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Making a selection

Тема: Making a selection


Цель урока:

учебная – совершенствование лексических навыков по теме «Интервью», формирование лексических навыков по текущей теме; формирование грамматических навыков;

познавательная – рассказать студентам, как осуществляется прием на работу в Великобритании.


Тип урока: комбинированный


  1. Вопросы по теме «Интервью»

1. Why does the company discount some CVs?

2. Does the company send letters to unsuccessful applicants which inform them that they were unsuccessful in their application?

3. What list of applicants does the company draw up?

4. What letters does the company send to successful applicants?

5. When does the company send for references?

6. When does the company assess if the applicant is suitable for the post?

7. Why is interview so important for the company? What judgments does the company make at the interview?

8. Why is interview important for applicants?

9. What recommendations can you give to your friend who is going to the interview?


  1. Вопросы к диалогу?

1. What is the name of the person in charge of Human Resources?

2. Where is Mr. Oliveira working? Since when has he been working for the Medilab.

3. Why is Mr. Oliveira looking for a new job?

4. What do you know about the family of Mr. Oliveira?

5. What salary is he looking for?

6. Has Mr. Oliveira worked abroad? Where did he work?

7. What languages can Mr. Oliveira speak?


  1. Fill in the information gap
  1. Thank you for coming, Mr. Brown. My name is Alan Green. I am in charge of Human Resources.
  2. _______________________

A. I see you are working for the Medilab. How long have you been working there?

B. _________________

A. Why are you leaving your present position?

B. ____________________

A. Tell me some words about your family.

B. ______________________________________

A. What salary are you looking for?

B. ___________________________________

A. Have you worked abroad?

B. ____________________________________

A. __________________________________

B. I can speak French and German.

A. _______________________________

B. No, I can’t, but I can learn.

A. Never mind! I’m now going to introduce you to our Sales and Marketing Directors.


  1. Новая тема "Making a selection”. Презентация слов

1. Compare notes

Сравнить заметки

Personnel managers compare notes before they appoint a candidate

2. Appoint a candidate

Назначить кандидата

3. An aptitude test

Тест на соответствие

An aptitude test measures the candidate’s potential, his mental abilities.


3. Measure the candidate’s potential

Оценить потенциал кандидата

4. Mental abilities

Умственные способности

5. Have similar meanings

Иметь одинаковые значения

In the test you must compare words which have similar meanings.

6. Complete (mark)a test

Закончить (оценить) тест

When you complete the test, you get a mark and a score.

7. Obtain a score

Получить очки

8. Insist on medical examination

Настаивать на медкомиссии

The company may insist on medical examination before they confirm a job offer.

9. Confirm a job offer

Подтвердить предложение о работе

10. Accept a post

Принять пост

If you have accepted a post, you will get a letter with terms and conditions, statutory legal rights and obligations, holiday entitlement, sickness pay, amount of notice the employee must give the firm if she/he is leaving

11. Terms and conditions

Условияизменяемые, неизменяемые (стандартные)

12. Statutory legal rights and obligations

Установленные законом юридические права и обязанности

13. Holiday entitlement

Право на отпуск

14. Get a sickness

Получать оплату по больничному листу

15. To be on sick leave

Быть на больничном

16. Amount of notice

Количество дней, за которое должно быть сделано уведомление об уходе


  1. Собери историю

1. At the interview there are usually two or three persons.

2. These persons ask you miscellaneous questions and make notes.

3. They compare these notes and decide what candidate is suitable for the post.  Then they give him an aptitude test to measure the candidate’s mental abilities.

4. The aptitude test contains various tasks, for example, you must find words which have similar meanings, identify shapes which have common features.

5. When the candidate completes the test, he obtains a score; and the company makes a final judgment about the applicant’s suitability for the post.

6. Sometimes companies insist on medical examinations before they confirm a job offer.

7. If the company confirms a job offer and the applicant accepts a post, the company sends the applicant a letter.

8. In the letter the company sets out the employee’s statutory legal rights and obligations.

9. These rights and obligations are called terms and conditions.

10. Terms and conditions cover the following: holiday entitlement, sickness pay, pension scheme, amount of notice the employee has to give the firm if he/she is leaving.

