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Marine Insurance

Тема: Marine Insurance


Цель урока:

учебная – совершенствование лексических навыков по теме «Marine Insurance»; формирование лексических навыков по текущей теме;

            познавательная – понятие о морской страховке.


Тип урока: комбинированный


  1. Вопросы по теме «Life and industrial assurance»

1. What branches of insurance do you know? What risks can insurance cover?

2. What is the difference between life insurance and other branches of insurance? (you can never face the risk, you are sure to face the risk…)

3. Does the risk occur in the event of life insurance?

4. What types of life insurance do you know?

5. What is endowment insurance?

6. What is whole life assurance? Is it less popular than other types of life assurance?

7. What can you say about industrial assurance?

8. How often are premiums collected?

9. What is the largest insurance company in Great Britain?

10. What insurance services do banks provide?

11. Which services of the bank are most attractive to you?


  1. Преподаватель дает определение термина, студенты пишут термин.
  1. One of the main branches of insurance. It is a comparatively recent type of insurance. In the event of this insurance the risk is certain to occur. (life insurance)
  2. One of the types of life assurance. This insurance is provided until the attainment of a certain age. (Endowment insurance)
  3. It is a branch of life insurance for small amounts of money, for accidents in the factory. (Industrial insurance)
  4. They are collected weekly, monthly, quarterly, annually. (premiums)
  5. The type of insurance under which the premiums must be paid to the assurer until the death of the insured. (Whole life insurance)
  6. A document issued by the insurance company to the insured. (insurance policy)
  7. A car, a train, a bus (vehicle)
  8. Crime, housebreaking, robbery, theft (burglary)
  9. Demand, petition, reclamation, requirement of third persons (claim)
  10. Carefulness, certainty, exactness – risks can be calculated with great certainty (accuracy)
  11. A person whom the insured must approach to get in touch with the insurer. (insurance broker)
  12. To control, to guide, to handle, to head, to operate, to manage, to run business (conduct)
  13. Five minus three is equal to two. This operation is called… (deduction)
  14. Advantages, profits from insurance (benefits)
  15. Insurance payments to young mothers (maternity grants)
  16. Insurance payments if a person died (funeral grants)
  17. Insurance payments to families which have may children (family allowances)



  1. Отгадать кроссворд






4. Презентация слов к теме «Marine insurance»



Marine insurance is the branch of insurance of ships and their cargoes.



It is undertaken by Lloyd’s underwriters.



Shippers employ brokers to approach Lloyd’s underwriters to obtain the cover.

To obtain the cover

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General, particular


Общая, частная

Average means loss in the insurance business. Average can be general or particular.

In case of mishap at sea the ship and cargo can be lost, damaged, some cargo can be jettisoned to save the ship.



To jettison the cargo

Выбрасывать груз за борт

Джеттисон – груз, выбрасываемый за борт при авариях

Average adjuster






Average adjustment

Диспашер – специалист по оценке убытков по общей аварии и их распределению между участниками рейса судна


Диспаша – расчет по общей аварии и распределению убытков между участниками рейса судна

The average adjuster makes an average adjustment to assess the losses and to split them between the underwriters, the ship owners, the owners of the cargo and others involved.

To assess the losses

Оценить потери

To split


Others involved

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  1. Понять, прочитать и перевести предложение


1. Marineinsuranceinsuresshipsandcargo.

2. Lloyd’sunderwritersundertakemarineinsuranceinGreatBritain.

3. ShippersemploybrokerswhoapproachLloyd’sunderwriterstoobtainthecover.

4. Marineinsuranceisprovidedforonevoyage.


6. Thetermaveragemeansloss.

7. Theaveragemaybegeneralandpartial.

8. Incaseofmishapatseatheshipandcargocanbelosetheshipcanbedamagedsomecargocanbejettisonedtosavetheshipandothercarto.





  1. Прочитать текст «Marine insurance»


Marine insurance is the branch of insurance of ships and their cargoes. It is perhaps the oldest kind of insurance.


This type of business is undertaken in great Britain by Lloyd’s underwriters, marine insurance companies and marine insurance brokers. Brokers are usually employed by shippers to approach Lloyd’s underwriters in order to obtain the cover.


Marine insurance can be provided either for a specified period of time or a particular voyage. All the terms and premium are stated in the insurance policy. The ships and cargoes may be insured against total or partial loss. The term average is used in insurance to mean loss. there are two types of average:


  • general average
  • particular average


In case of mishap at sea the ship and cargo can be lost, the ship can be damaged, some cargo can be jettisoned to save the ship and other cargo. In all these cases the average adjuster or the independent insurance specialist makes an average adjustment to assess the losses and to split them between the insurance company or the underwriters, the shipowners, the owners of the cargo and others involved if such is the case.



  1. Ответить на вопросы к тексту
  1. Did you find the general information on marine insurance rather difficult to understand?
  2. Is marine insurance more complicated than life insurance?
  3. Which terms of these two branches of insurance did you find difficult to remember?
  4. Have you heard anything about marine insurance undertaken in our sea shipments?



  1. Посмотрите на диаграмму. Отметьте верные утверждения.


  1. A form of insurance and "a class of insurance” mean the same thing. (No, class of insurance – life, marine insurance, form of insurance – endowment insurance, whole life insurance…)
  2. Marine insurance is the oldest from of insurance in the UK. (Yes)
  3. Contractors’ all risks insurance is the youngest. (Yes)
  4. The shaded area shows the commencement date of the various forms of insurance. (Yes)
  5. It is very easy to read this table as it is very illustrative ['Ilq|streItIv]. (Yes)
  6. There are no new terms in the table.



engineering – страхование инженерных конструкций

contractorsall risks – все риски подрядчиков

employersliability – ответственность работодателя

public liability – страхование гражданской ответственности (на случай причинения вреда кому-либо)

suretyship – страхование поручения

credit – страхование долга

consequential loss – страхование косвенных убытков (простой, упущенная выгода)

personal accident – от несчастных случаев


  1. Грамматика


  1. Домашнее задание

Выучить слова, рассказа о морском страховании по ключевым словам.

Прочитать текст.



Lloyd’s of London


Lloyd’s, the biggest insurance business in the UK and in the world, is not a company, but an association of London underwriters. It was incorporated in 1871 and it is so called from Edward Lloyd.


Edward Lloyd was the owner of a coffee house where underwriters at that time met to do business.


Lloyd’s is regulated by several Acts of Parliament and by its own rules. It is administered by the Council of Lloyd’s.


Today more than 20,000 members of Lloyd’s in 80 countries work for Lloyd’s. Underwriting members or underwriters are grouped into 280 syndicates, generally specializing in particular types of risks. The syndicates vary in size from the relatively small units to the units of several thousand individuals.


Insurance is usually undertaken through Lloyd’s brokers rather than directly with Lloyd’s underwriting members.


Lloyd’s brokers know better what syndicate to approach and how to negotiate the business. They act, like other brokers, and negotiate on behalf of their customers. They do not bear any risks, since only underwriting members bear all the risks with unlimited liability. One  of the main principles of insurance with Lloyd’s is the spreading of risk as widely as possible among syndicates to minimize their losses. Lloyd’s is best known as a centre of marine insurance, but at the same time all kinds of insurance are practiced there. In fact, at the present day marine insurance comprises less than half the total business undertaken. Almost anything can be insured there as well: aircraft, communications satellites, civil engineering projects, livestock and so on.


Besides they do some business in travels, publishing and land. It exists because it has evolved over the centuries to meet the needs of the day.


Lloyd’s motto Fidentia means confidence in the future.

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