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Enquiries and Offers

Тема: Enquiries and Offers


Цель урока:

учебная – совершенствование лексических навыков по теме «WTO»; формирование лексических навыков по текущей теме;

            познавательная – правила составления запросов и предложений.


Тип урока: комбинированный


  1. Вопросы по теме "WTO”
  1. What is the WTO? Give a full official name of this organization?
  2. What is the GATT?
  3. Is the GATT a successor of the WTO?
  4. When was the WTO established?
  5. What does the WTO determine?
  6. What are the essential functions of the WTO?
  7. What is the "most favoured nation” clause?
  8. What can you say about quotas and compensating duties?
  9. What can you say about the WTO agreement on agriculture? on intellectual property?
  10. In what way does the WTO encourage incustrialized countries? Does it encourage them to assist developing nations?
  11. What countries get transition periods to adjust to the more difficult WTO provisions?
  12. What are the WTO authorities?



  1. Рассказать о ВТО по ключевым словам.

Первый студент рассказывает с подглядыванием в тетрадь.


  1. Вставить слова (на оценку)
  1. The WTO is the  _  _  _  _  _  _  _  _  _   of the GATT.


  1. The WTO was _  _  _  _  _  _  _  _  _   _  _   on 1 January 1995.


  1. The WTO d_  _  _  _  _  _  _  _ s  how governments must frame and

i_  _  _  _  _  _  _t domestic trade l_  _  _  _  _  _  _  _  _ n and regulations.


  1. The WTO seeks to resolve trade d_  _  _  _  _  _  _


  1. The WTO acts as a forum for multi_  _  _  _  _  _  _  trade

n_  _  _  _  _  _  _  _  _  _s.


  1. The WTO over_  _  _  _  national trade policies.


  1. The WTO cooperates with other international institutions i_  _  _  _  _  _ d in global economic policy-making.


  1. The WTO provisions include a clause about the "most f_ _ _ _ _ _ _     n_ _ _ _ _” treatment.


  1. Quotas are generally outl_ _ _d in the WTO, but governments can i_ _ _ _ _ compensating duties.


  1. The STO agreement on intellectual property improves c_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ s of

c_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.


  1. The WTO e_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ s  industrialized countries to assist developing nations.


  1. Developing countries are given transition periods to a_ _ _ _ _ to the more difficult WTO provisions.


  1. Новая тема: «Enquiries and Offers». Презентация слов


По ходу объяснения следует задавать большое количество вопросов с использованием данной лексики.


1. transaction


Business transactions start with enquiries.

2. enquiry


3. prospective buyer (seller, customer) =

would be


Потенциальный покупатель (продавец, клиент)

The prospective buyer gets the name of the prospective seller at an exhibition, from an advertisement, TV commercial.

3. exhibition


4. advertisement

Рекламное объявление

5. commercial [kqmE:S(q)l]

рекламная передача

6. channels of information

информационные каналы

Exhibitions, advertisements in newspapers, magazines, TV or radio commercials are channels of information.

7. send in reply  

Послать в ответ

The prospective seller considers the enquiry and sends an offer in reply.

8. stipulate terms of delivery, sale

устанавливать условия доставки, торговли

The offer usually stipulates terms of delivery, prices, discounts and other necessary details.

9. work on a small profit margin

Работать с небольшой прибылью

If a company works on a small profit margin, they don’t offer any discounts on their consignments.

10 consignment [kqn'saInmqnt]

Партия товаров

11. to enclose a price-list


Приложить прайс-лист


Companies usually enclose price-lists to their offers.

12. send by separate post

Послать отдельным пакетом (конвертом)

Companies can send samples of advertised products and other brands in stock by separate post.

13. stock of smth

To have smth in stock

Запас чего-либо

Иметь что-либо на складе

14. urge smb to do smth

Настоятельно советовать кому-либо, подгонять

The company may urge you to place an order as soon as possible because of huge response to their advertisements.

15. huge response

Response, respond

Солидный отклик

Ответ, отвечать


  1. Переведите предложения (устно). Можно сделать в виде рассказа – «снежного кома» (студенты говорят не только свои предложения, но по памяти вспоминают и все предыдущие предложения)


  1. Все сделки начинаются с предложений.
  2. Потенциальные покупатели узнают имена потенциальных продавцов на выставках, из рекламных объявлений, рекламных передач.
  3. Выставки, рекламные объявления, рекламные передачи – каналы информации.
  4. Продавцы шлют в ответ предложение.
  5. Предложение оговаривает условия поставки, условия оплаты, цены, скидки и другие необходимые подробности.
  6. Если компания работает с небольшой прибылью, она не предлагает каких-либо скидок на партии товаров.
  7. Компании прилагают прайс-листы к предложениям.
  8. Компании высылают отдельным конвертом образцы рекламируемой продукции, также образцы продукции, имеющейся на складе.
  9. Продавцы часто настоятельно советуют покупателям купить их товар из-за большого отклика на рекламу.


  1. Прочитать тексты «Enquiries”, "Offers”




Business transactions usually start with enquiries.


As a rule the prospective buyer gets the name and address of the prospective seller either at an exhibition, from an advertisement in a newspaper, magazine, and thanks to a television or radio commercial. All these channels of information and advertising are very important.


Enquiries can be sent by mail or by fax. Sometimes enquiries can be made orally, by phone.


In the enquiry the prospective buyer states in what goods exactly he is interested in asks for details on the price and terms of sale.


A specimen enquiry


The Sales Department

Southern Importers Ltd.

Dane Street

Northam (район

Southampton SO9 4YQ (Саутгемптон)



Dear Sirs,

We are a large record store in the centre of Manchester and would like to know more about your products you advertised in this month’s edition of Hi Fi News. Could you tell us if the DVD disks are leading brand names, or made by small independent companies, and if they would be suitable for recording classical music or only dictations and messages?


It would also be helpful if you could send us some samples.


If they are of the standard we require, we will place a substantial order.


We would also like to know if you are offering any trade discounts.


We are looking forward to hearing from you in the near future.


Yours faithfully,

J. Allen


A.X.C. Records Ltd.




After considering the enquiry for some time the prospective seller sends an offer in reply. The offer usually quotes the price and stipulates terms of delivery, terms of payment, time of delivery and some other necessary details.


A specimen offer

Mr. J.Allen


A.X.C.Recored Ltd.

41 Broadway

Manchester M2 5BP


Dear Mr. Allen

Thank you for your enquiry of 12 May in which you asked about the products we advertised in this month’s edition of Hi Fi News.


The DVD disks are high quality and suitable for any type of recording. They are Kolby products which is a brand name you will certainly recognize. Our prices are low and quite competitive as we are working on a mall profit margin, therefore we will not be offering any trade discounts on this consignment.


But we sell a wide range of disks and we enclose a price-list giving you details of trade, quantity, and cash discounts on our other products.


We have sent, by separate post, samples of the advertised disks and other brands we stock. We would like urge you to place an order as soon as possible as there has been a huge response to our advertisement.


Thank you for your interest and await your reply.


Yours faithfully,


Southern Importers Ltd.

Encl. price list


*Историческая справка

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