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Shares and Stocks in the UK

Тема: Shares and Stocks in the UK


Цель урока:

учебная – совершенствование лексических навыков по теме «Federal Reserve System of the USA»; формирование лексических навыков по текущей теме;

            познавательная – понятие о ценных бумагах англоязычных стран


Тип урока: комбинированный


1. Вопросы по теме «Federal Reserve System of the USA»

  1. What is the Federal Reserve System?
  2. Why was the country divided into 12 Federal Reserve District?
  3. Does each Federal Reserve District have its own Federal Reserve Bank?
  4. How many branches do the Federal Reserve Banks have? Why do they have branches?
  5. What Board coordinates the activities of the Federal Reserve Banks? What are the functions of the Board of Governors?
  6. How do commercial banks depend on the Federal Reserve Banks?
  7. What bodies determine monetary policy?
  8. What banks do we call incorporated state banks?
  9. What do you know about mutual savings banks? industrial banks?



2. Новый материал "Shares and Stocks in the UK


А. Анализ схемы "Types of Securities” с использованием презентации. (см. Открытый урок/Окончательно/Окончательно 1/ Подробности.)


В. Просмотр видеосюжета, демонстрирующего заполнение чека.


С. Игра "Flash Quiz "Securities” (закрепление результатов)


D. Types of shares in the market (презентация)


E. Игра «Пазлы» (предварительное закрепление материала)



3. Чтение текста «Shares and Stocks in the UK” с использованием компьютерного словаря Google


Shares and Stocks in the UK

The capital of a limited company is divided into shares which may be in units of various value, like 1 pound sterling, or of 0.50, 0.25, or of as little as 0.05.


Shares are of two main types: ordinary shares and preference shares.


Ordinary shares generally carry no fixed rate of dividend but receive a dividend dependent on the amount of net profit earned by the company.


Preference shares generally carry a fixed rate of dividend which is payable before the dividend on the ordinary shares is paid.


There are some other types of shares. For example there are deferred ordinary shares. If you have these shares, you will get dividends in a certain period of time.


There are a few types of preference shares. There are cumulative preference shares and participating preference shares, for instance. They give their holders additional privileges.


Shares can be grouped into units of 100. These units are known as stocks. Stocks, unlike shares, are divisible. It means that fractions of stocks can be bought and sold.



4. Игра «бинго» (закрепление лексического материала)


(Лото – один из студентов тянет из мешка карточки, на которых написаны слова на русском языке. Студенты фишками заполняют таблицу. Победитель тот, кто первым заполнить все клеточки таблицы). 









Preference Share









Carry a fixed rate of dividend





Ordinary Share








Net Profit






Participating Preference Share














5. Работа с функционально-смысловой таблицей «Types of Shares


What types of shares do you know?
























What are their features?

Carry a

fixed rate of







on the amount of net profit

earned by the company































you dividends


















can be in units of various value



6. Упражнение по тексту на заполнение пропущенных слов

(закрепление лексического материала).


Insert words

1. The capital of a limited company is divided into _____________

2. I know the following types of shares: __________________________________



3. Shares can be in units of ____________________________

 4. Ordinary shares carry no _________________________. 

 5. Ordinary shares receive a dividend which depends on __________________________



6. Preference shares carry ___________________________________

 7. When the company is in crises and it cannot pay dividends, buy ______________ 

shares to accumulate you dividends.

 8. _________________shares and ________________________ shares give their holders additional privileges. 

 9. Shares can be grouped into units of 100. We know these units as _______________

 10. Stocks are quoted per 

 11. Stocks are divisible. _____________________ of stocks can be bought and sold.



7. Видеосюжет по видам ценных бумаг.


Our first word is securities. Securities are any investment that is traded publicly like stocks, bonds, mutual funds, hedge funds (страхование от изменения цен активов), exchange traded funds (торгуемый индексный фонд), treasury securities (казначейские ценные бумагигосударственные облигации) etc.


An example of a security is stocks. You can buy a Microsoft stock, an IBM stock, a Coca-Cola stock. When you buy a stock, you own part of the company and you are able to profit from the growth and to lose from the decline. So it can go up or down. These days it usually goes down, because we have a down trend in the economy. So that’s one good way to lose money.


The second good way to lose money is with bonds. Bonds are not ownership of the company but lending the company money. So we can buy a bond in Microsoft or a bond in Coca-Cola which is we are lending Coca-cola money they will give us the money back if they can. But before they can give us money back which could not be for 5, 10, 15, 20 years they have to pay us interests every year. So if we lend them a 100 dollars, we buy a 100 dollars of bonds, they have to pay us 5 dollars a year, if the interest rate is 5 % on those bonds.


The third type of security that we will talk about today is mutual funds. Mutual means like more than one person together. Funds are a collection. So when a bunch of people put their money together, and that fund buys stocks and bonds - different securities. So, the fund will own securities like stocks and bonds.


This is just an introduction to the different types of securities, and the next few videos will provide some additional securties.




What types of securities do you know? 

What trend in economy do we have now? 

What is a bond? 

What is a mutual fund? 


8. Рассмотрение образца обыкновенной акции.


9. Домашнее задание

Выучить слова.

Написать сочинение по теме «What shares would I buy if I were an investor”.

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