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Computer makers

Тема: Computer makers


Цель урока:

учебная – совершенствование лексических навыков по теме «Transportation documents»; формирование лексических навыков по текущей теме;

            познавательная – устройство компьютера, понятия «хард», «софт».


Тип урока: комбинированный



  1. Вопросы к тексту «Insurance, bank guarantees »
  1. What insurance documents do you know?
  2. Is there any difference between them? Are they used interchangeably?
  3. What do insurance policies state?
  4. What other documents are usually involved in business transactions?
  5. What is a bank guarantee? What party must provide it?
  6. Why do sellers require buyers provide a bank guarantee?
  7. In what cases can buyers fail to pay?
  8. What can you do "irrevocably and unconditionally”? What can be irrevocable? unconditional?
  9.  Give another expression for  "is not paid at maturity”?
  10. What types of claims do you know?
  11. What can you do with a claim?
  12. How can you explain the sentence "the letter of guarantee is valid until 1 April”?
  13. What do sellers usually indicate in their claim to the bank which issued a bank guarantee?
  14. What is the subject of the letter?
  15. What did the sellers enclose to the letter? What synonym can we use instead "enclose”?
  16. What amount did the buyers owe to the sellers?
  17. What can you say about conditions of sale? Within what period of time were the buyers to pay?
  18. Who signed the letter? For whom did Mr. Carol write the letter?



  1. Сопоставьте описанию нужное слово или выражение


  1. A paper which insures against risks. Ответ: insurance policy.


  1. There is a subtle difference between these two things, they are often used interchangeably. Ответ: insurance policy and insurance certificate.


  1. The insurance policy stipulates goods insured…. Ответ: risks, amount, premium.


  1. A paper issued by the consulate ['kPnsjVlIt] (консульство) to prove the origin of goods. Ответ: consular invoice.


  1. A paper issued by the owner of the vessel to prove the goods were shipped on board the vessel. Ответ: bill of lading


  1. Shipper and receiver. Ответ: consignor, consignee


  1. Length, width, height. Ответ: measurement


  1. Box. Ответ: case


  1. A bill of lading with notes of the master of the ship that the packing is bad or the goods are damaged. Ответ: dirty bill of lading.


  1. A paper issued by sellers or sellers’ banks after the goods are shipped. Ответ: commercial invoice.


  1. An agreement between two parties. Ответ: contract


  1. We hereby _____________ and _______________undertake to pay… Ответ: irrevocably and unconditionally.


  1. He didn’t pay. Ответ: He failed to pay.


  1. The contract provides for payment on a collection. Use a synonym to the expression "provide for”. Ответ: envisage.


  1. This amount is not paid in time. Use at synonym to the expression "in time”. Ответ: at maturity.


  1. Claim in return. Ответ: counter claim.


  1. Claim in accordance with the law. Ответ: legitimate claim.


  1. To dispute a claim. Ответ: to contest a claim.


  1. This letter is effective until 1 April. Ответ: is valid.


  1. To point out. Ответ: to indicate.



  1. Опрос по словам



  1. Новая тема «Computer makers”. Презентация слов


1. Application of computers

Применение компьютеров

Application of computers is varied ['ve(q)rId].

2. Indispensable in space research… and other branches of industry

Необходимы в исследовании космического пространстваи других отраслях промышленности.

Computers are indispensable in space research, medicine and other branches of industry.

3. To carry out tasks

Выполнять задачи

Computers carry out complex tasks.

4. Prevent disasters

Предотвращать катастрофы

They help to prevent disasters.

5. Have a high degree of computer literacy

Иметь высокую степень компьютерной грамотности

Many people have a high degree of computer literacy.

6. Hardware, software

Железо, программное обеспечение

Hardware stands for motherboard, processor, hard disk drive, wires, buses (шины), video card, keyboard, mouse.

Software stands for Windows, Microsoft office…

7. Call for action

Призвать к действию

The information is about a conference of computer manufacturer. They called for action from Brussels.

8. Ensure the survival

Обеспечить выживание

They wanted Brussels to ensure their survival.

9. To complain to smb of smth

Жаловать кому-либо на что-либо

They complained that they were at a disadvantage compared with their US and Japanese competitors.

10. Be at a disadvantage

Не иметь преимущества

11. Enjoy benefits

Иметь преимущества

US and Japanese manufacturers enjoyed the benefits of a strong home market and cooperation between the public sector and the computer industry. In the USA and Japan computer manufacturer had 90 % of public contracts, while European manufacturers had only 30 %.

