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Insurance and risks

Тема: Insurance and risks


Цель урока:

учебная – совершенствование лексических навыков по теме «Organized markets»; формирование лексических навыков по текущей теме;

            познавательная – понятие о бирже финансовых фьючерсов, видах страхования.


Тип урока: комбинированный



  1. Вопросы по теме «Organized markets »
  1. Where are organized markets held? How is business transacted in these premises?
  2. Who is admitted to organized markets?
  3. Do organized markets include both produce markets and financial markets?
  4. What produce markets does the text mention?
  5. What commodities are sold and bought at produce exchanges?
  6. What two types of organized markets do you know?
  7. What commodities does the spot market deal in?
  8. What can you say about forward and futures markets?
  9. What is the difference between a forward contract and a future? (Forward is a transaction in which some time elapses between purchase and conclusion of the contract; future is a contract traded at the stock exchange).
  10. What is an option? (The buyer can choose – to buy commodities in accordance with the option or not to buy)
  11. What is hedging? (insurance of price)
  12. What securities do financial markets deal in?
  13. What can you say about financial futures exchanges? When did they appear? Are they sophisticated?
  14. What financial futures exchange in London do you know? When was it created?
  15. What two exchanges used Italian bonds for their business at that time?
  16. What does the text say about Italian Government Bonds? – They went up because the LIFFE and MATIF launched futures contracts on them.
  17. What did the contracts generate? Did the publicity increase trading activity in the cash market? What will these activities help to attract?
  18. What can you say about the bond prices at the moment?
  19. What is a belief about inflation, interest rates and bond yields in the UK and France?
  20. Did you find the newspaper item easy to translate and understand?



  1. Опрос по словам


  1. Презентация новых слов по теме «Insurance and risks»

1. To insure,

insurance covers risks







Страховка покрывает риски




Nowadays insurance covers many risks: see below.

2. Risks:

The destruction of property (to destruct)

Losses arising from burglary and other causes



Motor vehicles


Third party claims arising out of accidents


Goods in transit


Разрушение имущества;


Убытки вследствие кражи со взломом и других причин


Транспортные средства


Претензии третьих лиц вследствие аварий


Товары в пути



3. Past experience

Прошлого опыта

Past experience shows that probability of many risks can be calculated with great accuracy.

4. Probability of risks (probable)

Вероятность рисков (вероятный)

5. To calculate with great accuracy

Считать очень точно

6. To conduct insurance business

Вести страховое дело

Insurance companies conduct insurance business. The insurance business includes the prospective insured, the insurance broker, the insurer, an insurance policy.

7. Exceptions


The insurance policy sets out the exact terms of the insurance transaction and any exceptions that may be.

8. To undertake insurance against sickness

Брать обязательства по страхованию на случай болезни

In many countries the state undertakes insurance against sickness, unemployment, old age. 

9. To deduct contributions

Вычитать взносы

The employees’ contributions are deducted from their wages and salaries.

10. Benefits


The main benefits of the insurance are:

11. Retirement pensions

Пенсии по старости

12. Relief

Пособие по безработице

13. Maternity grant

Пособие на рождение ребенка

14. Industrial injuries

Производственные травмы

15. Family allowances

Пособия многодетным семьям


Вопросы по словам:

1 What types of risk are covered by insurance?

2. Can we calculate risks with great accuracy? How is it possible?

3. What companies conduct an insurance business? What persons take part in the insurance business?

2 What is an insurance policy?

3 How can I get an insurance policy if I want to insure my property?

4. Who pays insurance against sickness, old age, unemployment in developed countries?

4 What are the main benefits of the insurance?

5 Is insurance business very popular in Russia?

6 What insurance companies of our country do you know?

7 What do people insure in Russia?

8 What is your attitude towards insurance?

9. Do you think it is a useful thing or all insurers are cheaters?


  1. Прочитать текст «Insurance and risks»



A great variety of risks can nowadays be covered by insurance. Some of the commoner risks which are usual for businesses and private individuals are as follows:


  • the destruction of property by fire
  • losses arising from burglary or other causes
  • goods in transit
  • motor vehicles
  • third party claims arising out of accidents.


