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Terms of Payment

Тема: Terms of Payment


Цель урока:

учебная – совершенствование лексических навыков по теме «Terms of Delivery»; формирование лексических навыков по текущей теме;

            познавательная – понятия «банковский перевод», «аккредитив», «инкассо», «переводной вексель», «банковский счет».


Тип урока: комбинированный



  1. Вопросы по теме "Terms of Delivery”
  1. What are the most popular terms of delivery in foreign business transactions?
  2. What is the fob price? for price? What is the difference? Is it in the mode of transportation?
  3. What is the cif price? c&f price? What is the difference? It is in the letter "i”, what does this letter stand for in "cif”?


  1. Замените предложение одним словом.
  1. The price includes the cost of goods and transportation expenses to the port of shipment.

Ответ: fob price

  1. The price includes the cost of goods, insurance, transportation expenses to the port of destination.

Ответ: cif price

  1. The price includes the cost of goods, transportation expenses to the port of destination.

Ответ: с&f price.

  1. The price includes the cost of goods and freight to the railway station.

Ответ: for price

  1. The only difference between these terms of delivery is the mode of transportation? What terms of delivery are meant?

Ответ: for, fob.

  1. Goods are shipped by railway. What is the price?

Ответ: for price

  1. Goods are transported on board ships and planes. What is the price? (Give three answers)

Ответ: fob, cif, c&f.

  1. Transportation expenses stand for ______________

Ответ: freight

  1. It stipulates terms of delivery, terms of payment, time of delivery and some other necessary details. What is this paper named?

Ответ: offer.

  1. The prices are lower or the same as the prices of competitors. How do we call such prices?  _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

Ответ: competitive

  1. You sell goods at the price which is not much higher than the price of the seller where you bought the goods. It means than you work on a _ _ _ _ _     _ _ _ _ _ _     _ _ _ _ _ _

Ответ: small margin profit

  1. You can get the name of the seller by various information channels. What are these channels?

Ответ: advertisements, radio, exhibitions.

  1. You placed an advertisement in a newspaper. And a lot of customers placed an order with you. It means that there has been a huge __________________

Ответ: response to the advertisement.

  1. You send a letter to a seller. In this letter you ask the seller to inform you about the price of the product, terms of delivery, terms of payment, etc. How do we call this letter?

Ответ: enquiry



  1. Новая тема: Terms of payment. Презентация слов

State terms

Устанавливать условия

Offers state terms of payment.

Currency, time of payment, mode of payment

Валюта, время платежа, способ платежа.

Terms of payment mean the currency, time of payment, mode of payment.

Banker’s transfer

Банковский перевод

The most popular modes of payment are by a banker’s transfer, by a letter of credit, for collection, by drafts, on an open account.

A letter of credit



Перевести на английский язык:


What is a letter of credit

(Что такое аккредитив?)

  • вы заключили контракт на покупку товара, но вы не уверены в поставщике (например, вы работаете с ним впервые) (1);
  • вы идете в ваш банк, где вы имеете счет; оформляете аккредитив – т.е. банк делает сумму за товар не доступной на вашем счету; деньги - на счету, но вы не можете снять их (2);
  • информация об открытии аккредитива пересылается в банк поставщика; банк поставщика информирует об этом поставщика (3,4);
  • поставщик отгружает товары и представляет отгрузочные документы в свой банк (5, 6);
  • банк поставщика оплачивает поставщику сумму поставки, если документы в порядке (7);
  • банк поставщика направляет отгрузочные документы в ваш банк с требованием погасить выплаченную банком поставщика сумму (8);
  • ваш банк направляет вам отгрузочные документы и списывает сумму аккредитива с вашего счета (9).



·        You have made a foreign trade transaction on purchase of goods. But you are not sure of our supplier. You work together for the first time.

·        You go to your bank where you have an account, apply for L/C and the bank makes the money to be paid inaccessible for you; this money is on the account, but you cannot withdraw it.

