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Тема: Carat 


Цель урока:

учебная – совершенствование лексических навыков по теме «Gold bullion bars and coins»; формирование лексических навыков по текущей теме;

            познавательная – понятия «карат» применительно к золоту и драгоценным камням, драгоценные и полудрагоценные камни.


Тип урока: комбинированный



  1. Вопросы по теме " Gold bullion bars and coins”

1. What are the sizes of most gold bullion bars?

2. What is a standard bar? What is its weight? Where are such bars used?

3. What is fineness? What are the synonymies to this word?

4. What should be the fineness of gold bullion bars? What is the maximum fineness of gold? 

5. What paper guarantees the genuineness of gold bars?

6. What are the units for the weight of gold?

7. What is one ounce? What does the abbreviation "oz” mean?

8. What are the currencies for the prices of gold?

9. When are these prices fixed?


  1. Спрашивать устно слова по теме " Gold bullion bars and coins


  1. Прочитать продолжить и рассказать диалог: эксперт – консультант  -  лицо, интересующееся покупкой золота.


Customer: Good morning!

Expert: Good morning, Sir. Can I be of any help to you?

Customer: Where can I buy gold?

Expert: You can buy gold in the largest banks of Russia, for example, Sberbank and VTB bank. Do you want to buy gold bullion bars or coins?

Customer: What can you tell me about gold bullion bars?

Expert: Bars are produced in many different sizes, from 1 kg to wafers of 1 gram. There are standard bars of 12,5 kg, but they are not for private customers, they are used as currency reserves.

Customer: Are there any problems in buying gold bullion bars?

Expert: First of all, the bank must be properly authorized to deal with precious metals. Besides, you are to pay a value added tax, if you buy gold.

Customer: What does it mean?

Expert: It means if you want to sell your gold bar, nobody will give you back the amount of the value added tax paid.

            Besides, the banking price of gold is different from that of world gold markets. The price for selling and the price for buying are different. The difference is called spread. So, if you sell gold, you will have to pay the amount of spread.

Customer: And what shall I do?

Expert: You can ask the bank to keep your gold at the so called metals account? In this case you won’t have to pay a value added tax.

Customer: And what about golden jewellery?

Expert: It is a very bad choice for investment, actually. When you buy a piece of jewelry, you pay both for gold and a goldsmith’s work. And if you choose to sell your necklace or bracelet or whatever it might be, nobody will return the amount of money you paid for a goldsmith’s work.

Customer: Well, and what about coins?

Expert: If you want to invest your money in coins, you must know that there exist two types of them – prooflike (коллекционные) and bullion (инвестиционный).

Customer: And what is the difference?

Expert: Prooflike coins are levied with a value added tax, but bullion ones – not.

Customer: And what does it mean, "a fineness of gold is 995.


С этого места студенты сами пишут продолжение диалога:

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Expert: Or, it is simple, it means, that the proportion of pure gold in the alloy of 1000 parts is 995 parts.

Customer: And what is an ounce?

Expert: A troy ounce is equal to 31,1 grams. Don’t mix it with an ounce which is equal to 28 grams.

Customer? What is the origin of the world "troy” (ounce)?

Expert. "Troy” is from the French Troyes, an ancient French town where there was a largest fair in old times.

Customer. I see, thank you for your exhaustive consultation. Good-buy.

Expert: You are welcome. Good-buy.


  1. Новая тема: Carat. Презентация слов

Apply notion to

Применить понятие к

The notion of carat is applied both to precious stones and gold

In this case

В этом случае

In case of gold carat shows fineness, in case of precious metals carat is a measure of weight.

Measure of weight

Мера веса



Brilliant is the hardest substance known.


  1. Прочитать текст "Carat”


Fineness of gold is very often shown in carat. The best fineness of 999,9 is equal to 24 carat.


The fineness of 750 is equal to 18 carat and so on and so forth (и так далее и тому подобное)


Thus the fineness of gold items can be stated simply as 750 or as 18 carat.


The notion of carat can also be applied to precious stones. but in this case carat does not show fineness. It shows weight. It is a measure of weight. When apllied to precious stones carat means the following:

  • 1 carat – 0,2 gram
  • 5 carat – 1 gram
  • 10 carat – 2 grams etc.


There are only four precious stones, they are as follows:


  • diamond
  • ruby (red colour)
  • emerald (green color)
  • sapphire (blue color)


Diamond is a brillian precious stone of pure carbon in crystallized form. It is the hardest substance known. Rough (необработанные) diamonds are widely used in industry.


Besides there are a lot of semiprecious stones like

  • amethyst ['xmqTIst]
  • granat
  • and many others.


  1. Презентация о драгоценных и полудрагоценных камнях

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  1. Вставьте предлоги
  1. Fineness of gold is very often shown ________ carat.
  2. The best fineness is equal _______24 carats.
  3. The notion of carat can also be applied __________precious stones.
  4. But for stones it is a measure __________weight.
  5. Diamond is a precious stone ___________pure carbon ______________crystallized form.
  6. Rough diamonds are widely used __________industry.


  1. Переведите устно
  1. Наивысшая проба золота равна 999,9, или 24 карата.
  2. Много золотых изделий делается из золота пробы 750, или 18 карат.
  3. В случае драгоценных камней карат – мера веса, а не проба.
  4. 1 карат как мера веса драгоценных камней равен 0,2 г.
  5. Мы знаем 4 драгоценных камня: бриллиант, рубин, изумруд и сапфир.
  6. Существует много полудрагоценных камней.


  1. Грамматика


  1. Домашнее задание


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Precious metals as a capital investment


For various reasons precious metals make a very popular form of investment, although it bears no interest.


Precious metals can be invested in the following two ways:

  • safe deposit box
  • precious metal account


Keeping a safe deposit box in a bank required the following:

  • minimum amount: 1 gram
  • paying a fee set by the bank.


Keeping a precious metal account in a bank has the following requirements:

  • minimum trading unit: 3,2 ounces, required by major banks (минимальная торговая единица: 3,2 унции, что требуется крупными банками)
  • payment of account charges


Various precious metal bars, coins and articles can be used for capital investment purposes. But numismatic coins, seminumismatic coins and medals cannot be used for such purposes. They are not capital investments in the banking sense. They are used only for collections and awards.


Выучить слова по теме "Carat” + interest, deposit, safe deposit box, to charge, account chartes, article, award.

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