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Competition, Marketing and Finance

Тема: Competition, Marketing and Finance


Цель урока:

учебная – совершенствование лексических навыков по теме «The Beginning of a Business Plan»; формирование лексических навыков по текущей теме;

            познавательная – понятие о структуре бизнес-плана.


Тип урока: комбинированный



  1. Вопросы по теме «The Beginning of a Business Plan»
  1. What is the most important document of any company?
  2. What companies have a business plan? How often is it updated?
  3. With what is the business plan compared?
  4. Is it easy to succeed in business without a business plan? Why?
  5. Is it possible to obtain financial assistance from a bank without a fully worked-out business plan?
  6. What sections does any business plan include?
  7. What is an executive summary? What section follows the executive summary?
  8. What can you say about the section "A description of the company”?
  9. What is a mission statement? Give an example of a mission statement.
  10. Why should any business plan contain a section of management?
  11. What can you say about a section of products and pricing? Is this section very detailed ['di:teIl]?
  12. When can a financial year start? When is its beginning chosen?
  13. What can you say about the tax year? What are the reasons for such a strange year?
  14. What objectives of the business plan can you name?
  15. Translate: покупка и установка (purchase and installation), реконструкция (rearrangement), рекламная кампания (advertising campaign), сузить ассортимент (to narrow down the product range), исследовать возможность (investigate the possibility), достичь оборота (to achieve sales), управлять товарооборотом (to handle sales), выполнять (implement), бухгалтерские программа (accounting package), заграничная валюта (overseas currency), программа контроля накладных (invoicing facility).


  1. Согласитесь или не согласитесь с утверждением. Если вы не согласны, объясните свою позицию.


  1. The Business Plan is a very important document. (T)
  2. The Business Plan is normally very short. (F)
  3. Only small companies have Business Plans. (F)
  4. Once a Plan has been made it is never changed. (F)
  5. When a business starts it is always run by one person only. (F)
  6. It is difficult to succeed without having a Business Plan. (T)
  7. It is quite normal for a company to obtain finance from a bank without presenting a Business Plan. (F)
  8. The executive summary contains a description of the company. (F)
  9. The mission statement may sound very grand, f.e., to become the largest manufacturer by turnover. (T)
  10. A section of the management is not indispensable in the Business Plan. (F)
  11. The Business Plan always states the company’s objectives. (T)
  12. Each objective is related to a certain subheading. (T)
  13. Every Business plan contains objectives for two years only. (F)
  14. Only the following objectives may be stated in the Plan: production, marketing, sales and personnel. (F)


  1. Заполните пропуски словами и выражениями (на оценку)
  1. Without a ____________ ______________, it is very difficult to succeed in business. (Business Plan)
  2. Usually a Business Plan starts with an executive _______________. (summary)
  3. Then a ______________of the company usually comes. (description)
  4. The __________ ___________may be very grand, for example, to endeavor to become the largest manufacturer by turnover. (mission statement)
  5. The section of ____________contains the names, ages, experience and qualifications of the managers. (management)
  6. The section of products and ___________ say how those products have been priced and how the prices may change in future. (pricing)
  7. To ____________ ______________ from a bank, you must have a Business Plan. (obtain assistance)
  8. All large companies __________a business plan every year. (update)
  9. The section of a description of the company contains information about the l_ _ _ _ _ _ n of the company and b _ _ _ _ _ts you can gain from it. (location, benefits)
  10. Try to d_ _ _ _ _e prices if you want to s_ _ _ _ _d in business. (decrease, succeed)
  11. Don’t p_ _ _ _ _ _e this equipment. It is very difficult to i_ _ _ _ _l it. (purchase, install)
  12. Sales will increase if we start an _______________ campaign. (advertising)
  13. If you want to succeed in business, never narrow down the product __________. (range)
  14. Please, ____________ the possibility of exporting to the Middle East and Japan. (investigate)
  15. Arrange and ______________ training for all staff concerned with the new production line. (implement)
  16. Install new accounting ___________and invoicing __________on all computers. (package, facility)
  17. Do you have any _____________currencies? (overseas)



  1. Новая тема: «Competition and Marketing». Презентация новых слов

1. competition

Competing companies




Конкурирующие компании


The competition section of the business plan contains information about the main competitors, how they can affect the business.

2. affect the business

Повлиять на бизнес (отрицательно)

3. to announce (announcement)



The company must take into account if its competitors announced that they had launched a new product.

4. to launch a new product

Начать выпуск нового продукта

5. to take into account

Принять во внимание

6. assess advantages

Оценить преимущества

It is necessary to assess advantages of the competition.

7. regardless of smth

Независимо от чего-либо

Regardless of unfavorable events, the company must increase capacity to keep up with the market and to move ahead of competitors. 

8. to increase capacity

Увеличить мощность

9. to keep up with the market

Идти в ногу с рынком

10. to move ahead of competitors

Опережать конкурентов

11. research new ideas

Изучать новые идеи

The company must also research new ideas and estimate its losses.

12. estimate

Оценивать (приблизительно)


  1. Игра "Тройные определения»


Ученики чертят квадрат три на три и заполняют любыми выражениями. Учитель дает описательно смысл предлагаемых выше лексических единиц. Ученики вычеркивают те лексические единицы, которые подходят под предложенные определения. Победитель тот, кто вычеркнул все слова по горизонтали, вертикали или диагонали.


Competition – it is a contest ['kPntest] (a struggle) between two or more companies in the market. Companies try to provide better services, supply better goods to be the best.


Competitor – one of the competing companies.


