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Changing Money over the counter

Тема: Changing Money over the counter


Цель урока:

            учебная – совершенствование лексических навыков по теме «Английские и американские деньги»; формирование лексических навыков по текущей теме;

            познавательная – познакомить студентов с вариантами обмена валюты в Великобритании. 


Тип урока: комбинированный.


  1. Вопросы по теме «Английские и американские деньги»
  1. What is the official currency of the UK?
  2. What is the smallest unit?
  3. How many pence are there in one pound?
  4. What banknotes are in circulation in the UK now?
  5. What coins are in circulation in the UK now?
  6. Who issues banknotes and mints coins in the UK?
  7. What can you read on the face of English banknotes?

Can you read the denomination?

What inscription can you see on the face of the banknote?

What signatures can you see on the face of the banknote?

  1. What portraits do the backs of English banknotes feature?
  2. What do you know about I. Newton?
  3. What do you know about Florence Nightingale?
  4. What do you know about William Shakespeare?
  5. Who was the first President of the USA?
  6. How many colonies took part in the War of Independence?
  7. What is Abraham Lincoln famous for?
  8. What can you say about Benjamin Franklin?
  9. What can you say about the US Capital? the White House?


  1. Опишите данную купюру.


 It is the banknote of &10. The denomination is both in figures and words. There is an inscription on the face of the banknote. It is: to pay the bearer on demand the sum of … There are two signatures. The first signature is of the Chief Cashier, the second one is of the person authorized by the Government and by the Bank of England. 


  1. Игра: преподаватель называет имя известного человека. Студент реагирует, отвечая, кем был этот человек.


Isaac Newton – a scientist.

Duke of Wellington – an Irish general who defeated Napoleon at Waterloo, Belgium in 1815.

Florence Nightingale – founder of the nursing profession

William Shakespeare – playwright

George Washington – the first President of the USA

Abraham Lincoln – proclaimed freedom of slaves

Benjamin Franklin – a public figures, writer, diplomat, scientist.

Thomas Jefferson – the author of the Declaration of Independence.

Далее можно провести игру "Кто я?"

Попросите одного из студентов представить себя каким-либо известным человеком. Остальные студенты должны угадать, кто он, задавая наводящие вопросы, например, "Are you the first president of the USA?"


  1. Новая тема: Changing money over the counter. Презентация слов

1. Carry out selling and buying

Осуществлять продажу и покупку

You can carry out selling and buying of foreign currency at the exchange bureau which people also refer to as exchange and at the bank counter.

2. to refer


3. at the counter

За стойкой

4. market forces determine the exchange rate

Рыночные силы определяют курс обмена


5. are valid



Действительный, имеющий силу

Срок действия

Exchange rates are valid regionally.

6. for amounts in excess of 2 thousand dollars

Для сумм свыше 2 тысяч долларов

For amounts in excess of 2 thousand dollars banks set special exchange rates.


  1. Игра «Диктант в бегах»


Делим группу на две команды. Из каждой команды выбираем по писарю, сажаем их таким образом, чтобы им не была видна доска.


Предлагаем группе к вниманию текст с активной лексикой урока. Каждый член команды запоминает свое предложение (по очереди) и бежит к писарю, стараясь по возможности правильно продиктовать то, что запомнил.


Выиграет та команда, текст которой окажется более грамотный текст.


Предлагаемый текст

  1. You can sell and buy foreign currency at the exchange bureau.
  2. People often refer to the exchange bureau as to the exchange.
  3. You can also exchange foreign currency at the bank counter.
  4. The exchange rate depends on the market forces.
  5. The market forces determine the exchange rate.
  6. The exchange rate is valid only in a certain region.
  7. It means that in London the exchange rate will not be the same as in New York.
  8. For amounts in excess of 2 thousand dollars, special exchange rate is set.



  1. Прочитать текст: Changing money over the counter


Selling and buying foreign currency for local currency is usually carried out in our country at bureaux ['bjV(q)rqV] de change which are also referred to as exchange bureaux, exchange offices, or sometimes simply exchange.


In foreign countries the trade in money with customers is usually carried out at bureaux de change, at the bank counters or travel agents’ offices.


The exchange rates for various currencies are determined by market forces and they change every day. The exchange rates for currencies sold and bought in bureaux de change, over the bank counters or of travel agents’, are only valid regionally. For amounts in excess of a certain sum sometimes special rate is set.


Here is one of many dialogues that is taking place in a bureau de change in New York:


Customer: could you change dollars into English pounds sterling?


Cashier: Certainly, ser. I’ll just check the exchange rates. How much would you like to change?


Customer: One thousand dollars. And what is the rate of exchange today?


Cashier: One dollar to seventy five pence.


Customer: And what rate can you offer for two thousand dollars?


Cashier: One dollar to ninety pence.


Customer: Oh, the difference is not very big. Change one thousand, please. Here is the money.


Cashier: Thank you. May I have your passport for a moment please? We are always to write down the number of the customer’s passport if we change one thousand dollars or more.


Customer: Here it is. No problem.


Cashier: Here is your passport. How would you like the money, sir?


Customer: Oh, give it to me in hundred pound notes, please.


Cashier: Good. One hundred, two hundred…seventy pounds, seventy five pounds.


Customer: Thank you. Good morning.


Cashier: Good morning, sir.


  1. Разыграть диалог: кассир и клиент.


  1. Прослушать фрагмент на тему «Обмен денег», заполнить пробелы

Скачать аудиофрагмент можно здесь


Текст аудиофрагмента

Cashier: — Hi. May I help you?

Paul Ryefield: — Yes. What´s the buying rate for euro?

Cashier: — 1.15 U.S. dollars to the euro.

Paul Ryefield: — Okay. I´d like to change some euro into US dollars, please.

Cashier: — Sure. How much would you like to change?

Paul Ryefield: — Six hundred euro.

Cashier: — Very good. May I see your passport?

Paul Ryefield: — Here you are.

Cashier: — How would you like your bills?

Paul Ryefield: — In fifties please.


Текст аудиофрагмента с пропусками

Cashier: — Hi. _______________________?

Paul Ryefield: — Yes. What´s the buying _______ for euro?

Cashier: — 1.15 U.S. dollars to the euro.

Paul Ryefield: — Okay. I´d like to ___________ some euro into US dollars, please.

Cashier: — Sure. How much would you like ____________?

Paul Ryefield: — Six hundred _______.

Cashier: — Very good. May I see your _______________?

Paul Ryefield: — Here you are.

Cashier: — How would you _______ your bills?

Paul Ryefield: — In fifties _________________.



  1. Грамматика


  1. Домашнее задание


  1. Выучить слова урока
  2. Уметь разыгрывать диалог
  3. Заполнить пропуски следующими словами:


excess, exchange, rates, bureaux de change, customers, market forces, currency, valid


  1. In foreign countries the trade in money with _________________is usually carried out at _____________________.
  2. ________________for various currencies are determined by _____________________ and they change every day.
  3. Selling and buying foreign ________________for local ___________________is usually carried out at ____________________.
  4. The exchange rates are _____________regionally.
  5. The amounts in _________________of a certain sum sometimes special ___________ are set.
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