11. Sometimes terms and conditions include hours of work, disciplinary procedures used by the company.

12. Read this letter carefully, and good luck in your new job.


Каждый студент получает по предложению. Работа коллективная.


  1. Прочитать текст "Making a selection” про себя.


It is quite normal for the candidate to be interviewed by more than one person. The interviewers would then compare notes before deciding which candidate to appoint.


The candidates may be given a test, in which the candidate’s potential to perform the necessary activities is measured. An aptitude test will cover areas such as:


  • mental abilities, e.g. powers of reasoning;
  • physical qualities, e.g. coordination;
  • arithmetical abilities, e.g. addition and multiplication.


An intelligence test may be used to find out the candidate’s general powers of reasoning. The test  will normally be a written one, made up of numerical, diagrammatical and verbal questions, such as identifying one or more shapes which have common features. Or writing down the next number in a series. Or comparing a series of words to see which have similar meanings. Usually a certain time limit is given for the testee. Once the test is completed, it is marked and a score is obtained.


The company may also insist on a medical examination before the job offer is confirmed. This will give a clear indication as to whether the applicant is physically suitable for the post.


Once an applicant has accepted a post, a letter is sent, confirming the appointment. In the same letter the conditions of service will often be included. This sets out the employee’s statutory legal rights and obligations. The terms and conditions will cover areas such as:


  • name and address of the employer and employee
  • date employment begins
  • job title and job description
  • level of pay and whether it will be received  weekly or monthly
  • holiday entitlement
  • hours of work
  • conditions relating to sickness pay
  • conditions relating to the pension scheme
  • amount of notice the employee has to give the firm if he/she is leaving
  • notice of any disciplinary procedure used by the company.



  1. Ответить на вопросы к тексту
  1. How many persons usually interview a candidate?
  2. What is an aptitude test? What abilities does it show? What tasks does it include?
  3. Are there any time limits for the test? Are there any marks or scores for the test?
  4. Why do some companies insist on medical examination?
  5. What information does a letter which confirms the appointment contain?


  1. Грамматика


  1. Домашнее задание


1. Выучить слова

2. Прочитать диалог.


A talk between two acquaintances:


A. So, Bruce, when you lost your job, how long did you take to find another job?


B. Well, not too long compared with some people. Just six months. I remember that I sent 700 resumes.


A. Seven hundred job applications in six months. That’s incredible!


B. Well, it is only about for a day.


A. Maybe, but that’s a lot of paperwork…


B. Well, I quess so.


A. And what was your job before that?


B. Well, you see, I worked as a policeman in the early 1990. Then I worked as National Sales Manage with Excel. but the company closed because of heavy competition and I lost the job.


A. And where are you working now?


B. I’ve got a job in Rochester Telephone. I’m in the Marketing Department. I develop new markets for phone services.


A. How long have you been working there now?


B. Just tow months. It’s great to be employed again!


A. Bruce, and what advice would you give to someone who is looking for a job?


B. Well, firstly – attack the problem immediately. Don’t go on a long holiday – it won’t help you to find a job.


A. It’s just wasting time.


B. That’s right. Secondly, work, work, work on looking for a job. Before you lost your job, you did a 40-hour week, so why not now?


A. So work full-time on your job applications.


B. Yes, but at the same time – relax occasionally. Go to the beach, have lunch with friends, go the gym – you need a break from time to time, even when you are unemployed.


A. Useful advice. Any more?


B. Yes. It’s nice to meet people who are in the same situation as you – other unemployed people. You realize you are not the only unemployed person in town, and you can give each other some good ideas.


A. So you should meet people in the same position. Anything else?


B. Yes. Don’t apply for a job if you don’t want it – be selective. If you go for an interview for a job you don’t want – you are stupid. You won’t get it.


A. Very true. What about friends and colleagues?


B. Yes, they can be very useful. Talk to them as often as possible. That’s how I got my present job, I learned about it from my friend.

3. Устный зачет по словам раздела "Intreviews and Resumes

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