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Услуги переводчика. 1 страница (1800 знаков с пробелами) - 200 руб.
Дистанционные уроки английского языка, современные методики.
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«  Январь 2025  »
Архив записей

Онлайн всего: 1
Гостей: 1
Пользователей: 0


Тема: Internet


Цель урока:

учебная – совершенствование лексических навыков по теме «Computer makers»; формирование лексических навыков по текущей теме;

            познавательная – история появления интернета.


Тип урока: комбинированный


  1. Вопросы к текстам "Computer makers”,  «Application of computers».
  1. In what branches of industry are computers indispensable?
  2. What tasks do computers carry out? Do they help to prevent disasters, tragedies, accidents? Give your examples. (monitor earth movements, different developments at A-plants ['eI"plQ:nt], predict hurricanes ['hArIkqn] and floods, earthquakes ['E:TkweIk])
  3. People of what professions have a high degree of computer literacy? (accountants, financiers, programmer analysts, system managers, designers)
  4. Why are computer games popular with children and grown-ups? (relax, communicate with and find new friends, life experience, expand your English vocabulary, become interested in programming)
  5. What original application of computers did the management of some American schools find?
  6. What is hardware? software?
  7. Who called Brussels for action? Why?
  8. What did they complain of?
  9. Why were European computer manufacturers at a disadvantage compared with their US and Japanese competitors?
  10. What benefits did US and Japanese computer manufacturers enjoy?
  11. Are there many computer manufacturers in Russia?
  12. Do computer makers do their best to reduce the price of their products on the world market?



  1. Перевести на русский язык

1. European computer manufacturing companies called for action from Brussels to ensure their survival.


2. The chief executives of European information technology companies said they were at a disadvantage compared with their US and Japanese competitors.


3. They said that US and Japanese competitors enjoyed the benefits of a strong home market and cooperation between the public sector and the computer industry.


4. In these countries more than 90 % of public contracts went to domestic companies.


5. In Europe European companies had only a 30 % share of the market for public sector computer projects, with the other 70% going to foreign countries.


6. European companies were seeking a coherent policy from Brussels.


7. They also asked for involvement in the planning of Europe-wide information technology projects as it would give them a chance of securing final contracts.



  1. Новая тема «The Internet». Презентация слов

1. Network


The Internet is a network of networks.

2. To connect


The Internet connects a lot of networks, and people add a lot to it every day.

3. To add




Добавление, сложение

4. According to some estimates

По некоторым оценкам

According to some estimates, the Internet connects more than 18000 networks.

5. Share information

Делиться информацией

Network computers can share information, send messages to each other.

6. Have the opportunity

Иметь шанс

You have the opportunity to connect to thousands of different systems, e.g., government archives, university databases, library catalogs.

7. Digital form

Цифровая форма

These systems contain all you can put into digital form – photos, papers, sound clips, video.

8. To be run by government bodies

Управляться государственными учреждениями

Some of the networks are run by government bodies, some by universities, by businesses, by local community library systems, by schools.

9. Local community

Местное сообщество

10. Overseas

За границей

Most of these networks are overseas.

11. It is not wonder that

Неудивительно, что

It is no wonder that many people use the Internet.

12. There is nothing astounding about

Нет ничего удивительного в том, что

13. To suggest


It has been suggested that the number of computer uses will increase considerably in the future.

14. Log on, log in

Присоединиться, войти в систему

A log on or log in procedures entails providing an account name and a password.

15. Entail

Влечь  за собой

16. Account name, password

Имя пользователя, пароль

17. computer browser ['braVzq]

Компьютерный браузер


18. to surf the internet

бродить по Интернету


Users use computer browsers to surf the internet. What computer browsers do you use? (Firefox, thunderbird, Opera, IE)

search engine ['endZIn]

поисковая машина

We use search engines to find information in the Internet. What search engines do you use?

(Yandex, Rambler, Aport)

to browse web pages by hyperlinks

просматривать веб-страницы с помощью гиперссылок




  1. Закончить рассказ (устно)



We have never used any internet technologies in our office. But computer experts have connected our computers to the Internet this week. We have started using computer browsers ['braVzq] to surf the internet. We have used Firefox, Thunderbird, Opera, Internet Explorer browsers. We have decided that Opera is the best browser because it is the quickest.

