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    6. Новая тема "The European Economic Community and the European Union”. Презентация слов


Иллюстрируем выражение примером. К каждому примеру задаем не менее трех вопросов, по-разному его обыгрывая.


1. was established by the Treaty of Rome

Был учрежден римским договором

The Common Market was established by the Treaty of Rome in 1957.

2. join the Community

Присоединиться к сообществу

The Common Market originally joined 6 countries: France, Germany, Belgium, Italy, Luxembourg, the Netherlands.

3. an enormous area

Огромная территория

The Community formed an enormous trading area.

4. free of duty


Imports could enter member countries free of duty or at lower customs duties.

5. customs duties

Таможенные пошлины

6. contribute to a common budget

Вносить долю в общий бюджет

All member countries contributed to a common budget.

7. total output of goods

Суммарный выпуск товаров

The amount of money contributed to a common budget depends on the total output of goods and services, or GNP.

8. under the regulations

Согласно положениям

Under the Community regulations, people of member countries could travel freely to another member state.

9. ultimate goal (purpose, objective)

Конечная цель

The ultimate goal of members of the Treaty of Rome was to pave the way for the United States of Europe.

10. pave the way for smth

Прокладывать дорогу к чему-либо

11. to recognize and affirm the objective

Узнать, признать и подтвердить цель

The Stuttgart Solemn Declaration recognized and affirmed this purpose.

12. to undertake

Взять на себя обязательства

The member countries undertook to move towards a European Union and stipulated to do all their best to the purpose.

13. stipulate

Обусловливать, оговаривать в договоре

14. to sign (a treaty)

Подписать (договор)

The Maastricht Treaty which was signed in 1992, created a European Union.

15. economic and monetary union

Экономический и монетарный союз

It was an economic and monetary union.

16. eventually removal of frontiers

В конечно счете отмена границ

This union planned to create a single currency and remove eventually all frontiers under the Shengen system.

17. assert its identity

Отстаивать индивидуальность

The Union asserted its identity in the international scene by a common foreign and security policy.

18. consist of member states

Состоять из стран - членов

The EU consisted eventually of 15 member states. 



    7. Решить кроссворд


    8. Прочитать текст "The European Economic Community and the European Union”

*ЕЭС существовало с 1957 по 1993 года, затем вошло в Евросоюз*


The European Economic Community, or the Common Market (общий рынок), or the EEC was established in 1957 by the Treaty of Rome. The original six member countries of the Community were France, West Germany, Belgium ['beldZqm], Italy, Luxembourg ['lAks(q)mbE:g] and the Netherlands ['neDqlqndz]. Then a few other countries joined the community. Britain, together wit the Irish Republic and Denmark ['denmQ:k], joined the EEC on 1st January, 1973.


The Community formed an enormous trading area of almost 250 million people, and accounted fro two fifths of the world’s trade.


The membership allowed imports to enter member countries either free of duty or at lower customs duties.


All member countries contributed to a common budget for certain purposes, based on relative total output of goods and services, or gross national product.


Under the Community regulations, people of member countries were allowed to enter freely another member state to travel or to work there.


The objective of the original six members of the Treaty of Rome was to create a process leading towards the goal of unification.


This political purpose was spelled out in 1969 in the Hague where the objective of "paving the way for a united Europe” was recognized and was reaffirmed in 1983 in the Stuttgart ['StVtgQ:t] Solemn ['sPlqm] Declaration; and in 1986 in the Single European Act, member states undertook "to transform relations as a whole among their states into a European Union, and stipulated that the European Communities and European Political Cooperation would have as their objective to contribute together to making concrete progress towards European Unity”.


The process of creating an economic involvement and dependence that would go far to meet most member states ultimate goal of European Unity was realized in 1993 with the signing at Maastricht [mQ:'strIht] of the Treaty on European Union, which set as its objective the establishment of "a European Union… a new stage in the process of creating an ever closer union among the peoples of Europe”. Provision was made for the Union to become a reality throught, inter alia, the establishment of economic and monetary union, including the creation of a single currency (the euro) and the introduction of Union citizenship (and eventually removal of frontiers, unde the Shengen System).


Moreover, the Union would "assert its identity in the international scene, in particular through the implementation of a common foreign and security policy”.


The EU consists of fifteen member states, namely:

Austria ['O:strIq], Belgium ['beldZqm], Denmark ['denmQ:k], Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Ireland ['aIqlqnd], Italy, Luxembourg ['lAks(q)mbE:g], the Netherlands, Portugal ['pO:|tjVg(q)l], Spain, Sweden and the United Kingdom.


  • The Union has the following institutions:
  • The Commission
  • The Council of the European Union
  • The European Parliament
  • The European Court of Justice


The Secretariat ["sekrq'te(q)rIqt] of the European Union is in Brussels.


    9. Заполните пропуски следующими словами: 


undertook, customs duties, goal, joined, pave the way, union, output, enormous, free of duty, regulations,  contributed, Treaty, area, signed.  


  1. The Common Market was established in 1957 by the ________of Rome.
  2. Britain ___________the EEC in 1973.
  3. The Community formed an _____________trading ______ of almost 250 million people.
  4. Thanks to the membership member countries traded eithrer____________ or at lower __________________
  5. All member counties __________to a common budget, based on relative total ___________ of goods and services.
  6. Under the Community _____________, people of member countries could enter freely another member state.
  7. The ultimate ___________of member of the Treaty of Rome was to create a process leading towards unification.
  8. In 1969 other countries recognized and reaffirmed the objective of ______________for a united Europe.
  9. Member states _____________to move towards a European Union.
  10. The Treaty of Rome was ___________ in 1957.
  11. It was an economic and monetary __________.


    10. Дайте аргументированный ответ:

  1. It is a very positive factor when people can freely enter any other country.

Возможный ответ: Yes, it is a positive factor. You can travel freely, you should wait for a visa in long queues [kju:] in the embassy, you can find a job abroad which will be more challenging and interesting for you.


  1. It is a good privilege when imports to any country are free of duty.

Возможный ответ: Yes, it is a good privilege. People have cheap goods and trading companies have profits which they can use to expand their activities and satisfy more needs of population.


    11. Грамматика 



    12. Домашнее задание


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