·        Information on L/С issue is forwarded to the supplier’s bank, and the supplier’s bank forwards it to the supplier.

·        The supplier ships (отгружает) goods and presents shipping documents to its bank.

·        The supplier’s bank pays the supplier if documents in order.

·        The supplier’s bank forwards shipping documents to your bank and claims reimbursement.

·        Your bank forwards shipping documents to you and withdraws money from your account.







The difference between collection and an l/c is that the supplier’s bank checks shipping documents presented by the supplier.



What is payment for collection? (что такое инкассо?)



  • Экспортер и импортер заключают контракт (1).
  • Экспортер отгружает товары импортеру (2) и отправляет в свой банк товарораспорядительные документы (дают право распоряжаться грузом) и инструкции по инкассо (3).
  • Банк экспортера направляет банку импортера документы и инструкции (4).
  • Банк импортера оформляет документы в соответствии с инструкциями по инкассо (5)
  • Импортер осуществляет платеж в своем банке (6).
  • Банк импортера платит банку экспортера (7).
  • Банк экспортера платит экспортеру (8).



  • An exporter and an importer make a contract (1).
  • The exporter ships goods to the importer and forwards documents of title and collection instructions to its bank (2, 3).
  • The Exporter’s bank forwards to the Importer’s bank documents of title and collection instructions (4).
  • The Importer’s bank releases documents in accordance with collection instructions (5).
  • The Importer makes payment in its bank (6).
  • The Importer’s bank makes payment to the Exporter’s bank (7).
  • The Exporter’s bank makes payment to the Exporter (8).











Note (bill)

Переводной вексель (тратта) – т.е. приказ одного лица (наш) другому лицу (банку) выплатить денежную сумму третьему лицу.


Простой вексельдолговое обязательство. Выписывает заемщик. Векселедержатель вправе требовать указанную в векселе сумму к выплате после истечения срока векселя. Плательщик – тот, кто выдал вексель.


A draft is your order to the bank to pay money.






A note (bill) is a paper where you promise to pay money in a certain period of time.

A sight draft

Срочный вексельпогашается в указанный момент или период времени, а не по требованию.

A sight draft will be paid in a certain period of time, not on demand.

Value and volume of the goods

Ценность и объем товаров

The mode of payment depends on the value of the goods, volume of the goods, time of delivery and many other factors.

Pay in advance

Платить авансом




  1. Прочитать текст "Terms of Payment”

Offers usually state the terms on which the goods are to be paid, or terms of payment.


Terms of payment usually mean the currency, time of payment, mode of payment and many details.


In foreign trade transactions various modes of payment are practiced, among which the most popular are as follows:


  • by a banker’s transfer
  • by a letter of credit
  • for collection
  • by drafts
  • on an open account


Sometimes mixed terms are practiced. That depends on the value of the goods, volume of the goods, time of delivery and many other factors.


Here is an example of how terms of payment can be stipulated in the offer for some expensive sophisticated equipment:


We propose the following terms of payment:


  1. Ten percent of the total sum should be paid in advance by telegraphic banker’s transfer.
  2. Fifty percent of the total sum should be paid by telegraphic banker’s transfer within 30 days after your bank receives shipping documents. (l/c)
  3. Forty percent of the total sum should be paid by drafts at 90 day’s sight.



  1. Ответьте на вопросы
  1. Do offers state terms of payment?
  2. What particulars do terms of payment cover?
  3. What terms of payment are practiced in foreign trade?
  4. On what does the choice of terms of payment depend?
  5. What example of terms of payment is quoted in the text?



  1. Грамматика


  1. Домашнее задание.


  1. Составьте предполагаемые условия платежа за товар.
  2. Уметь рассказать, что такое аккредитив, инкассо, переводной вексель, простой вексель, срочный вексель.
  3. Описать письменно по шагам схему инкассо, аккредитива.
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