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Business Correspondence Деловая корреспонденция

Тема: Business Correspondence


Цель урока:

учебная - формирование лексических навыков по теме; совершенствование лексических навыков по теме "Code of Conduct”; формирование грамматических навыков;

познавательная – понятие об основных реквизитах письма.


  1. Игра – ответ по теме «Соde of Conduct


Teacher: May I introduce Mr. Brown?

Student 1. How do you do. It’s nice to meet you.

Student 2. How do you do. I’m pleased to meet you.


  1. Вопросы по теме "Code of Conduct”

1. Is it important to listen carefully to the name of a person introduced to you?

2. What shall you say if you have forgotten the name of a person?

3. What is a social courtesy?


4. What do you know about handshaking?

Is it decent to shake hands in gloves?

Should your handshaking be strong? weak?

Do people shake hands in Islamic countries?


5. How are people introduced officially?


  1. Прочитать «домашний» диалог (см. тему «Code of Conduct», домашнее задание)


  1. Вопросы к диалогу

1. Can a businessman come to see another businessman without an appointment?

2. Who is Mr. Brown?

3. Had he made an appointment with Mr. James before he came to his office?

4. Did the receptionist know about the appointment?

5. What did she ask Mr. Brown to do?

6. What did the receptionist do then?

7. Who took Mr. Hill to Mr. James’ office?


  1. Заполнить пропуски (на оценку)


Receptionist: Good morning, sir.

Mr. Brown: ________________________________________

Receptionist: Please, take a seat for a moment, sir. I’ll ring through to his office and tell him you are here.

Mr. Brown:___________________________________________

Receptionist: Mr. Brown. Mr. James’ secretary is just coming down to meet you. She’ll take you up to his office.

Mr. James’ secretary: Mr. Brown?

Mr. Brown:___________________________________________

Mr. James: I’m happy to see you. We haven’t met for ages. How are you?

Mr. Brown: ____________________________________________________

Mr. James: Thank you. I hope you had a very good trip.

Mr. Brown:_____________________________________________________

Mr. James: Oh, it is nasty. We hate it. But it can’t be helped.

Mr. Brown: ____________________________________________________


  1. Инсценировать диалог:

Mr. Brown speaks with the receptionist.

Mr. Brown speaks with Mr. James’ secretary.

Mr. Brown speaks with Mr. James.


  1. Новая тема «Business correspondence”. Презентация слов (ситуации записать под диктовку)




An essential part of business

Неотъемлемая часть бизнеса

An essential part of business is correspondence.

In spite of e-mail

Несмотря на электронную почту

In spite of e-mail, fax you must confirm all information in writing.


To confirm in writing

Подтвердить в письменной форме

You must confirm in writing all information.

Letters: laconic, precise, to the point, positive

Лаконичны, определенны, по существу, вежливы.

Letters must be laconic, precise, to the point, positive.


On various occasions

По различным причинам (случаям)

People write letters on various occasions.


Are connected with establishing business relations

Связаны с установлением деловых отношений

Some letters are connected with establishing business relations.

Miscellaneous questions

Различные вопросы

Most letters are about miscellaneous questions.


  1. Дай совет (используя активную лексику)



I want to establish business relations with the company ABS. –


Возможные советы:

You must write them a letter.

You letter must be connected with establishing business relations.

Your letter must be laconic, precise…

In your letter ask them to confirm in writing their agreement to establish business relations with them.

Touch upon miscellaneous questions in your letter.


  1. Прочитать текст.


Correspondence is an essential part of business. In spite of telephone, telex, telegraphic, faximile and e-mail communication, the writing of letters continues; in fact most telephoned and telegraphed communications have to be confirmed in writing.


Every letter no matter what kind it is, shoul be laconic, precise, to the point and positive.


Letters are written on various occasions and on various subject matters. Many business letters are connected with establishing business relations, doing business and various miscellaneous questions.


Правила написания делового письма

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