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The payroll of a company

Тема: The payroll of a company


Цель урока:

учебная – совершенствование лексических навыков по теме «Internet»; формирование лексических навыков по текущей теме;

            познавательная – ведомости, почасовая система оплаты, учет рабочего времени на предприятии.


Тип урока: комбинированный



  1. Вопросы к тексту "Internet”
  1. What is the Internet?
  2. What does the Internet connect? How many computers does the Internet connect according to some estimates?
  3. What can Internet computers do?
  4. What opportunities have you got if your computer is connected to the Internet?
  5. What information can be in digital form?
  6. If you want to log on or log in, what should you know? (What procedures does it entail?)
  7. What is a computer browser? What computer browsers do you know? For what purposes do users use computer browsers?
  8. What is a search engine? For what purposes do we use search engines? What search engines do you know?


  1. Правда или ложь (можно задание проводить на оценку, проверяя письменные ответы)


1. The Internet is becoming more and more popular. (T)

2. Network computers cannot communicate with each other. (F)

3. Network computers can send messages to each other and can share information in the form of computer files. (T)

4. According to some estimates, the Internet connects only three computers (F)

5. It is not wonder that more and more people don’t want to use the Internet. (F)

6. A lot of internet resources are overseas. (T)

7. Some of the Internet resources are run by government bodies and local communities. (T)

8. It has been suggested that the number of computer users will not increase considerably in the future. (F)

9. A log on or log in procedures entail providing an account name and a password. (T)

10. To surf the Internet you need a computer browser. (T)

11. We never use search machines to find information in the Internet. (F)


  1. Опрос по словам


  1. Новая тема «The payroll of a company». Презентация новых слов.

1. payroll

платежная ведомость

-monthly-paid staff

-weekly-paid staff

-hourly-paid staff

Сотрудники с ежемесячной оплатой

Сотрудники с еженедельной оплатой


The payroll is a list of people employed by the company. The payroll includes monthly-paid staff…


2. Set salaries (wages)

Фиксированные оклады

Office staff gets salaries, and workers get wages.


3. operate a bonus system

Иметь бонусную систему

Many companies operate a bonus system. The company pays the bonus against the work done.


4. To record [rI'kO:d] hours of work

Record ['rekO:d] - запись

Записывать часы

5. Insert


Workers record their hours of work. They insert their clock cart into a clock. The clock stamps the time on the card.


6. Timekeeper


At the end of each week the timekeeper collects clock cards. He checks them and passes to the Wages Office.


*Work overtime, pay overtime


*Pay in cash (by cheque)



7. Pay advice

Платежное извещение

8. Earnings


9. Deductions


10. Total amount payable

Сумма к получению

11. Contributions


Employees get pay advice for a week. The advice includes the earnings, deductions and the total amount payable. The deductions include health insurance contributions.


  1. Переведите на английский язык («снежный ком»)

1. Payroll/payroll includes monthly-paid staff/payroll includes monthly and weekly-paid staff.

2. Set salaries/employees get set salaries/ employees get set salaries  and workers get wages.

3. Operate a bonus system/ Some companies don’t operate a bonus system.

4. Record/record hours of work/don’t record my hours of work.

5. insert/he inserted his card into the clock/ he didn’t insert his card into the clock.

6. timekeeper/timekeeper is collecting clock cards now.

7. They didn’t pay overtime. They will pay in cash.

8. pay advice/you will get a pay advice tomorrow.

9. earnings/deductions, total amount payable/The pay advice includes earnings…

10. Contributions/ Don’t pay any contributions to the pension fund.


  1. Вопросы по словам
  1. What is a payroll?
  2. What staff does the payroll include?
  3. What is monthly-paid staff? weekly-paid staff? hourly-paid staff?
  4. Who get set salaries? wages? Will you get salaries or wages? In what way can you receive your salaries?
  5. What companies operate a bonus system? When can you receive a bonus?
  6. How do employees record their hours of work? What do they insert into a clock device?
  7. What are a timekeeper’s duties?
  8. What is a pay advice? What information does it contain?
  9. What types of contributions do you know?



  1. Прочитать текст «The payroll of a company»


The list of people employed by a company is known by the payroll. The payroll is usually divided up as follows:

  • monthly-paid staff
  • weekly-paid staff
  • hourly-paid staff


Office staff are either monthly or weekly paid and the money they get is called salaries, which are usually set.


