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Prices and Terms of Delivery

Тема: Prices and Terms of Delivery


Цель урока:

учебная – совершенствование лексических навыков по теме «Enquiries and Offers»; формирование лексических навыков по текущей теме;

            познавательная – условия поставки "cif, fob, for, c&f”.


Тип урока: комбинированный


  1. Вопросы по теме "Enquiries and Offers”
  1. With what do business transactions usually start?
  2. Where can the prospective buyer get the name of the prospective seller?
  3. What channels of information do you know?
  4. How can you send your enquiry?
  5. What information does the inquiry usually contain?
  6. What does the prospective seller send in reply?
  7. What do offers stipulate?
  8. What products did the company Southern Importers Ltd sell?
  9. Why were their prices low and competitive?
  10. Did they offer any trade discounts on the consignment?
  11. What did the company enclose to its offer?
  12. What information did the price list contain?
  13. What did they send by separate post?
  14. Why did they urge to place an order as soon as possible?


  1. По «домашнему» диалогу: explain the position of the buyer, of the seller, their agreement.


The Seller wanted to deliver the machine in 10 weeks and install it four weeks after that, because it was normal in that kind of operation and The Seller had a lot of orders to handle. Then the Seller agreed to delivery in 7 weeks. But as the Buyer insisted on 6 weeks, the Seller wanted to consult his colleagues. But when the Buyer promised the Seller to place another order for the second half of the year, they came to an agreement (to 6 weeks).


The Buyer needed a speedy delivery, that is in 6 weeks at the latest, and installation in 3 weeks. The Buyer didn’t agree even to 7 weeks proposed by the Seller, but the Buyer promised to place an order for the second half of the year. And then the parties came to an agreement.


The agreement was as follows: The Buyer promised to place an order with the Seller for the second half of the year, and the Seller promised to deliver a machine in 6 weeks.


  1. Словарный диктант
  1. Сделки начинаются с запросов.
  2. Потенциальный покупатель может узнать (получить) имя потенциального продавца на выставке, из объявления в газете.
  3. Журналы, рекламные объявления по радио – это каналы информации.
  4. Продавец шлет в ответ предложение.
  5. Продавец оговаривает условия поставки и условия платежа в предложении.
  6. Они работают с небольшой прибылью.
  7. Мы не дадим вам скидки на эту партию.
  8. Приложите к предложению прайс-лист и пошлите его отдельным пакетом.
  9. У нас есть эти торговые марки на складе.
  10. Мы настоятельно советуем вам разместить заказ у этого продавца.
  11. У нас огромный отклик на нашу рекламу.


  1. Новая тема: "Prices and terms of delivery”. Презентация слов


Most popular terms of delivery are:

fob terms (free on board)


In case of fob terms the price includes the cost of goods  and transportation expenses to the port of shipment (порт погрузки).

Cost of goods, transportation expenses

Стоимость товаров,

Транспортные расходы

Port of shipment

Порт погрузки

for terms (free on rail)

франко-вагон (франко железнодорожная станция)

In case of for terms the price includes cost and transportation expenses to the railway station only.

Are similar to

аналогичный, подобный

For terms are similar to fob terms.

Mode of transportation

вид транспортировки

The only difference is mode of transportation

on board ships or planes

на борту кораблей и самолетов

In case of fob terms goods are shipped on board ships and planes.


In case of for terms goods are transported by railway.


cif terms (cost, insurance, freight)


стоимость, страховка, фрахт  (морская перевозка или использование судов)

In case of cif terms the price includes cost of goods, insurance and freight to the port of destination.

post of destination

порт назначения

С&f terms (cost and freight)


In case of c&f terms the price includes cost of goods and freight to the port of destination, no insurance is included.



Вопросы по словам:

  1. Do fob terms include cost of goods, transportation expenses to the port of shipment?
  2. What do fob terms include?
  3. What does the word "fob” mean?
  4. What does the word "for” mean?
  5. Do for terms include cost of goods? transportation expenses to the railway stations?
  6. What do for terms include?
  7. Are for and fob terms similar? Why are the similar?
  8. What is the difference between for and for terms?
  9. What is the mode of transportation in case of for terms? for terms?
  10. What does the word "cif” mean?
  11. What is the difference between fob and cif terms?
  12. Is there any difference between c&f and cif terms?


  1. Попросите студентов закрыть тетради и вспомнить как можно больше изученных выражений.


  1. Прочитайте текст "Prices and terms of delivery”


When sellers quote prices in their offers they usually state on what terms, at this price, they will deliver the goods. the price will certainly depend on the terms of delivery.


The most popular terms of delivery in foreign business transactions are:

  • fob (free on board)
  • cif (cost, insurance and freight)
  • c&f (cost and freight)
  • for (free on rail)


If the goods are offered on fob terms the price will practically include the cost of the goods and transportation expenses to the port of shipment.


If the goods are offered on cif terms the price will cover the cost of the goods, insurance expenses and freight or transportation expenses, to the port of destination.


If the goods are offered on c&f terms the price will covere the cost of the goods and freight to the port of destination.


If the goods are offered on for terms the price will include the cost of the goods and transportation expenses to the railway station only. These terms are similar to fob terms. The only difference is the mode of transportation. In case of for terms the goods are shipped on board ships or planes. In case of for terms the goods are transported by railway.


Here are a few examples of how terms of delivery can be mentioned in offers.


  • The price is USD 2,000.00 per ton fob New York.
  • The quoted price is GBP 1,200.00 each cif Murmansk.
  • We can offer the goods  at the price of GBP 78.00 per metre c&f Liverpool.
  • The goods are offered on a for basis.



  1. Дополните предложения
  1. When sellers quote prices in their _______________ they usually ______________state on what _________________, at this ___________________, they will deliver the goods.
  2. The price will certainly depend on _________________________.
  3. The most popular terms of delivery in foreign business transactions are ____________.
  4. If the goods are offered on fob terms the price _________________.
  5. If the goods are offered on cif terms the price _______________________.
  6. If the goods are offered on c&f terms ____________________________.
  7. If the goods are offered on for terms ________________________.



  1. Ответьте на вопросы

What is the for (fob, cif, c&f) price?


  1. ,Переведите на английский язык
  1. Цена составляет 3 тыс. долл. США, фоб Рига.

(The price is USD 3,000.00 for Riga.)


  1. Названная цена указана в английских фунтах стерлингов – 1300 за штуку сиф Одесса.

(The quoted price is GBP 1,300.00 each cif Odessa.)


  1. Мы может предложить товар по 72 ф.ст. за метр на условиях каф Москва.

(We can offer the goods at the price of GBP 72.00 per metre c&f Moscow.)


  1. Товар предлагается на условиях франко железнодорожная станция.

(The goods are offered on a for basis).



  1. Грамматика


  1. Домашнее задание


  1. Выучить слова по теме.
  2. Уметь рассказывать об условиях поставки.


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