods?

Would you insist on your business partners confirming the quality of goods?


What is a bill of lading?

What is a clean bill of lading?

What is a dirty bill of lading?


What types of certificates do you know?



  1. Прочитать текст "Contracts”

After the prospective buyer receives the offer he carefully studies it. Then, very often, he has a few talks or exchanges letters with the prospective seller. After the two parties come to an agreement about terms and conditions of the transactions they sign a contract.


Contracts usually contain the following information:

  • date of the caontract
  • place or city
  • reference number
  • names of the buyer and the seller
  • description of the goods
  • price and the total value
  • terms of delivery
  • terms of payment, etc.


Here is a part of a specimen contract:


Contract # 35-3


Moscow                                                                                            September 5th, 2011


Foreign trade company Chemico, Moscow, hereinafter referred to as the Seller, on the one part, the Messrs. Petro Co., Liverpool, England, hereinafter referred to as the Buyers, on the other part, have concluded the present Contract to the following effect:


  1. The Sellers have sold and the Buyers have bought on cif terms 10 000 kgs of Chemicals ST to be delivered in the fourth quarter of 2011. Partial shipments are allowed. The quality of the Chemicals is to be confirmed by certificate issued by a competen independent and recognized laboratory. The Chemicals are to be packed in plastic bags.
  2. The price is 175 English pounds sterling per kilo cif Liverpool. The total value of the Contract is GBP 1,750,000 (one million seven hundred and fifty thousand English pounds sterling).
  3. The date of the bill of lading issued in the name of the Buyers is to be considered the date of delivery.
  4. Payment for the Chemicals delivered under the present Contract is to be made by a letter of credit on the presentation of the following documents:


1)      Sellers’ Commercial Invoice

2)      Full set of clean on board Bills of Lading

3)      Quality Certificate issued by the laboratory

4)      Weight Certificate issued by the recognized company

5)      Certificate of Origin issued by the Chamber of Commerce and Industry

6)      Insurance Policy issued by the State Insurance company.


  1. Payment is to be made through the National Bank, Liverpool.



  1. Диктант «в бегах» - описание (см. раздел «Лексические игры»)


1. The Prospective Buyer received the offer from the prospective Seller.

2. The Prospective Buyers carefully studied it.

3. The Prospective Buyers and the Prospective Seller had talks.

4. The Prospective Buyers and the Prospective Seller exchanged some letters.

5. At last two parties came to an agreement about terms and conditions of the transaction.

6. Two parties signed a contract.

7. Contract contained the following information: date, place, reference number, description of the goods, price, terms of delivery, terms of payment.

8. The contract allowed partial shipments of goods.

9. The quality of the goods was to be confirmed by a quality certificate.

10. The weight of the goods was to be confirmed by a weight certificate.

11. Bills of lading were to be clean.

12. Insurance Policy was necessary.



  1. Закончите предложения (устно)
  1. After the prospective buyer receives the offer he ______________
  2. Then, very often, he has a few talks or _____________________
  3. After the parties come to an agreement ___________________
  4. Contracts usually contain the following information ______________


  1. Придумайте утверждения таким образом, чтобы можно было сказать верные они или ложные (каждый студент придумывает по 3 утверждения).


  1. Грамматика


  1. Домашнее задание


1. Выучить слова урока


2. Выполнить перевод:

Иностранная торговая компания «Бритиш Петролеум», Москва, далее именуемая Продавец, с одной стороны, и российская торговая компания «Иванов и сыновья», в дальнейшем именуемая Покупатель, с другой стороны, заключили настоящий контракт для реализации следующих целей.


  1. Продавец продает, а Покупатель покупает на условиях фоб 10000 тонн нефти, которая подлежит поставке во втором квартале 2012 года. Разрешается частичная отгрузка. Качество нейти должно быть подтверждено сертификатом, выданным компетентный независимым учреждением.
  2. Общая стоимость контракта составляет 1000000 долларов.
  3. Дата на коносаменте, выданном на имя покупателя, считается датой поставки. Коносамент должен быть чистым.
  4. Оплата нефти, поставляемой по настоящему контракту, должна быть произведена аккредитивом по представлении следующих документов:
    • сертификат качества, выданный лабораторией
    • весовой сертификат, выданный признанной компанией
    • сертификат о происхождении, выданный торгово-промышленной палатой
    • страховой полис, выданный государственной страховой компаний.
  5. Платеж необходимо произвести через Национальный банк в Ливерпуле.

3. Прочитать текст «Commercial invoices»


Commercial invoices are usually issued by sellers or sellers’ banks after the goods are shipped. Together with shipping documents invoices are usually sent to the buyers’ bank for payment.


Commercial invoices generally contain the following information:

  • number and date of the invoice
  • number and date of the contract
  • date of delivery
  • number and date of the transport document
  • description of the goods
  • price per unit
  • total amount to be paid


Here is a part of a specimen invoice:


Invoice No RO4-22

                                                                                              Date: 27 November, 2011


Contract Reference:  Contract 35-3 of 4 September 2011


Payment terms: by letter of credit

Sold to: Petro Co., Liverpool, England

Shipped: by Chemical Co., Latvia

Date of shipment: 20 November, 2011

Port of shipment: Riga

Port of destination: Liverpool

Description: Chemicals ST cif Liverpool

Quantity: 5000 kgs

Unit price: GBP 175.00 per kilo

Total amount: GBP 875,000.00

Currency: English Pound Sterling

Bank: United Bank, Liverpool.

Услуги переводчика. 1 страница (1800 знаков с пробелами) - 200 руб.
Дистанционные уроки английского языка, современные методики.
Курсовые, контрольные работы, тесты - на заказ. Проверка на антиплагиат.
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