12. Home (domestic) market

Внутренний рынок

13. Public sector

Гос. сектор

14. To seek (sought, sought) a coherent [kqV'hI(q)rqnt] policy

Добиваться последовательной политики

European manufacturers were seeking a coherent policy from Brussels which would allow them to secure final contracts.

15. To secure final contracts

Получить целевой контракт


Вопросы по словам:

1. What do you know about application of computers? Where are they indispensable?

What tasks do computers carry out?

2. Do many people have a high degree of computer literacy? People of what professions have a high degree of computer literacy?

3. What is hardware? software?

4. What companies called Brussels for action? Why did they do that?

5. What did they complain of?

6. Why were they at a disadvantage?

7. What companies enjoyed benefits of a strong home market and cooperation between the public sector and the computer industry?

8. Why did computer manufacturer seek a coherent policy from Brussels?



  1. Прочитать текст "Computer makers”

Computer making industry is developing rapidly and new or improved and modified types of computers (hardware) as well as new programmes (software) come into wide usage. The end users make this industry move forward all the time. The competition is very strong on the world market.


Here is a newspaper article speaking about the computer market in countries of United Europe:


At the conference which started in Venice yesterday leaders of Europe’s ailing computer manufacturing companies called fro action from Brussels. The companies wanted Brussels to ensure the survival of a significant European information technology industry. The chief executives of Groupe Bull de France, Olivetti of Italy and Simens-Nixford of Germany complained they were at a disadvantage compared with their US and Japanese competitors.


These US and Japanese companies, they said, enjoyed the benefits of a strong home market and cooperation between the public sector and the computer industry. In these countries they added, more than 90 % of public contracts went to domestic companies. In Europe European-owned companies had only a 30 % share of the market for public sector computer projects. The other 70 % of contracts went to foreign countries and foreign-owned companies of Europe. The European computer companies stressed that a more sympathetic relationship with the public authorities should be built in Europe.


Mr. Francis Lawrentz, chairman of Groupe Bull, said he was not seeking protection or fortifications around Europe, but a coherent policy from Brussels leaving no doubt as to the importance of the industry.


Among other measures, they asked for involvement at an early stage in the planning of Europe-wide information technology projects. It would give them a good change of securing final contracts.



  1. Разместить перепутанные предложения в должном порядке.


1. They said that US and Japanese competitors enjoyed the benefits of a strong home market and cooperation between the public sector and the computer industry.


2. The chief executives of European information technology companies said they were at a disadvantage compared with their US and Japanese competitors.


3. They also asked for involvement in the planning of Europe-wide information technology projects as it would give them a chance of securing final contracts.


4. European computer manufacturing companies called for action from Brussels to ensure their survival.


5. European companies were seeking a coherent policy from Brussels.


6. In Europe European companies had only a 30 % share of the market for public sector computer projects, with the other 70% going to foreign countries.


7. In these countries more than 90 % of public contracts went to domestic companies.



Ответ: 4, 2, 1, 7, 6, 5, 3.


1. European computer manufacturing companies called for action from Brussels to ensure their survival.


2. The chief executives of European information technology companies said they were at a disadvantage compared with their US and Japanese competitors.


3. They said that US and Japanese competitors enjoyed the benefits of a strong home market and cooperation between the public sector and the computer industry.


4. In these countries more than 90 % of public contracts went to domestic companies.


5. In Europe European companies had only a 30 % share of the market for public sector computer projects, with the other 70% going to foreign countries.


6. European companies were seeking a coherent policy from Brussels.


7. They also asked for involvement in the planning of Europe-wide information technology projects as it would give them a chance of securing final contracts.



  1. Грамматика


  1. Домашнее задание

1. Выучить слова.

2. Уметь составить рассказ по ключевым словам.


3. Прочитать текст


Application of computers


Computers are getting deeper and deeper into our life. They are indispensable in space research, communication, medicine, metallurgy, light industry, information technology and many other branches of industry.


Many countries have introduced computers into agriculture, education, transport and many other spheres.


Computers provide security and safety of various processes, diagnose numerous cases and do a lot in monitoring different developments. In short they help to carry out increasingly complex tasks and their application sometimes helps to prevent disasters, tragedies and accidents.


Many people have a high degree of computer literacy. Computer games are also now very popular with children, young and grown-ups.


Here is a short curious newspaper item about rather unexpected application of computers:


Telltale computers

The managements of some American schools have found an original application for computers. Now teachers simply feed into the memory of the machine names of the absentees and it begins to phone their parents and warn that their children have missed lessons. The teachers and parents like the new system and only pupils fall out of favour with it.


Услуги переводчика. 1 страница (1800 знаков с пробелами) - 200 руб.
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