Workers are either weekly or hourly paid and they get set wages.


Many companies often operate a bonus system for monthly and weekly-paid staff. The bonus is usually paid against certain work done.


The amount of the bonus payment is worked out from the employees job cards.


Hourly-paid staff are usually on the clock. Under this system each worker has a clock number and a clock card. He records his hours of work on the clock card by inserting it into what is literally a clock.


A device in the clock stamps the card with the time. At the end of each week the clock cards are collected by the timekeepers. The cards are checked and then passed on to the Wages Office. In the Wages Office the wages and overtime are calculated.


When monthly or weekly paid staff work overtime they are paid overtime.


Employees are sometimes paid in cash or by cheque, but direct payments into the employee’s bank accounts are becoming more and more popular.


As a rule employees get pay advices for the paid period.


The advice states the earnings, all the deductions and the total amount payable. The deductions usually include National Health Insurance contributions.


  1. Анализ образца «Pay advice”


*back pay – задолженность по зарплате

National insurance – государственное социальное страхование (на безработных).

Savings – накопления

Social club – клуб отдыха



  1. Угадай имя сотрудника


Карточки студента 1.

Найдите William, Kate, James, Ann, Bess, David, Emily,



Используйте следующие слова и выражения:

work in the Wages Office, to insert a clock card into a clock device, received a bonus for overwork, is a timekeeper, has a clock card and a clock number, receives his wages in cash, is calculating deductions, earnings, contributions for pay advices, is a programmer analyst, is surfing the Internet, receives his salary onto the bank account, calculates National Health Insurance contributions, often works overtime, is a cashier


Карточки студента 2

Найдите  Frank, Mary, Serge, John, Bess, Mike, Bob



Используйте следующие слова и выражения:

work in the Wages Office, to insert a clock card into a clock device, received a bonus for overwork, is a timekeeper, has a clock card and a clock number, receives his wages in cash, is calculating deductions, earnings, contributions for pay advices, is a programmer analyst, is surfing the Internet, receives his salary onto the bank account, calculates National Health Insurance contributions, often works overtime, is a cashier



  1. Грамматика


  1. Домашнее задание


  1. Выучить слова.
  2. Выполнить перевод, уметь пересказать переведенный текст.


I am the head of the BBC corporation.

Я глава корпорации BBC.

I have monthly-paid staff, weekly-paid staff and hourly-paid staff.


Я имею сотрудников, которым выплачивается з/п ежемесячно, сотрудников с еженедельной оплатой, почасовиков.

Salaries which I pay to my office staff and wages which I pay to my workers depend on the experience of the employee.

Зарплаты, которые я плачу офисным сотрудникам, и зарплаты, которые я плачу рабочим, зависят от опыта служащего.

My company operates a bonus system.


В моей компании действует бонусная система.

My hourly-paid staff is on the clock.

Почасовики находятся на почасовой системе оплаты.

Each worker has a clock card.


Каждый рабочий имеет карточку учета рабочего времени.

He inserts this cart into the clock device, and the clock device stamps the time.

Он вставляет эту карточку в часовой аппарат, и часовой аппарат печатает время.

At the end of the week the timekeeper collects these cards and passes on to the Wages Office.

В конце недели табельщик собирает эти карточки и передает в расчетный отдел.

Sometimes I pay in cash or by cheque or into the bank account.

Иногда я плачу наличными, или чеком, или на банковский счет.

As a rule employees get pay advices.

Как правило, рабочие получают платежные извещения.


  1. Перевести текст, выучить подчеркнутые слова


Specialist writing programmes for computers are called programmer analysts.


Here is a newspaper advertisement of National Canada Ltd requiring programmer analysts to work for them:


Programmer Analysts

National Canada Ltd has an urgent need for Programmer Analysts who wish to work in a high technology atmosphere aimed at the development of financial systems for world-wide usage.


Working as one of our project team members will allow you to rub shoulders with some of Canada’s foremost experts in financial item processing.


If you meet all or some of the requirements listed below, we would like to see you.


B.Sc. or equivalent in Computer Science or Electrical Engineering.


Some knowledge of date communications. Micro-processor background – Intel family preferably. Hardware exposure. Hands-on experience in the design, development, testing, debugging and coding of software programs.


In the event of a mail strike: to arrange an interview please call collect


and ask for:

Susan Deter,

Professional Placement Manager

National Canada Ltd

158 Weber Street North

Waterloo, Ontario.


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