Affect the business – to have a bad effect [I'fekt] on the company, to influence the company badly.


To announce – to communicate, to declare that your competitor has launched a new product.


To launch a new product – to start producing new goods


To take into account – to think about smth., to take into consideration, bear [beq] in mind.


To assess – to estimate, to determine, to judge, to value, to weigh.


Advantage – dominance, preference, superiority, favor, good, help, interest, luck, power, profit, protection


Regardless of smth – uninterested, unmindful, inattentive, insensitive, neglectful.


Increase  move up, to grow, to develop, to build up, to enhance, to extend, to progress.


Capacity – volume, extent, expanse, mass, measure, proportions, quantity, range, scope, size, space


To keep up with – to be equal, to be even, to match, to meet, to be parallel


Research – to investigate, to examine, to study, to analyze, to explore, to inquire.



  1. Прочитать текст «Competition, marketing, finance»


Here are a few other sections of a Business Plan:


  • Competition

Competing Companies

This section will describe who are the main competitors to your company and how they might affect the business over the period of the Business Plan. It might be, for example, that one of the main competitors of the company has announced that they will be launching a new product. This will need to be taken into account in the Business Plan.


Competitive Advantage

It is necessary to assess very clearly what advantages the company might have over the competition – and what advantages the competitors have. The company might have better quality staff and more modern machinery; the competitors might have a better location or better advertising.


  • Marketing

Regardless of what has been listed under the company’s objectives, it is necessary to show those who will read the business Plan that the company has developed a marketing strategy which has identified what market or markets the company sees itself as being in, and how it will develop them.


  • Manufacturing

The heart of most businesses is the manufacture of their products. Such companies will need to state what their plans are for manufacturing – how the capacity will be increased, how machinery will be kept up-to-date, how new technology will be introduced, etc.


  • Research and Development (R&D)

Most companies need to develop their products and their services over time if they wish to keep up with the markets and, if possible, move ahead of their competitors. Whether the company supplies goods or services it will need to research new ideas and then to develop those ideas to the point at which they can be marketed. R&D is expensive, but is absolutely vital. Consumers require the very best in design, convenience and appearance and any company that does not carry out R&D will very soon find itself out of business.


  • Finance


Historical financial date

This section will contain figures for the financial performance of the company over the last few years. It is there that people using the Business Plan can see how the company developed in the past.


Financial projections

The heart of the Business Plan is in the Financial Projections (планы) sections. It provides information on what the company thinks it will have to spend and what it believes it can earn on sales over the period of the Business Plan. The section may contain various calculations, costs, earnings as well as:

  • a cash flow(денежный поток)  analysis for each year
  • an income statement (отчет о прибылях) for each year
  • a projected balance sheet (планируемый баланс) for each year
  • some key ratio analysis (анализ ключевых показателей)



If the company sees that it will require overdrafts, loans or investments, it will need to say so in this section and say what the effects of the money will most probably be. Most importantly it will need to say what return it can offer on the investment and how much interest it is estimating it will have to pay for the overdrafts and loans. These will, of course, have been built into the financial projections in the previous section.



  1. Переведите на английский язык.


  1. Эта глава описывает, кто главные конкуренты вашей компании и как они могут отрицательно повлиять на бизнес в течение периода, оговоренного бизнес-планом.
  2. Один из главных конкурентов компании объявил о начале выпуска нового продукта.
  3. Необходимо четко оценить, какие преимущества компания может иметь в конкурентной борьбе – и преимущества, которые имеют конкуренты.
  4. У конкурентов может быть более выгодное расположение и реклама лучше.
  5. Независимо от того, что было перечислено как цели компании, необходимо показать тем, кто будет читать бизнес-план, что компания разработала маркетинговую стратегию…
  6. Как будет увеличена мощность, как машины будут поддерживаться на современном уровне
  7. Если они хотят держаться в ному с рынком, опережать конкурентов.
  8. Поставляет ли компания товары или услуги, ей нужно разрабатывать новые идеи…
  9. Потребители требуют самого лучшего…
  10. Отчет о прибыли
  11. Если компания считает, что ей нужны овердрафты, займы или инвестиции…
  12. …какой доход она может предложить с инвестиций, какой процент, по ее оценкам, она будет платить по овердрафтам и займам.


  1. Грамматика


  1. Домашнее задание
  1. Выучить слова
  2. Уметь рассказывать о главах бизнес-плана, посвященных конкуренции и финансам, по ключевым словам.
  3. Прочитать текст:


Presenting a Business Plan

Here are a few extracts of a business Plan presentation to the audience:


Extract 1

My talk concentrates on the Dale location and the planning we have carried out (проводить) so far. It is divided into three main parts – as you can see – this short introduction, then a few words on the site at Dale, then an overview of the environmental costs. After the environmental costs, we’ll look at other costs. Аfter that, we’ll break for a discussion, if everyone is happy with that.


Extract 2

Now…the first picture (слайд) to show you on this, on the environmental costs, clearly shows that construction accounts for over 60 %, while the environmental costs amount to around 12 %, shown by this segment ['segmqnt] here. That’s a lot less than the land purchase.


Extract 3.

Moving on…I thought you would be interested in a comparison – looking at the costs of the environmental expenditure for Dale – with some other possible sites – and as you can see by the chart – it’s very good. In fact, it would cost well below the average. Only one is a slight bet (немного)…small bit (намного) cheaper. (оговорка)


Extract 4.

This picture, the next one her, shows initial investment, rising in the first year, beginning to fall during year two, then – you see - falling after about a year and a half…then the decline in investment costs will continue.
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