From past experience the probability of many risks can be calculated with great accuracy.


In Great Britain insurance business is conducted by insurance companies. the client or the prospective insured first approaches the insurance broker who then puts the client in touch with the insurer.


The insurer issues an insurance policy for the insured. It is a document setting out the exact terms and conditions of the insurance transaction. It states the precise risk covered, the period of cover and any exceptions there may be. the insured is to pay a premium the size of which is state in the policy.


In many countries insurance against sickness, unemployment and old age is undertaken by the state. In Great Britain this insurance is undertaken by the state through the National Health Service. The employees’ contributions are deducted from their wages and salaries.


The main benefits of this insurance include:


  • retirement pensions
  • unemployment benefits, or reliefs
  • sickness benefits
  • maternity grants
  • funeral grants
  • industrial injuries
  • family allowances


  1. Составить диалог

A prospective insured and an insurance broker in the village. The insurance broker should persuade the prospective insured into insuring the house in the village (house, furniture, computers, electronic devices, TVs, radios, books, housewares ['haVsweqz] (дом. принадлежности).


Possible arguments:

Your house can be burnt down by wildfire (пожар), hurricanes ['hArIkqn], floods, gas explosion (gas-bags are so small that it can be hardly dangerous), heavy rains, hailstorm (град);

water supply, sewerage ['s(j)u:(q)rIdZ], central heating (stove [stqVv]), electricity (candles, oil lamps) breakdown)


Possible dialogue:

Insurance broker: Do you want to insure your dacha?

The Insured: No.

I. B. Why?

The Insured: It is expensive. All of you are cheaters.

I. B. Our insurance company is well known all over the world. We exist for 100 years. Think over properly. We insure against hurricanes ['hArIkqn], flood.

The Insured: There is nothing of this kind in our area.

I. B. Our insurance covers fire, burglary.

The Insured: Perhaps. What is the premium?

I. B. Only 5000 rubles a year.


  1. Грамматика


  1. Домашнее задание


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Уметь рассказывать о страховании по ключевым словам

Выполнить перевод


1 Он уже застраховался от ущерба в связи с кражей, когда пришла телеграмма о краже.

He had insured against losses arising from burglary when the telegram about burglary came.

2 Имущество уже было уничтожено огнем, когда приехали пожарные.

The property had been destructed by the fire when firemen came.

3 Не успели третьи лица подать жалобы, связанные с аварией, как страховая компания объявила о банкротстве.

The third party hadn’t lodged the claims arising out of the accident before the insurance company declared its bankruptcy.


The insurance company declared its bankruptcy before the third party had lodged the claim.

4 Не прошло и двух недель с момента оформления страхового полиса, как она заболела.

She got ill before two weeks had passed since the issue of the insurance policy.


Two weeks hadn’t passed before she got ill.

5 Не успел страховой брокер связать клиента со страховой компанией, как клиент отказался от его услуг.

The insurance broker hadn’t put the client in touch with the insurer before the client rejected his services.


The client rejected the insurance broker’s services before the insurance broker had got the client in touch with the insurer.


6 Не успело государство взять на себя страховку от болезней, безработицы, по старости, как возросло количество больных, безработных, старых.

The government hadn’t undertaken insurance against sickness, unemployment and old age before the number of ill unemployed and old people increased.


The number of ill unemployed and old people increased before the government had undertaken insurance against sickness, unemployment and old age

7 Не успел работодатель вычесть взносы из зарплат сотрудников, как сотрудники обратились с жалобами к генеральному уполномоченному.

The employer hadn’t deducted contributions from employees’ wages and salaries before employees lodged appeals to the general commissioner.


Employees lodged appeals to the general commissioner before the employer had deducted contributions from employees’ wages and salaries.

8 Не успел он получить пособие по безработице и пособие по нетрудоспособности, а также выплаты многодетным семьям, как компания оформила ему пособие на рождение ребенка.

He hadn’t get unemployment and sickness benefits and family allowances before the company gave him maternity grant.


The company gave him maternity grant before he had got unemployment and sickness benefits and family allowances.



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