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Securities and stock exchanges

Тема: Securities and stock exchanges


Цель урока:

учебная – совершенствование лексических навыков по теме «Company finance»; формирование лексических навыков по текущей теме;

            познавательная – понятие о бирже, брокерах.


Тип урока: комбинированный



  1. Вопросы по теме «Company finance»
  1. What synonyms to the expression "share capital” do you know?
  2. What does the market price of a share depend? Is this price higher or lower than its face value?
  3. What shall the company do if it needs to raise more capital?
  4. What is "rights issue”?
  5. What is "bonus issue”?
  6. In what case does business have no problems? What do you know about inflow of receipts and outflow of payments?
  7. What time can elapse between expenditure and receipt of income?
  8. What is the purpose of financial institutions?
  9. In what way would you raise capital if your company needed it?


  1. Лексическая игра

Делим группу на две команды – какая команда больше вспомнит слов по темам «Акции» и «Капитал компании».



  1. Презентация новых слов по теме «Securities and stock exchanges»



ценные бумаги


Types of securities:

shares, stocks,




Shares (stocks) give ownership.

Bonds don’t give ownership, you lend money to the company

gilts = gilt-edged securities

золотообрезные ценные бумаги с государственной гарантией

(казначейские векселя – т.е Министерства финансов;

обычные облигации со сроком погашения до 25 лет;

индексированные облигации – выплаты корректируются в соответствии с индексом инфляции.)

Gilts are high quality securities without financial risks, usually issued by the British Government.

blue chips

«голубые фишки»

ценные облигации наиболее надежных компаний по цвету самой дорогой фишки в казино

Gilts are also called blue chips.


You can buy securities at the Stock Exchange

There are two types of people which deal on the Stock Exchange Market.


broker [‘brqVkq]

брокер – посредник между продавцами и покупателями товаров, ценных бумаг, валюты. Брокеры действуют по поручению своих клиентов и за их счет, получая плату или вознаграждение в виде комиссионных при заключении сделки. В роли брокера могут выступать отдельные лица, фирмы, организации.


1) лицо, выполняющее на фондовой бирже операции с ценными бумагами, в противоположность брокеру — за собственный счет.

2) тот, кто приобретает нефтяную продукцию (топливо, пластмассы) и перепродает ее розничным покупателям

are admitted to transact business

допускать (разрешать) к ведению дел


цена покупки

ask (offer)

цена продажи


Нарисовать диаграмму: график вверх и вниз.

Вверх: the jobber buys when the price is low and sells when the price is high and gets his turn.

Вниз: the jobber buys when the price is high and sells when the price is low and gets his turn.


The difference between these two prices is


jobber’s turn

прибыль джоббера

the existence



The existence of the Stock Exchange means that it is possible to buy or sell securities at any time at the market price.





A speculator who buys securities and expects that the price will rise [raIz].


bear [beq]



A speculator who sells securities and expects that the price will fall [raIz].


to provide round-the-clock operation

обеспечивать круглосуточную работу.


The biggest stock exchanges function in London, New York, Tokyo and provide round the clock operation of the stock exchange market.



4. Разгадать шарады


1. S   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   s  (securities)


2. A   -   -   -   t (admit)


3. G   -   -   -   s (gilts)


4. B   -   -   -   -   r (broker)


5. A  -  K (ask)


6. B -  D (bid)


7. T   -   -   -   -   -   -   t (transact)


1. Locate spur (шпора) (speculator)


2. Net ice sex (existence)


3. Bare (bear)


4. Be or b* j*  (jobber)


5. Runt (карликовое растение) (turn)


6. Chile ['tSIlI] pubs (blue chips)


7. Reactants (transact) (буква добавлена)


8. Sins us be (business)




5. Прочитать и перевести текст "Securities and stock exchanges”


Shares, stocks and bonds form securities.


Bonds are documents which give details of a loan made to a company or government.


Securities issued by the British government are called gilts [g] or gilt-edged securities. This can also mean any high quality security without financial risk. Another way of describing these high quality securities is blue chips.


Securities of all kinds are traded at the Stock Exchange. Only Stock Exchange members are admitted to transact business at the Stock Exchange. There are two kinds of people dealing on the Stock Exchange Market. They are brokers and jobbers.


An investor who wishes to buy or sell securities must act through a broker. After the broker receives instruction from the investor or his client he approaches a jobber. Each jobber deals in a particular group of securities. The jobber asks the broker his price. The broker usually does not know if the jobber wishes to buy or sell and he quotes two prices:


  • his buying price, or the bid
  • his selling price, or the offer


The difference of the two prices is the jobber’s turn.


The existence of the stock exchange means that it is generally possible to buy or sell securities at any time at the market price.


The speculator on the stock exchange who buys securities in expectation of a rise in their prices is a bull.


The speculator wishing to sell securities in anticipation of a fall in their prices is a bear.


The biggest stock exchanges function in London, New York, Tokyo and Frankfurt-on-the Mine, thus providing round-the clock operation of the stock exchange market.



6. Заполните пропуски словами

1. Shares, stocks and bonds form __________________. (securities)

2. Bonds are documents which give details of a ________________made to a company or government. (loan)

3. ________________issued by the British Government are called _______________. (Securities, gilts)

4. Another way of describing high quality _________________is blue ______________. (securities, chips)

5. _______________of all kinds are traded at the __________________. (Securities, Stock Exchange)

6. There are two kinds of people dealing on the Exchange Stock Market, they are _________ and _______________. (brokers, jobbers)

7. Investors who wish to buy or sell securities must act through ______________. (brokers)



7. Вставить правильный предлог

1. to transact business ____ the stock Exchange

2. to deal _______ the Stock Exchange Market

3. to buy and sell securities __________any time __________the market price

4. to buy securities ___________expectation ________a rise __________their price

5. to sell securities ________anticipation _________a fall ___________their price

6. to provide round-the-clock operation _________the stock exchange market



8. Начертите и прокомментируйте диаграмму, интерпретирующую отношения между: а) инвестором, джоббером и брокером; б) быком и медведем.



9. Грамматика


10. Домашнее задание

1. Выучить слова

2. Уметь рассказывать текст по ключевым словам


Услуги переводчика. 1 страница (1800 знаков с пробелами) - 200 руб.
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