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Life and industrial assurance

Тема: Life and industrial assurance


Цель урока:

учебная – совершенствование лексических навыков по теме «Insurance and risks»; формирование лексических навыков по текущей теме;

            познавательная – понятие о  видах страхования жизни. 


Тип урока: комбинированный


  1. Вопросы по теме «Insurance and risks»
  1. What risks can insurance cover?
  2. Can the probability of risks be calculated with great accuracy?
  3. What companies conduct insurance business?
  4. Whom does the prospective insured approach first?
  5. With whom does the insurance broker put the client in touch?
  6. What does the insurer issue?
  7. What is an insurance policy? What does it state?
  8. Does the insured pay a premium? What is its size?
  9. What types of insurance are undertaken by the state in many countries?
  10. What are the benefits of the insurance?
  11. Which of the benefits of the insurance of working people in England is the most important, to your mind?
  12. Is insurance business very popular in Russia?
  13. What insurance companies of our country do you know? (Рострах, Росно, Альянс, Каско)
  14. What types of insurance are practiced in our country?



  1. Найдите соответствия


1. To cover the risk

Производственные травмы

2. Insurance business

Пособия на рождение ребенка

3. Insurance cover


4. Insurance transaction

Претензии вследствие аварий

5. Insurer

Прошлый опыт

6. Prospective insured

Покрывать риск

7. Losses arising from burglary

Претензии третьих лиц

8. Destruction of property by fire

Пособие на семью

9. Claims arising our of accidents


10. Family allowances


11. To calculate the probability of the risk

Товары в пути

12. Motor vehicles


13. Past experience

Рассчитать вероятность риска

14. Approach

Страховой бизнес

15. Put the client in touch with the insurer


16. To set out


17. Retirement

Страховая сделка

18. Third party claims


19. Size

Ущерб вследствие кражи со взломом

20. Insurance against sickness

Пособия на похороны

21. Accuracy

Транспортные средства

22. Unemployment


23. Goods in transit


24. To undertake

Разрушение имущества пожаром

25. Funeral grants


26. Contributions

Связать клиента со страховщиком

27. To deduct

Потенциальный страхователь

28. Benefits


29. Exceptions

Страхование от болезней

30. Maternity grants

Брать на себя

31. Industrial injuries




  1. Просмотреть видеосюжет. Ответить на вопросы. Заполнить пропуски.


Вопросы к видеосюжету:

What are fringe benefits?

What examples of fringe benefits do you know?

What is health insurance? When is it paid?

What is the pension plan?

What is employment insurance? When is it paid?

What is workers compensation?



Fringe benefits (доплаты к заработной плате) are like things that you get as an employee over your pay. So, actually, I get paid (1)__________________(20 thousand dollars) a year, I also get some insurance, some like dental and medical stuff. These are fringe benefits.


So, one example of a fringe benefit is health insurance. Health insurance is (2) _____________ (insurance) in case I get sick or injured. An insurance company will pay to the (3) ___________ (hospital) to make me better. That is health insurance and is a fringe benefit.


The pension plan is money that goes into like the government or a private pension plan, that pays your money when you stop working, when you retire, when you are (4) ____________ (old). So, the Canada pension plan is the government-run pension plan and we pay into it, and when we (5) ______________ (retire), that is when we are old, we stop working, we are supposed to get money from the pension plan.


Also, another fringe benefit is employment insurance, also called unemployment insurance. Employment insurance is insurance in case we lose our (6)___________ (job). So, let’s say that I get fired, or I get hurt, and I have quit my job (уволился), then I get paid for 6 months. I get paid for (7) __________ (6 months) while I am injured, or not working, and that is coming from the insurance company, or in Canada is coming from the Government Employment Insurance office. So, employment insurance is another fringe benefit.


And the final fringe benefit we are going to talk about is workers compensation. Worker means worker, and compensation means money I am getting paid. So, this is for (8) ________ (injury). So, workers compensation is paid if I get hurt on the job. So, if I am working on the machine …oh…I get (9) ____________(hurt) then I can get workers compensation. When the employer pays into the workers compensation or injury insurance, than I get paid if I am injured.



What fringe benefits do employees have in Russia?


  1. Презентация новых слов по теме «Life and industrial assurance»

1. Life assurance (insurance)


Страхование жизни (и здоровья)

Life assurance is a comparatively recent type of insurance.

2. to compare, comparative, comparatively, comparison

Сравнивать, сравнительный, сравнительно, сравнение

3. certainty, certain

Уверенный, уверенность

In case of insurance there is no certainty that the insured may face the risk against which he has been insured.


4. to occur (about any risks), occurrence



The risk may never occur.

5. Types of life assurance:


endowment assurance







whole life assurance




industrial assurance

Типы пожизненного страхования:

страхование-вклад (страховая сумма выплачивается застрахованному при достижении им определенного возраста);


пожизненное страхование на случай смерти;



страхование жизни 


In case of life assurance the risk is certain to occur sooner or later. The only uncertainly is the time of occurrence.


There two types of life insurance: endowment and whole life insurance.

6. to attain, attainment of a certain age

Достичь, достижение определенного возраста

Endowment insurance is for a specified number of years or until the attainment of a certain age.


7. to collect premiums ['pri:mIqm]

Собирать взносы

Premiums for endowment and whole life assurance are collected annually.


8. The company undertakes the following types of insurance

Компания осуществляет следующие виды страховок.

The largest life assurance company in Great Britain is Prudential Assurance Co., the company undertakes many types of insurance


True or False

  1. Life insurance is the only type of insurance. F.
  2. Life insurance is a comparatively recent type of insurance. T
  3. Life assurance is different from all other branches of insurance. T
  4. In case of insurance there is no certainty that the insured may face the risk against which he has been insured. T
  5. In case of life insurance the risk will never occur. F.
  6. Endowment assurance is for a specified number of years. T
  7. Endowment assurance is not until the attainment of a certain age. А
  8. In case of endowment assurance, the insured will never get the insurance sum. F.
  9. In case of whole life assurance, the premiums are collected until the death of the insured. T
  10. Premiums for endowment and whole life assurance are paid twice a year. F
  11. There are no large insurance companies in Great Britain. F


Далее студенты придумывают самостоятельно по 2 предложения типа «правда-ложь». Один студент читает предложение, второй переводит, третий говорит – правда это или ложь.



  1. Прочитать текст «Life and industrial assurance»

One of the main branches of insurance is life assurance. It is a comparatively recent type of insurance.


Life insurance is different from all other branches of insurance. In case of insurance there is no certainty that the insured may face the risk against which he has been insured. The risk may never occur. But in case of life assurance the risk is certain to occur sooner or later. The only uncertainty is the time of occurrence.


There are two types of life assurance:

  • endowment
  • whole life assurance


Endowment assurance is provided for a specified number of years or until the attainment of a certain age. The sum assured is paid either at the agreed time or on the death of the assured.


Whole life assurance is less popular. The premiums must be paid to the assurer until the death of the insured.


Premiums for indowment and whole life assurance are paid quarterly or annually.


Industrial assurance is a branch of life assurance. Industrial assurance policies are usually for small amounts. The premiums are collected weekly by the company’s agets.


The largest life assurance company in Great Britain is Prudential Assurance Co., established in 1845. Besides all kinds of life assurance Prudential Assurance Company undertakes many types of insurance.



  1. Грамматика


  1. Домашнее задание

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