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Various services of banks

Тема: Various services of banks


Цель урока:

учебная – совершенствование лексических навыков по теме «Competition, Marketing, Finance (Business Plan)»; формирование лексических навыков по текущей теме;

            познавательная – понятие о банковских услугах.


Тип урока: комбинированный



  1. Вопросы по теме «Competition, Marketing, Finance»
  1. What does the section "Competition” of the Business Plan describe?
  2. What should the company do if one of its competitors has launched a new product?
  3. What advantages can the company have over the competition?
  4. What is a marketing strategy?
  5. What is the section "Manufacturing” about?
  6. What should the company do to keep up with the markets?
  7. Why do consumers require the very best in design, convenience and appearance?
  8. What is the section "Historical financial data” about?
  9. What papers can the Financial Projections section contain?
  10. What about loans and investments? Are they stipulated in the Business Plan?
  11. Would you make a Business plan if you had your own company?


  1. Семантизация новых слов


1. Current account

Текущий счет

The bank opens a current account to any person whom the bank regard as reliable.

2. regard as reliable

Считать надежным


3. present a reference

Представить рекомендацию

The person must present a reference from his employer to the bank.

4. prove satisfactory

Оказаться удовлетворительной

If the reference proves satisfactory, the bank will accept a deposit and issued a cheque book free of charge.

5. accept a deposit

Принять депозит

6. issue free of charge (cheque book)

Выдать бесплатно

7. find convenient

Находить удобным

The person can pay into and pay out of the account as often as he finds convenient.

8. Deposit account

Депозитный счет

In case of time deposits you can withdraw money after a certain period of time.

9. to withdraw money

Снять деньги

10. Savings account

Сберегательный счет

Savings account allows savers to put money away for particular purposes.

11. exchange foreign currency

Обменивать иностранную валют

Banks can exchange foreign currency, grant loans, provide safe custody, cash dispensers and automated teller machines.

12. grant loans

Предоставлять кредиты

13. automated teller machines


14. safe custody

Хранение в сейфе





3. Разделить класса на клиентов банка и банкиров (сonsumers and lenders)

Consumers: think about the reasons you would want to use the services listed.

Lenders: why would you want to provide these services; why is it profitable for you?


  1. Переведите на русский язык

current account, to deposit, depositor, deposit account, savings account, cash dispenser, safe custody, free of change,


banker – banking – bank

to serve – service – servant

to act – actor – active

reliable – reliability – to rely

employer – employee – to employ – employment – unemployment – the unemployed

to invest – investor – investment

issue – to issue – issuer – issuance

receiver – receipt (квитанция) – reception (прием, получение) – to receive – receivable

to satisfy – satisfaction – satisfactory – satisfied (довольный) – dissatisfied

inconvenient – convenient – convenience – inconvenience.


  1. Прочитать текст «Various services of banks»


Banker’s services cover an enormous range of activities today. A full list would include:


  • Current account services


They are extended to anyone whom banks regard as reliable. A new depositor should be recommended by his employer or should present a reference. If this proves satisfactory the bank will accept a deposit from him which will be entered in his current account.


A cheque book will then be issued free of charge. Once the customer has received his cheque book he may use the cheques to order the banker to pay out sums of money from his current account. Money is being paid into and paid out of the account as often as the customer finds convenient.


  • Deposit account services


Companies and individuals can deposit cash resources that are not needed at present. They can withdraw the money either any day they need it or after a certain period in case of time deposits.


  • Savings account services


It enables small savers to put money away for particular purposes, for example for holidays.


  • Other services:
  • foreign exchange
  • foreign exchange transactions
  • services in foreign trade payments
  • discounting bills of exchange
  • granting loans
  • investment management services
  • cash dispensers and automated teller machines
  • safe custody
  • economic information
  • banker’s credit cards
  • and many others.



  1. Переведите предложения текста, в состав которых входят следующие выражения:

1. to enter the sum in the account

If this proves satisfactory the bank will accept a deposit from him which will be entered in his current account.

2. to issue a cheque book

A cheque book will then be issued free of charge.

3. find convenient

Money is being paid into and paid out of the account as often as the customer finds convenient.

