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Glimpses of history of money

Тема: Glimpses of history of money


Цель урока:

учебная – совершенствование лексических навыков по теме «Counterfeiting»; формирование лексических навыков по текущей теме;

            познавательная – история появления денег.


Тип урока: комбинированный


  1. Вопросы по теме "Counterfeiting”
  1. Why is counterfeiting of money the oldest crimes in history?
  2. Why was counterfeiting of money a serious problem for the USA in the past?
  3. When did the USA adopt a national currency?
  4. Did it solve a counterfeiting problem?
  5. What special measures did the USA take to suppress counterfeiting? Did it help?
  6. Does the problem of counterfeiting still exist?
  7. What devices made the production of counterfeit money relatively easy?
  8. What security features do various countries use to protect their national currencies from counterfeiting?


  1. Вы докладчик на собрании, посвященном преступлениям, связанным с подделкой долларов. Расскажите историю преступления. Предложите меры по защите национальных валют.


  1. Образуйте существительные:


1. To counterfeit


2. To adopt


3. To suppress


4. To curtail


5. To exist


6. To solve


7. To relate


8. To establish


9. To inscribe


10. To sign


11. To Discover


12. Successful




  1. Словарный диктант по теме "Counterfeiting


  1. Glimpses of history of money. Презентация слов

1. Glimpses of history



Немного об истории

Беглый взгляд



2. commodity

Предмет потребления, продукт, товар

Different commodities served as money in different countries. They were cattle, tea, salt, shells, furs, fish, leather.

3. serve as money


Служить в качестве денег



4. settler, settle

Settle a problem

Поселенец, поселяться

Решить проблему


First settlers of North America used shells as money. They called strings of shells wampum ['wPmpqm] – ожерелье из ракушек.

5. experts underline (emphasize, stress)

Эксперты подчеркивают

Experts underline that the commodity must be fairly durable, easily divisible, portable to serve as money.

6. fairly durable, easily divisible, portable

Довольно надежный (длительного пользования), делимый, компактный

7. the above-mentioned


None of the above-mentioned commodities possessed these qualities, and precious metals superseded them.

8. possess qualities

Владеть чертами

9. supersede


10. Precious metals

Ценные металлы

11. to weigh out




People weighed out precious metals to pay.

12. receipt


Paper money came into use as receipts which goldsmiths gave in exchange for deposits of silver and gold coins. Later goldsmiths became bankers and receipts became banknotes.

13. Goldsmith


14. is worth face value as metal

Иметь цену металла

At first coins were worth their face value as metal, but later people issued token coins of limited value as legal tender.

15. token coins

Разменные монеты

16. legal tender

Законное платежное средство

17. copper

Медная или бронзовая монета

Bronze money are called coppers.


  1. Рассказывать о первых денежных средствах по ключевым словам «снежным комом».


  1. Прочитать текст "Glimpses of history of money”


At different periods of time and in different parts of the world many different commodities have served as money.


These commodities were: cattle, sheep, furs, leather, fish, tobacco, tea, salt, shells etc. The illustration shows shell money used by early settlers in North America. The shells were threaded into strings or belts called wampum. The experts underline that to serve effectively as money, a commodity should be fairly durable, easily divisible, and portable. None of the above mentioned commodities possessed all these qualities, and in time they were superseded by precious metals.


First they were superseded by silver and later by gold.


When a payment was made the metal was first weighed out. The next stage was the cutting of the metal into pieces of definite weight and so coins came into use.


Paper money first came into use in the form of receipts given by goldsmiths in exchange for deposits of silver and gold coins. After goldsmiths became bankers their receipts became banknotes. That’s how the first banknotes came into existence.


At first coins were worth their face value as metal. But later token coins of limited value as legal tender were issued. Now smaller denomination coins are made from bronze and are often referred to as coppers. Bigger denomination coins are made from cupronickel ["kju:prq(V)'nIk(q)l] and are usually called silver.



  1. Вставьте правильный предлог


…different  periods …time, … different parts…world, in time they were superseded…precious metals, to cut the metal….pieces, these coins were made … bronze, they are often referred…as coppers, so coins came…use, then paper money came …use, in exchange … deposits, thus they came…existence, none … the commodities.



  1. Заполните пропуски следующими словами

shells, coin, metal, divisible, banknote, commodities, legal tender, durable, payment, bronze, settlers, coppers, receipts, silver, denomination, cupronickel, superseded, goldsmiths.

  1. At first coins were worth their face value as ________________.
  2. When a __________________was made the ____________was first weight out.
  3. The ____________is 10 pence worth.
  4. The _______________is 10 dollars worth.
  5. Now smaller denomination coins are made from ______________and are often referred to as _______________.
  6. Bigger __________________coins are made from ______________and are usually called _____________.
  7. First paper money were _______________from ________________.
  8. At different time various ________________ served as money.
  9. First ___________of North America used _____________as money.
  10. Experts ______________ that to serve as money the commodity must be fairly _______________, easily ________________ and portable.
  11. Precious metals __________________shells, furs, leather and other commodities used as money.
  12. These token coins are _________________.



  1. Постройте предложения из следующих слов

In the past

Many different commodities



as money

At present

Cattle, sheep, furs, tea etc


Silver and gold

Paper banknotes and coins

Goldsmiths’ receipts


  1. Грамматика


  1. Домашнее задание

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