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Тема: Marketing


Цель урока:

учебная – совершенствование лексических навыков по теме «Financial Institutions»; формирование лексических навыков по текущей теме;

            познавательная – понятие о маркетинге.


Тип урока: комбинированный



  1. Вопросы по теме «Financial Institutions»
  1. What financial institutions do you know?
  2. What do banks specialize in?
  3. For what periods of time can banks make loans under certain circumstances?
  4. In what do insurance companies invest premiums paid by policyholders? What does it possible to pay out interests which are greater than the total payments made by policyholders?
  5. What types of pension funds do you know?
  6. Who contributes to pension funds?
  7. What do you know about activities of investment trusts?
  8. What is the difference between investment trusts and unit trusts? Can you resell units on the open market?
  9. What schemes do finance houses finance? Do firms which sell goods on hire-purchase have to wait two or three years before their goods are fully paid for if they apply to finance houses? Do they receive immediate payment from a finance house?


  1. Презентация темы "Marketing”


Don’t confuse marketing with sales or advertising


What is marketing? – four Ps


What does product involve? … price involve etc.



маркетинговое исследование

market research





решения о качестве, стиле, дизайне продукции

decisions on products’ quality, style and design 





брендовая политика

branding policy


how to call the product

brand name

to ensure that customers recognize the product


как упаковать

how to package





какие гарантии предложить

what guaranties to offer












предоставляемые льготы

allowances permitted







убеждать клиентов купить

persuading customers to buy




Place is

доставка самым удобным и эффективным образом


in the most

convenient and efficient way





  1. Прочитать текст «Marketing»




Marketing is often confused with sales or with advertising but it is these and much more. Marketing is a complete process within the business which includes:


  • finding out what the customer wants – this is called "market research” and involves finding out what types of products are wanted (product policy) and what prices consumers are prepared to pay
  • helping to produce the right product at the right price
  • persuading customers to buy the product – by means of advertising and packaging.
  • transporting the product to the customer in the most confenient and efficient way which means distribution


The easiest way to remember what marketing is all about is to remember what the marketing people call the marketing mix, i.e. the four Ps:


  • product
  • price
  • promotion
  • place



Product involves decisions about the product’s quality its style and design, the branding policy (what to call it and how to ensure that customers recognize the brand name), how to package it and what guarantees to offer.



Price means the need to set not only the price itself but also any discounts which might be given and any allowances permitted e.g. $50 for your old cooker when you buy a new one.



Marketing involves the choice of how the product is promoted – the advertising and the publicity it is given.



Place refers to how the product is distributed and through what types of shop or other organizations.


  1. Вопросы к тексту

What is the marketing mix? What are the four Ps?


  1. Вставьте пропущенные слова

convenient, involves, recognize, place, confuse, decisions, persuade, price, efficient,  advertising, allowances, promotion,

1. People always __________________marketing with sales or with _________________(confuse, advertising)

2. Market research ___________finding out what types of products are wanted. (involves)

3. Companies ______________customers to buy the product by means of advertising and packaging.

4. Distribution means transporting the product to the customer in the most ______________and _____________way. (convenient, efficient)

5. The marketing mix includes product, ______________, ______________, ____________. (price, promotion, place)

6. Product involves ___________about the product’s quality its style and design. (decisions)

7. The branding policy means how to ensure that customers _____________the brand name. (recognize)

8. Price means the price itself, discounts, any _______________ permitted. (allowances)



  1. Постараться вспомнить и записать по памяти как можно больше слов из прочитанного текста.



7. Прослушать аудиофрагмент «How sell». Ответить на вопросы.


Let us talk about how companies can sell their products. There are two things that the company will talk about. The first thing is the features of the product. Features are things about the product which may be good and useful for the customer. Let’s talk about computers. The features of the computer are 15 inch screen, 200 gygabite hard drive, your DVD drive, some software. Those are features. Computer companies are always talking about features because people want features.


What are the features of the computers?


But often salespeople won’t focus on features, but they will focus on benefits. The benefits are how the features will help me, how the product will help me, what it will do for me. For example, the benefits of the computer are that it is fast, it saves you time, it is very light, so it is easy to transport, it has a 3-year warranty, so you don’t have to worry about it. The software will help you work faster, and get more customers or something. Those are the benefits. Features and benefits are two different things.


What are benefits of the computer?


When the salesperson is talking to the customer or the company is designing the product they do needs assessment (выяснение потребностей). Assess means to understand. Needs are what I need. So they are looking to see what the customer needs. The company which designs computers will do needs assessment. The customer needs 100 gygabites at least of space, they need it to run fast, they need a battery for at least 2 hours, they need a wireless internet. These are needs. The computers are designed to fill those needs. Salespersons tell their stories to fill these needs.


Give examples of needs? 


What is a sales pitch (коммерческая цельобрисовать достоинства товара), or a value message? These are words that a salesperson will use to try to get you to buy their product. They will say: "You should buy this product because it will save your money and make you more competitive than your competitors. If you buy quickly, you’ll have an advantage over your competitors. Or, if you buy this software – it is only 100 dollars, but you’ll save 200 dollars every month. That gives value. So that’s a value message.


What do usually salespersons say when they want to sell goods to you?  



  1. Переведите на русский язык, обращая внимания на причастия

Услуги переводчика. 1 страница (1800 знаков с пробелами) - 200 руб.
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