4. to deposit cash resources

Companies and individuals can deposit cash resources that are not needed at present.

5. to withdraw the money

They can withdraw the money either any day they need it or after a certain period in case of time deposits.

6. to put money away

It enables small savers to put money away for particular purposes, for example for holidays.



  1. Собрать перепутанный диалог и разыграть его

A.  Good afternoon, sir.

S. I’d like to open an account, please.


A. Certainly. Do you live in Moscow?

S. Yes, I study at the Financial College.


A. Are you a student?



A. What sort of account would you like to open?

S. A deposit account, I think, to get interests.


A. Have you got any large sums to deposit?

S. No, only fifty rubles. But I am going to receive money from abroad. My parents will transfer it to me. By the way, can I withdraw my money at a branch office?


A. Certainly, though it may be more convenient to open your account in our branch near the College.

S. No, I live quite near here. Do you need a passport?


A. Yes.

S. I’m afraid I haven’t got it on me. Will my student card do?


A. No, I’m afraid not.

S. I’ll come back later, then. By the way, do you exchange currency?


A. What currency?

S. Dollars for rubles.


A. Certainly.

S. Very good, sir.


A. What sort of account would you like to open?

S. A deposit account, I think, to get interests.


A.  Good afternoon, sir.

S. I’d like to open an account, please.


A. Are you a student?



A. Certainly, though it may be more convenient to open your account in our branch near the College.

S. No, I live quite near here. Do you need a passport?


A. No, I’m afraid not.

S. I’ll come back later, then. By the way, do you exchange currency?


A. Have you got any large sums to deposit?

S. No, only fifty rubles. But I am going to receive money from abroad. My parents will transfer it to me. By the way, can I withdraw my money at a branch office?


A. What currency?

S. Dollars for rubles.


A. Yes.

S. I’m afraid I haven’t got it on me. Will my student card do?


A. Certainly.

S. Very good, sir.


A. Certainly. Do you live in Moscow?

S. Yes, I study at the Financial College.



  1. Грамматика


  1. Домашнее задание


1. У вас свой банк, какие услуги вы предоставляете – 10 предложений.


2. Знать слова.


3. Перевод.

1. Наш банк открывает счет любому вкладчику, если этот вкладчик представляет рекомендацию от работодателя.

2. Если рекомендация будет хорошая (satisfactory), то банк примет вклад от вас. Этот вклад будет перечислен на ваш текущий счет.

3. Вчера мы выдали бесплатно три чековые книжки.

4. Я не снял деньги со своего текущего счета.

5. Она не любит экономить.

6. Вы обменяли доллары на рубли вчера?

7. Почему вы думаете, что банк вам не предоставит кредит?

8. Наш банк не страхует автомобили.

            9. Когда вы начнете экономить деньги?


4. Прочитать текст


References supplied by banks


Among services offered by banks there is a special one for other banks within to check the financial standing and creditworthiness of their potential customers. In this case the bank sends an enquiry to the customer’s bank and the latter sends a reference in reply.


Here is a specimen enquiry and a specimen reference:




American Express



New Your, NY



14 April, 2011


Dear Sirs,


We shall be obliged if you would favour us with your opinion (любезно высказать мнение) as to the means (средства), standing and respectability (респектабельность) of Messrs. Stanley Corp., Minneapolis ["mInI'xpqlIs], Minnesota ["mInI'sqVtq], USA.


We would be grateful if you could tell us if the firm is reliable in settling its accounts (расплачиваться по счетам) promptly.


Any information given by you will be treated as strictly private and confidential.


Thanking you for your cooperation.


Yours faithfully,

(Authorized Signature)

Ella Bank



Ella Bank







In reply to your letter of 4-14-2011 we are informing you that Messrs. Stanley Corp., Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA are a large American corporation with a substantial capital of their own. They are very good customers of ours and we are granting them considerable credits.


Messrs. Stanley Corp. are known to have always met their obligations promptly and on due dates (дата платежа). They are creditworthy and have a good reputation. They are reputable both in the USA and abroad where they have built up a good business relationship. This information is confidential and is given with no responsibility on our part.


Very truly yours,

American Express Bank




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