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Developed and developing countries

Тема: Developed and developing countries


Цель урока:

учебная – совершенствование лексических навыков по теме «Marketing»; формирование лексических навыков по текущей теме;

            познавательная – понятие о развитых и развивающихся странах.


Тип урока: комбинированный



  1. Вопросы по теме «Marketing »
  1. What is the marketing mix?
  2. What is the product? What does it involve? What is the branding policy?
  3. What is the price? Does this notion include discounts?
  4. What is the promotion? Is it the same as advertising?
  5. What is the place?
  6. What is market research?
  7. Do you think that the first commercial was effective and more passengers started choosing this service for their flights?
  8. Did more people subscribe to the What Hi-Fi? magazine?
  9. What do you think the effect of the third commercial was?
  10. Did you like the words "At value for money prices”?
  11. Where else do you think they could be used?


  1. Видеосюжет «Маркетинг»

1. What is marketing? (is getting people to buy by any means necessary)

2. What does marketing include? (advertizing, personal selling – calling, going door-to-door, having billboards, sending letters in the mail, radio, internet, newspapers, TV)

3. What is the aim of marketing? (to get exchange)

4. What do we exchange in business (money for a product)

5. What is exchange dependent on? (value)

6. What is value? (something that worths)

7. What is the value of the money? (can get food with the money)

8. Why is value is so important in marketing? (you must explain the valued of the good to make the customer buy it).

9. What is a value message? (in TV advertising - we sell a book which will teach you French for 30 days; sell a device on the engine of your car to save money on gasoline, and it costs 29 dollars, in 3 months we will pay this product off – that is the value)



  1. Согласитесь или не согласитесь
  1. Only professional can make good commercials. (know psychology, feel the language, to have a good command of the language, to know the customer…)
  2. Every commercial hits the target. (if it is not made by a professional, it doesn’t hit the target…)
  3. Commercials make the most popular forms of advertising. (there are leaflets, brochures ['brqVS(V)q], stickers…)
  4. Commercials are not very expensive.
  5. Advertising is an art.



  1. Презентация слов по теме: «Developed and developing countries»

1. Developing country

(low-income countries)

Развивающаяся страна

Developing countries are low-income and middle-income countries.

2. The average (high) standard of living

Средний уровень жизни

The average standard of living is low compared with living standards in the USA and Europe.

3. Developed countries


Developed countries are countries of high standards of living.

4. striking feature

Замечательная черта

The most striking feature of the world economy is a great difference between the average incomes of people in develop countries and in developing countries.

5. unequally distributed

To be equal to smth

Unequal, equality, inequality


Неравномерно распределенный

World income is unequally distributed.

6. world’s output

Выход продукции в мире

The richer countries contain 25 % of the world’s population but they produce 75 % of the world’s output.

7. face problems

Иметь проблемы

Developing countries face the following problems.

8. low-productivity agriculture

Сельское хозяйство с низкой производительностью


9. labour force (rural)

Рабочая сила (сельский)

70% of labour force works on the land. Most population is rural.

10. scarce equipment


Скудное оборудование


Equipment is scarce.

11. poor natural resources

Малое количество природных ресурсов

Developing countries have poor natural resources.

12. supplies of natural resources

Запасы полезных ископаемых

They have very poor supplies of natural resources.

13. unfavorable climate

Неблагоприятный климат

The climate is unfavorable; it is either hot or dry.

14. soil lacking in fertility

Почвы, бедные плодородием

They have soil lacking in fertility, desert areas.

15. desert areas


16. to be fortunate

Быть удачливым

But some countries are fortunate. They possess mineral deposits (oil).

17. possess mineral deposits

Владеть месторождениями полезных ископаемых

18. large-scale unemployment

Крупномасштабная безработица

Another problem of d. countries is a large-scale unemployment due to population growth.

19. Population growth




4. Мигающие слова – презентации (для заучивания слов)


5. Разделить класс на 2 группы. Группы поочередно задают вопросы друг другу с активной лексикой урока. Правильно заданный вопрос – 2 очка. Правильный ответ – 1 очко.

6. Прочитать текст "Developed and Developing countries. Major economic problems"



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