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Secretaries. Секретари

Тема: Секретари.


Тип урока: комбинированный.


Цель урока: учебная - совершенствование лексических навыков (Directors and Managers), формирование лексических навыков по теме "Secretaries”; формирование/ совершенствование грамматических навыков по теме «there is/there are”, формирование грамматических навыков (тема выбирается в зависимости от уровня группы).

                        познавательная – сформировать представление о разнице между понятиями «секретарь компании» и «личный секретарь».



1. Ответьте на вопросы по теме «Directors and Managers»

1. How many directors can a private (public) company have?

2. Who elects board of directors in a public company?

3. What are responsibilities of the managing director?

4. Who assists  a general manager?

5. How do you understand the expression "deputy directors”?

6. Are directors subject to any residence or nationality restrictions?

7. What managers are responsible to the managing director?


2. Прокомментируйте схему


Описание схемы:

Marketing Director, Production Director, Sales Director, Personnel Director, Finance Director, Company Secretary are responsible to the Managing Director of the company. The Sales Manager of the Northern Region and the Sales Manager of the Southern Regions are responsible to the Sales Director. Managers of Areas A, B, C, ets. are responsible to the regional sales manager. Sales representatives are responsible to managers of areas A, B, C, etc. 

3. Диктант

In a public company there is no upper limit on the number of directors. The names of directors usually stand on the company’s notepaper. In a private company shareholders elect a board of directors. They appoint one of their number to the position of a managing director to be in charge of the day-to-day running of the company. The managing director is responsible for a company’s affairs. Deputy directors assist the managing director. The managing director is not subject to any nationality or residence restrictions. Sales manager, personnel manager, district manager are responsible to the chief manager.


4. Сравните два понятия: Company Secretary и Private Secretary


Company secretary is

Private secretary is

A properly qualified person

(лицо с соответствующей квалификацией)


A member of a recognized institute or association

(член признанного института или ассоциации)


One of the directors of the company

(один из директоров компании)


Chief administrative officer

(главное административное лицо)


Responsible for the company to comply with company law

(ответственный за то, чтобы компания действовала в соответствии с корпоративным правом)


In charge of shareholders’ meetings, board meetings

(отвечает за собрания акционеров, совета директоров)

A personal assistant of executives

(личный секретарь высших должностных лиц)


Private secretary:

  • answers telephone calls


  • receives messages

(принимать сообщения)


  • makes telephone calls on the instruction of her boss


  • helps to organize meetings and conferences


  • entertains customers, suppliers, associates of the firm

(развлекает клиентов, поставщиков, партнеров фирмы)


  • deals with the correspondence of her boss

(имеет дело с корреспонденцией своего начальника)


  • writes letters of introduction, congratulation, condolence, invitations, replies to invitations

(пишет рекомендательные письма, письма- поздравления, письма-соболезнования, приглашения, ответы на приглашения)


  • makes appointments

(назначает встречи)


  • uses office equipment

(использует офисное оборудование


5. Составьте диалог на тему «Разговор личного секретаря и секретаря компании» по следующему образцу:


Secretary: What are my tasks for today?

Boss: You should…

Secretary: And should I…?

Boss: Yes, you should. And you should ….

Secretary: Should I…?

Boss: Yes, you should. And you should…

Secretary: And what are your responsibilities?


6. Задание для студентов, рассказавших диалог

There is/ there are


1. В Великобритании существует два типа секретарей.

2. В нашей компании несколько видов поставщиков.

3. В этой стране работает несколько заводов General Electric.

4. На столе лежат два поздравительных письма, три приглашения, два рекомендательных письма, письмо-соболезнование и ответ на приглашение.

5. В США 50 штатов.

6. Я не помню, сколько графств в Англии.

7. В учебнике «Основы экономики и бизнеса» 20 разделов.

8. В приемной - 3 клиента.

9. На сегодня – 3 встречи.

10. В нашем офисе много офисного оборудования.

11. Сколько компьютеров в вашем офисе?

12. Сколько акционеров в офисе?

13. Сколько директоров в совете директоров?

14. Сколько законов в корпоративном праве?

15. Сколько аккредитованных (признанных) институтов в этой стране?


7. Read the following text:



There are two types of secretaries: company secretaries and private secretaries of executives.


Every company, both in Great Britain and the United States, is required, under the law, to have a company secretary.


In the case of private companies the directors are free to appoint any suitable person for this position.


But in the case of public companies the company secretary must be a properly qualified person, a member of a recognised institute or association. He or she may be one of the directors of the company. But if the company has only one director, the director cannot also be the secretary.


The company secretary is the chief administrative officer of the company. He or she is normally responsible for the company, to comply with company law.


The correspondence of the company secretary, is particularly concerned with shareholders' meetings, board meetings and various forms that must be sent outside. The company secretary may also deal with enquiries for information concerning other firms, although the accounts department often handles these matters. Administrative questions come into the sphere of company secretary, under instructions of the board of directors.


As to private secretaries of executives they are practically personal assistants of executives. A secretary answers telephone calls, receives messages and makes telephone calls on the instruction of her boss.


A secretary also helps in organization of meetings and conferences, entertainments of visiting customers, suppliers and other associates of the firm. She also deals with all the correspondence of her boss.


Secretaries write letters on making appointments or travel arrangements, letters of introduction, congratulation or condolence, invitations and replies to invitations.


Secretaries use various office equipment, like microcomputers, fax machines, photocopying machines and others.


8. Вставьте слова по тексту

1. The company secretary is normally responsible for the company, to comply with company__________________

2. He is particularly concerned with various ______________that must be sent outside.

3. Although the accounts department often handles these __________________________

4. Administrative questions come into the sphere of the company secretary, under instructions of the board of directors.

5. As to private secretaries of executives they are practically ____________________of executives.

6. A secretary answers telephone calls, receives messages and makes telephone calls on the _________________of her boss.

7. Secretaries write _______________on making appointments or travel arrangements, _________________of introduction, congratulation or condolence, invitations and replied to invitations.

8. Secretaries use various ________________, like computers, fax machines and others.


9. Грамматика


10. Домашнее задание.

Составить рассказ – рабочий день секретаря.

Услуги переводчика. 1 страница (1800 знаков с пробелами) - 200 руб.
Дистанционные уроки английского языка, современные методики.
Курсовые, контрольные работы, тесты - на заказ. Проверка на антиплагиат.
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