We have mastered search engines ['endZIn] to find information on the internet. We have used such search engines as Yandex and Google. We have found useful information about bills of lading, air waybills, consignors, consignees. We have found out what it means to have a dirty bill of lading.

We have browsed (просматривать) web pages by hyperlinks. It is very interesting. We have also known that the Internet is also a popular method of communicating with others through online web forums ['fO:rqm], chat [tSxt] rooms, e-mails, and instant messages. We have also known that in addition to communicating users also use the Internet to share files, pictures, songs, and video. 

All of us have a secret password to log on the internet and to log in the system. But I have lost mine.


Сейчас я не имею никакого шанса войти в систему. Я не знаю, что я буду делать. Я обыскал (search) все файлы, все отгрузочные документы и товары, но я ничего не нашел еще. Сейчас я читаю компьютерную документацию, которую компьютерные специалисты оставили нам недавно. Это скучно (boring). В дополнение к этому я голоден (hungry). Я не ел с (since) утра. Если я не найду никакой полезной информации (после if не употребляем will), я пойду в компьютерную фирму, чтобы попросить их (to ask) решить мою проблему.



  1. Просмотреть видеосюжет о компьютерах. Ответить на вопросы. Скачать видеосюжет можно здесь.


  1. What can we do with the help of a keyboard?
  2. What is a woman using?
  3. What can you do to store files?
  4. How much information do CDs hold? DVDs hold?
  5. When do we use a USB stick?
  6. What does a mouse allow you?
  7. Describe desktop computers.
  8. Describe a laptop computer.
  9. In what cases do we use USB cables?


  1. Составить диалог на тему «Вы покупаете компьютер»

(повторить составляющие компьютера: hard disk, motherboard, video (sound) card, case (tower), power unit, software, hardware, notebook, hand-held computer, desktop computer, size, characteristics).



You want to buy a computer. You are at the computer market.



Can I be of any service to you? Do you need a notebook, a desktop computer or a hand-held computer? Ask about the size of the monitor, motherboard characteristics (its manufacturer), HDD size, memory size, power supply)

gigabyte ['dZIgq-, 'gIgq-], tera [tera-]



  1. Грамматика


  1. Домашнее задание
  1. Выучить слова урока
  2. Прочитать текст «Internet»


The Internet is a network of networks. A computer network is a group of computers that have been connected so they can communicate with each other. they can send messages to each other and can share information in the form of computer files. The Internet connects more than 18,000 of these networks, and more are being added all the time. On those networks are millions of computers, computer terminals and users – about two million computers and as many as 30 million users, according to some estimates. And it’s growing by around 1,000 computers a day. It is no wonder that the president of ISOC (the Internet Society) recently suggested that the Internet could reach 1 billion people in the not-too-distant future.


There is nothing astounding about computer networks. Many small companies have networks that connect anywhere from two or three computers to thousands of them.


But the Internet isn’t just a network. It is a network of networks. Lots of different networks have been joined to produce the world’s largest group of connected computers. some of the networks are run by government bodies, some by universities, some by businesses, some by local community library systems, and some are even run by schools. Most are in the United States, but many are overseas, in countries ranging from Australia to Zimbabwe. The Internet might make it possible fro you to communicate with all these people on all these computer networks through electronic "mail”.


When you connect to the Internet, you have th opportunity to connect to thousands of different systems. Those computers contain government archives, university databases, local community computing resources, library catalogs, messages about any subject you can imagine, and million of computer files (over two million at last count) containing photographs, documents, sound clips, video, and whatever else you can put into digital form.


When you log on or log in to a computer system, you tell the system who you are, and it decides if it wants to let you use its services. A log-on (or log-in) procedure usually entails providing some kind of account name and a secret password.

Услуги переводчика. 1 страница (1800 знаков с пробелами) - 200 руб.
Дистанционные уроки английского языка, современные методики.
Курсовые, контрольные работы, тесты - на заказ. Проверка на антиплагиат.
Создание сайтов на заказ.