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Business Hours

Время урока - 2 академических часа.

Тема урока: Частное предпринимательство. Рабочее время.

Цель урока:

а) учебная: формирование лексических и совершенствования грамматических навыков (задачи: овладеть 25 новыми словами; грамматика - см. раздел грамматики - выбирается исходя из уровня группы)

b) познавательная – познакомиться с праздниками в Великобритании и США.

1. Вступление (Lead-in)

When does your working day begin? When does it finish? 9:30 – 15:00 – these are your business hours. Your working day lasts for five and a half hours. How many hours does your parents’ working day last?

Do you like holidays? What Russian holidays do you know?
(New Year’s Day, Military Day, the 8th of March, Labour Day, the Day of Independence, National Unity Day)

What about public holidays of the UK?
(New Year’s Day – tradition set by Peter the Great, Easter, Good Friday of Holy Week, Easter, Easter Monday, May Day – the end of winter, Christmas Day (25 of December), Boxing Day (26th of December – rich people give presents to poor people).

2. Презентация новых слов

Start at …last till - начинаться с ... продолжаться до

Lunch time - обеденное время
Customers - клиенты
Employee - служащий
Employer - работодатель
Employ - нанимать
To work overtime, to pay overtime - работать сверхурочно, оплачивать сверхурочные часы работы
To break the law - нарушать закон
To take criminal proceedings – начать судебное расследование
To abolish – отменить
Public holidays - национальные праздники
Easter - Пасха
To celebrate - праздновать
Independence Day, to be independent of - День Независимости, быть независимым от
Thanksgiving Day - День Благодарения
To date back to - восходить к (о времени)
Century - век
Supplement, supplementary , Supplementary Act. - дополнение, дополнительный, дополнительный акт

3. Диктант

The standard working day in the UK lasts for 8 hours. The lunch time is 1 hour. All shops and banks are open for customers for these hours.

Employees often work overtime, but employer always pay overtime. It is the law. If employers break the law, employees can take proceedings against employers. Employers cannot abolish laws.

There are some public holidays in the UK and in the United States. People don’t work on public holidays, they celebrate the holidays. One of these public holidays is the Independence Day. On this day the Declaration of Independence was adopted. The celebration of this day dates back to 1776 when colonies declared their independence.

4. Прочитайте текст (читаем вместе)

Business Hours

The standard working day in the United Kingdom and the USA starts at 9.00 a.m. and lasts till 5.00 p.m. with lunch time from 1.00 p.m. to 2.00 p.m. Many banks are usually open for customers from 9.30 a.m. to 3.30 p.m. Some businesses and industries traditionally work different hours.

Most employees have a five-day working week, Monday through Friday. The working week is between 35 and 40 hours long. Overtime is quite common and is generally paid, often at a premium to the basic rate of pay. The weekend usually starts on Friday night and lasts till Monday.

Thus on Saturdays and Sundays most businesses are closed. But as to shops they are open on Saturdays and some of them are open on Sundays.

In Britain the law does not say what shops can be open on Sundays but it says what goods can be sold on Sundays. They are newspapers, magazines and fresh food. If the law is broken, criminal proceedings may be taken. Many officials and the public demand that the Sunday trading rules should be abolished in the UK.

Most businesses are closed on public or national holidays.

The main public holidays of the UK are as follows:

Nes Year's Day - 1 January
Good Friday - in April
Easter - in April
Easter Monday - in April
May Day - in May
Christmas - 25 December
Boxing Day - 26 December

In the United States the following main holidays are celebrated:

New Year's Day - 1 January
Washington's Birthday - 20 February
Easter - in April
Memorial Day - in May
Independence Day - 4 July
Labour Day - in September
Veterans' Day - in September
Thanksgiving Day - in November
Christmas Day - 25 December

All the main public or national holidays in the US and UK are bank holidays, which means banks are closed on those days. Besides there are some other bank holidays, when banks and many other businesses are closed.

The bank holidays besides public or national holidays are: Spring or Summer (Bank) Holiday - in May or June Autumn (Bank) Holiday - in August or September

It dates back to the nineteenth century when by the Bank Holiday Act and a Supplementary Act these days were constituted as bank holidays in the UK.

(C.А.Шевелева, В.Е.Стогов "Основы экономики и бизнеса", Москва 2005)

5. Презентация по праздникам. Содержание презентации см. здесь. 

Некоторая информация по праздникам (если нет желания скачивать презентацию)

Good Friday - Великая Пятница на страстной неделе (Passion Week), последняя неделя великого поста (the last week of the Lenten season)

Easter Monday - светлый понедельник (день после Пасхи) (the day after Easter Sunday)

May Day - празднование конца зимы (people celebrate the end of winter)

Boxing Day - rich people give presents to poor people

Washington's Birthday - to honor the office of the Presidency. The first President of the USA is George Washington. 

Independence Day - to celebrate independence of the UK, Declaration of Independence was adopted in 1776. 

Labor Day - people celebrate the end of summer

Veterans' Day - to honor soldiers who survived in wars

Memorial Day - to honor soldiers who gave their lives in past wars. 

Thanksgiving Day - to honor first colonists. 

Презентация по праздникам

6. Найдите английские эквиваленты в тексте

а. Еще в девятнадцатом веке законом о банковских праздниках и дополнением к этому закону эти дни были объявлены в Англии "банковскими праздниками".
b. Переработка сверх установленных часов - явление распространенное и оплачивается по ставкам выше обычных.
с. Многие официальные лица и общественность требуют, чтобы эти правила торговли по воскресеньям были в Англии отменены.
d. Если существующий закон нарушается, могут возбудить уголовное дело.

7. Продолжите предложения

The standard working day in the UK starts at …(9.00) and lasts till (5.00)
Customers can visit banks from (9.30 – 3.30)
Most employees work from Monday through (Friday)
Overtime is …(paid)
On Saturdays and Sundays most businesses are…(closed)
In Britain the law says that on Sundays you can sell …(newspapers, magazines, fresh food)
If you break the law, policemen can take criminal … (proceedings against you)
Most businesses are closed on… (public or national holidays)

8. Грамматические упражнения (см. раздел сайта - грамматика, в зависимости от уровня группы)

9. Скачать видеофрагмент к теме "Праздники и рабочие часы" можно здесь. 

10. Домашнее задание.

Выучить слова урока, пересказать текст-диктант, грамматические упражнения.

Услуги переводчика. 1 страница (1800 знаков с пробелами) - 200 руб.
Дистанционные уроки английского языка, современные методики.
Курсовые, контрольные работы, тесты - на заказ. Проверка на антиплагиат.
Создание сайтов на заказ.